Does this work if I have my settings to where it doesn’t store the location info of my photos taken?

I’d love to be able to find the location of some of the photos I’ve taken.

If you don't trust your phone with not fucking it up, use an exif cleaner before uploading images to meso or other sites where you could be possibly doxed. And it's better not to trust your phone with such things.

Usually it was enough to save your photos as png files to remove exif info, but since exif support was introduced to png files a few years back it's not a fool proof method anymore. Some converters might still add exif info to png files without asking or you oversee the option etc.

Go with an exif cleaner tool if you want to be sure.

You can use something like this to remove exif info from images

And check here if your images have any exif metadata in it (like gps coordinates)
