Running epistane 40 mg ed for 6 weeks.

@Spooby gave you some great information that shouldn't be ignored. Throw the epi in the trash and if you're too scared to put a needle in your ass you're better off staying natty. I've ran a ph cycle and will never do so again as it was harsh on my body an yielded minimal gains.
Epi is not a PH. Read what I posted above. It's a designer steroid. It goes into your system just like Dball does or anavar. A PH needs to be converted to work, a steroid does not. Not being crass, you may know this but just in case....;);)
@Spooby gave you some great information that shouldn't be ignored. Throw the epi in the trash and if you're too scared to put a needle in your ass you're better off staying natty. I've ran a ph cycle and will never do so again as it was harsh on my body an yielded minimal gains.
I am going to try this out and keep this thread going with my cycle. This will be experience for me and everyone watching this. I have an investment now on this. I will update my stats and do before, during, and after pics throughout my cycle. I may order 3 bottles of test e.and adex, and start in 2 weeks injections.
I am going to try this out and keep this thread going with my cycle. This will be experience for me and everyone watching this. I have an investment now on this. I will update my stats and do before, during, and after pics throughout my cycle. I may order 3 bottles of test e.and adex, and start in 2 weeks injections.
More power to ya but if I were you I would sell or stash the epi and just order some aas. To each their own though. Good luck and keep us updated.
Epistane is awesome at 50-70 mg ed.
It's even better stacked with test prop @ 150 mg eod. :) So get some.
Oral only cycles are retarded!
If you wanted to run a proper cycle 8 weeks. I would start the test p a week before you start the Epi and run it a week after finishing the Epi.
That would be a legit cycle.