Running HGH AND GH peptides

You are messing up the terminology a bit here, weaseling yourself out of proverbial ditch you got yourself in.

We were talking about shutdown in a sense of not producing and releasing your own endogenous hormones in the blood circulation FOR A SUSTAINED PERIOD OF TIME, after the use of said compounds. Off course the pituitary "shutdown's" after a single bolus release of GH. But this is not shutdown as it relates to the use of the term established prior to your reply in the thread and the general use of the term established in the aas community. So stop weaseling yourself out on a "technicality" as you are just muddying the waters here.

And just to make things clear, for anybody using only two brain cells reading this: the use of growth hormone secretagogues, does not shutdown endogenous GH production, rather, its using your own production of hormones, it releases your own stored GH - hence the name "GH secretagogues". After you stop using the peptides, your natural production is still up and running. If your igf1 levels are much above your natural levels, the production might theoretically be a bit lowered for a day or two, but honestly, this is just speculation and it really doesn't matter, it's irrelevant.
So what would be your schedule if you were using GH and peptides together?
I've ran mk-677 at 25mg for roughly 2.5months and was pleased with the results. While the anabolism doesn't compare to hgh, for me the cosmetic benefits (skin and hair) of mk-677 were better than 2iu gh but then again I wasn't on gear when I ran the mk-677. I have considered adding mk-677 to my 4iu hgh but I don't know if it will be worth it. It's hard to research because there isn't much data from combining the two.

I know this thread is old but hoping to hear some others input or experience
Type-IIX has discussed a negative feedback between gh secretagogues and hgh and suggested a sane means of doing both somewhere in the gh fat loss thread but I don’t recall the specifics.
it takes 4 days JUST to get GH to produce again as when they see natural ratios of the GH isoforms . as seen in USADA as a means to see if folks are using exogenous gh. ie it would appear nearing complete shutdown for 4 days and there after it is likely to SLOWLY return.. but im not sure any real science on this in healthy folks about returning