Running epistane 40 mg ed for 6 weeks.

I have no clue why any educated person would ever take that shit over a test only cycle lol it just screams "I need to read more"..

OP, how's your diet looking?

Also, age? Height, weight?
I have no clue why any educated person would ever take that shit over a test only cycle lol it just screams "I need to read more"..

OP, how's your diet looking?
I am running this for 6 weeks at a calorie deficit of 2500. Bf % is 20, and I am just trying to dry out first with this and 4 days hit cardio a week, then take 2 months off. Feb next yr I will do test e for 12 height is 5 10, and I am 176lbs
Also, age? Height, weight?
Honestly man, just drop that crap now.Order some albuterol, preferably from @pharmacist on here, and do your HIIT routine 6 days a week. Drop your bf down a few percent and if you're going to use test with our without anyone's opinion on here, use it at 500mg a week by itself.

Get the female hormone panel blood test BEFORE you cycle. You may think it's not really necessary but it seriously is if you're going to cycle. Using steroids can be very dangerous or it can be very simple to do if you read enough of the right information. You have tip know what your body is normally like, so if you run into problems on cycle you can get blood tests again and pinpoint the cause(s). You also do it so you can check your estrogen levels mid cycle and adjust your aromatase inhibitor.

albuterol helps a ton with losing fat and heightening your energy levels.

Taking care of your liver is a big thing, stay away from orals all together is your best bet.

If you can use an injectable form of something, like I use injectable anadrol, it's much easier on the liver. The oral route is not the best option.

Read up on where to get your steroids too. There's, you can see which UGL's are producing properly dosed gear, with no microbial contamination or heavy metal. Make your decision and then research the source/website you're going to be buying that UGL's gear from do you don't get sold vegetable oil.

Make sure you understand what a post cycle therapy is and why it is important if you plan on maintaining what you gain on cycle, and especially if you want to keep your balls, or have kids, or just recover faster all around. It's good for you. Look into human chorionic gonadotropin.

Have an aromatase inhibitor on hand, again, get pharmacy grade products from @pharmacist, don't take chances with that stuff. Get all ancillaries from him, and use only ugl's who have consistent reviews and properly dosed, non-contaminated gear. If they happen to have a thread somewhere on here, find itand read all the way through it.

Ask questions when you need to. That's what this board is for. People help each other.
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Honestly man, just drop that crap now.Order some albuterol, preferably from @pharmacist on here, and do your HIIT routine 6 days a week. Drop your bf down a few percent and if you're going to use test with our without anyone's opinion on here, use it at 500mg a week by itself.

Get the female hormone panel blood test BEFORE you cycle. You may think it's not really necessary but it seriously is if you're going to cycle. Using steroids can be very dangerous or it can be very simple to do if you read enough of the right information. You have tip know what your body is normally like, so if you run into problems on cycle you can get blood tests again and pinpoint the cause(s). You also do it so you can check your estrogen levels mid cycle and adjust your aromatase inhibitor.

albuterol helps a ton with losing fat and heightening your energy levels.

Taking care of your liver is a big thing, stay away from orals all together is your best bet.

If you can use an injectable form of something, like I use injectable anadrol, it's much easier on the liver. The oral route is not the best option.

Read up on where to get your steroids too. There's, you can see which UGL's are producing properly dosed gear, with no microbial contamination or heavy metal. Make your decision and then research the source/website you're going to be buying that UGL's gear from do you don't get sold vegetable oil.

Make sure you understand what a post cycle therapy is and why it is important if you plan on maintaining what you gain on cycle, and especially if you want to keep your balls, or have kids, or just recover faster all around. It's good for you. Look into human chorionic gonadotropin.

Have an aromatase inhibitor on hand, again, get pharmacy grade products from @pharmacist, don't take chances with that stuff. Get all ancillaries from him, and use only ugl's who have consistent reviews and properly dosed, non-contaminated gear. If they happen to have a thread somewhere on here, find itand read all the way through it.

Ask questions when you need to. That's what this board is for. People help each other.
Thanks for the advice! Alot of good research there I need to look into first, and would have not thought about it that way either. I will put a post up in a few to update and or log how my cycle is going. You have been a big help
They sent me clomedex? I am gonna order clomed just to be sure probably, but from forums I have read, an otc pct is good enough for epi only cycle. I am taking milk thisle also
@Spooby gave you some great information that shouldn't be ignored. Throw the epi in the trash and if you're too scared to put a needle in your ass you're better off staying natty. I've ran a ph cycle and will never do so again as it was harsh on my body an yielded minimal gains.