RT's mixed compound cruising experiments

I am feeling great on the EQ/Test 60mg/60mg per week these past couple weeks.
Still no gyno and skin is improved.

Started getting stricter with my diet to head into this recomp cycle.
Down to an even 200 lb currently.

I am going to ask in the lab section to hopefully get replies but I really want you guys to let me know what you think about these blood results?
If you have time to comment, here is the thread I started in the labs section: Pre-Cycle Bloods Advice/insight greatly appreciated | MESO-Rx Forum

thanks and I hope to be starting my blast/cycle as soon as I get my bloods figured out to make sure I am doing everything safely.

After reading this article I am going to start hCG again tonight.

I had been off HCG since the end of my blast about 20 weeks ago.
I planned on cycling HCG 3 months on 3 months off (to prevent any desensitization) but off time got extended while I waited to sort out this cruise and plan my next cycle. I did not want to introduce another variable into the cruise which would further complicates things. It has been nearly 20 weeks cruising on only test/EQ and multiple bloodworks so I am confident I have a good feel for how my body is reacting to the EQ/Test mix.

I plan to start my next cycle very soon -- hopefully next week!
Just reading up on some things and allowing time for feedback on my pre-cycle bloods etc to make sure I get things right. I will post my planned blast/cycle in the next day or two.

Tonight I am starting HCG at 200iu MWF.
Ok, everything looks good to go for my 16-week blast so I plan to start tomorrow.
Details can be found in the cycle log here:
RT's long way to the top | MESO-Rx Forum

I will be posting there for the duration of that cycle and I hope someone will find it informative.
Thank you to everyone here that followed my cruise and helped give me input/ideas.
I will return to this thread once my 16-week cycle is over and I start cruising again!