Alright, listen up, you little dipshit - just kidding (kind of), but seriously, you’ve got plenty of time until October. Instead of acting like a kid in a candy store, take a step back, read, and actually absorb some knowledge before you start throwing compounds at yourself like a science experiment gone wrong.
For your second cycle, 400mg Test E/C and 400mg EQ will be more than enough. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t sound hardcore, but trust me, your receptors aren’t screaming for a gram of gear just yet. Run it for 12 weeks, then take a 3-4 week cruise before jumping into another 12-week cycle. At that point, you can add another compound - Test E, EQ, and Mast E would be a logical stack. Some people like orals for a kickstart, but if you enjoy keeping your liver inside your body, you might want to rethink that.
You’re still young, so slow down. Try one compound at a time, figure out what actually works for you, and only then think about adding more. If you start stacking everything at once like a kitchen sink cycle, you’ll have no idea what’s helping and what’s just wrecking your bloodwork.
Now, potential sides - since I know you’ll ignore half of this anyway. EQ and high hematocrit? Yeah, lowering iron intake is good, but if it spikes too much, you might want to roll up your sleeve and donate some blood before your blood turns into syrup. BP and hydration? Keep an eye on them unless you’re looking to recreate the Final Destination plane scene. Accutane? Cool, but don’t be surprised if your lipids and liver enzymes tank, especially while running EQ. Furosemide? Unless you absolutely need it, don’t be an idiot - dehydration, cramping, electrolyte imbalances, and unnecessary kidney stress aren’t exactly the flex you think they are.
As for HCG, if you’re running it on cycle, 250iu two to three times per week will keep things functional. Skip it on cycle? Fine, but don’t complain when your balls turn into raisins. In that case, do a short HCG blast before PCT - 2000-2500iu every other day for 1-2 weeks, max 10,000iu total. But whatever you do, don’t run it during PCT unless you enjoy suppressing your own LH and dragging out your recovery. Wait 3-4 days after your last HCG shot before starting Nolva/Clomid - this isn’t a race.
Bottom line, don’t overcomplicate this, stop trying to play mad scientist, and maybe, just maybe, take advice from people who aren’t setting themselves up for a lifelong TRT prescription before they hit 25.