RT's mixed compound cruising experiments

I second this, hopefully he knows
Just looked back at one of his previous labs (pharmacom GH labs) in November. His hematocrit was at 49%, hemoglobin 16.1, and RBC's 5.68. All are borderline values and if he did not donate or hell even if he did I can see how low dose test and Low dose EQ can cause this slight increase in values.

From my experience, on TRT test dose alone my hematocrit and hemoglobin has increased about 1% each per month. So, from my perspective his recent numbers would not be a dramatic increase for me.
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I second this, hopefully he knows

Just looked back at one of his previous labs (pharmacom GH labs) in November. His hematocrit was at 49%, hemoglobin 16.1, and RBC's 5.68. All are borderline values and if he did not donate or hell even if he did I can see how low dose test and Low dose EQ can cause this slight increase in values.

From my experience, on TRT test dose alone my hematocrit and hemoglobin has increased about 1% each per month. So, from my perspective his recent numbers would not be a dramatic increase for me.

Yes, those November 2015 bloods are the previous ones, 100mg Watson Cyp + 1mg Adex from "Pharmacist" per week, and here I try to repost them below




Don't look how you expected, in regards to what?

Mainly in regards to my Testosterone and E2 levels;
how can they be so extreme?
by this I mean how can my TT be 450 on only 30mg Test-E a week?
and I split it 2x a week so the bloods were taken 24 hr after ~15mg of Test-E.
Also, if my TT is 450 how can I have totally crashed ZERO E2 without using any AI?
but when I have a TT at 600 - 900 range I need 1mg Adex minimally just to keep from shooting up into 50+ E2.

is there something I am ignorant to or overlooking?

I know I did things accurately and even posted the exact markings I pull each compound up to on the slin pins -- I for sure have been pinning 90mg EQ + 30mg Test-E each week and keep a log book to make sure I never miss a dosage or double up.

I understand that my RBC / Hematocrit would steadily rise; although it is annoying and I was really hoping/expecting it would have come back in range (since my cruise is very modest dosages), I do understand I must just react this way and it is what it is so I will go donate tomorrow if they will take me.

Thank you for having a look, I know it is not anyone else's problem, so I do appreciate the help since I have no one in my life that I can talk to face-to-face about this stuff (my doc is an ass and no one I know uses responsibly nor are they informed).
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I actually felt worse, bad enough to try something new with those good November numbers. I thought maybe being on an AI for a year was hurting me in some way.

Now with these confusing new numbers and no AI I have been feeling better (way less sides and overall just feeling better in every way except the lower sex-drive recently).

I am confused.
Anyway, thanks again -- I am off to bed.
I will go donate tomorrow to try to get those RBC numbers in check.

When was the last time you took Tamoxifen and arimidex?
Is it possible with a half life of 5-7 days tamoxifen is still in your system (depending on last dose)? I'm guessing with atleast 3 half lives your looking at a max of 21 days. If I can remember correctly you were taking both together or fairly close. Could this have caused both to properly do their jobs and crash your E2?

Additionally, "if" the tamoxifen is just clearing your system and being on such a low dose of testosterone split bi weekly, your body hasn't produced enough estrogen to raise levels.

In the past, when you pinned your 100mg test Watson, did you pin once weekly? If so, higher peaks may produce higher estrogen as E follows T. Thoughts??
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When was the last time you took Tamoxifen and arimidex?
Is it possible with a half life of 5-7 days tamoxifen is still in your system (depending on last dose)? I'm guessing with atleast 3 half lives your looking at a max of 21 days. If I can remember correctly you were taking both together or fairly close. Could this have caused both to properly do their jobs and crash your E2?

Additionally, "if" the tamoxifen is just clearing your system and being on such a low dose of testosterone split bi weekly, your body hasn't produced enough estrogen to raise levels.

In the past, when you pinned your 100mg test Watson, did you pin once weekly? If so, higher peaks may produce higher estrogen as E follows T. Thoughts??

I have not used adex since around Aug -- slowly reducing dosages and frequency; I had some Aromasin on hand so I used that for AI during the most of this cruise. Yes, I was also on Tamoxifen at 10mg day at the same time.

I dropped all AI and SERM at the second week of December 2015.
Since that time I have not taken anything at all other than my cruise pins.

I always pin long esters twice weekly and as such my 100mg Watson was split into two 50mg pins on Sun and Weds.

What is really strange to me is that fact that my TT is 450 now but I have no E2.
Forget about if my EQ is Test or if anything is bunk or wrong labels or dosages or I measured wrong etc -- bottom line is whatever I am on is giving me 450 TT; how is it then that without any AI I have crashed E2? that is the main thing that I am not understanding.

I do feel decent.
Also, hey did accept me and I just got back from donating. Hopefully that bring those blood count numbers down a bit.
I really wish I had an idea for you.... It's bizarre, but you're right, a few things don't add up.

The hema. Levels are elevated, but much more than I'd guess with that little EQ.

Mind if I ask why you are sure your EQ isn't test?
I have not used adex since around Aug -- slowly reducing dosages and frequency; I had some Aromasin on hand so I used that for AI during the most of this cruise. Yes, I was also on Tamoxifen at 10mg day at the same time.

I dropped all AI and SERM at the second week of December 2015.
Since that time I have not taken anything at all other than my cruise pins.

I always pin long esters twice weekly and as such my 100mg Watson was split into two 50mg pins on Sun and Weds.

What is really strange to me is that fact that my TT is 450 now but I have no E2.
Forget about if my EQ is Test or if anything is bunk or wrong labels or dosages or I measured wrong etc -- bottom line is whatever I am on is giving me 450 TT; how is it then that without any AI I have crashed E2? that is the main thing that I am not understanding.

I do feel decent.
Also, hey did accept me and I just got back from donating. Hopefully that bring those blood count numbers down a bit.

I agree this is pretty strange. Bottom line 450TT, NO AI in over a month, and crashed E2.

Do you have a labmax on hand? Any chance your EQ is Mast?
Taking low Mast (with its AI properties) yet and still 3X the weekly testosterone dose ... Think that's a possibility?
Wouldn't having mast instead of EQ also explain your high test serum levels for such a low dose of test?
I agree this is pretty strange. Bottom line 450TT, NO AI in over a month, and crashed E2.

Do you have a labmax on hand? Any chance your EQ is Mast?
Taking low Mast (with its AI properties) yet and still 3X the weekly testosterone dose ... Think that's a possibility?
Wouldn't having mast instead of EQ also explain your high test serum levels for such a low dose of test?

I really wish I had an idea for you.... It's bizarre, but you're right, a few things don't add up.

The hema. Levels are elevated, but much more than I'd guess with that little EQ.

Mind if I ask why you are sure your EQ isn't test?

You are right guys, I don't know for sure; honestly, I just assumed it must be EQ because if it were test then that would mean I am taking 120mg a week and my TT was lower than when I was using 100mg Cyp.

I will try to LabMax it soon.

Also, I think maybe there could have been an error with my E2. I do not know if that is possible or common, but I will look into getting another test done if my doc will include it with my physical I am supposed to have coming up soon.

If I get a LabMax done I will post it in the lab results section and then link to it here in the log.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, much apprenticed.
You are right guys, I don't know for sure; honestly, I just assumed it must be EQ because if it were test then that would mean I am taking 120mg a week and my TT was lower than when I was using 100mg Cyp.

I will try to LabMax it soon.

Also, I think maybe there could have been an error with my E2. I do not know if that is possible or common, but I will look into getting another test done if my doc will include it with my physical I am supposed to have coming up soon.

If I get a LabMax done I will post it in the lab results section and then link to it here in the log.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, much apprenticed.
Just seems unlikely to me that it ISNT test, right? High TT from what else? Obviously it's not natural T as your body is shut down from the exogenous test/EQ/whatever... However, this doesn't explain the hematocrit levels. Unless it's EQ and the test is overdosed (God forbid a UGL would ever do that :))
Either way, your concern is valid. I find the least likely scenario to be that the bloodwork test was somehow botched.

Don't assume you KNOW how the EQ would be dosed if it was test. Unlikely they'd do the same mg/ml if they're botching the vials. Could be prop, enanthate, who knows what at who knows what dose.... Just a thought.
Im leaning towards botched e-2 test. With your hematocrit that high you had to have eq in the mix and like wunder says your test could be OD.
Im leaning towards botched e-2 test. With your hematocrit that high you had to have eq in the mix and like wunder says your test could be OD.

I hear you brother, but I've seen an EQ that high after a blast of Npp/low test followed by TRT. No EQ.

Dosage Adjustment:
30mg EQ
30mg Test-E
each pin Sun/Weds; therefore, 60mg of each total per week.

This is with the assumption my labels are accurate to what they say (I do not know this as a fact and am only going off of assumptions based upon posted Anaboliclabs results as well as my previous positive experience with the source).

I am hoping by droping the EQ a little and upping the Test a little, I will keep the total AAS usage to the same 120mg total per week but with an increase in TT and a little less EQ RBC/HEmoglubin/Hematocrit increase. In addition, I would think the increase (doubling from 15mg per pin to 30 mg) in Test-E should lead to a corresponding rise in E2.
I successfully dropped the E2 without any AI present so now I will try to let it rise into a more ideal range.

After all, I came into this knowing it would be an experiment so I guess I was just too greedy hoping the first ratio would work out ideally. The main goal was less E2 and that happened. Now I just need to dial things in a bit.

Also, I will be LabMax'ing the EQ as soon as possible to at least try to get some additional information about my specific vial.