Second cycle

After listening to you guys advice ive decided to just do 500-600 test next cycle. However i might do some dumb shit after to get giga lean like test/mast/low dose tren
Looks like you’re reading between the lines in the worst possible way - everyone was saying to stop, and somehow you took that as, “Yeah, let’s keep going, but make it dumber.” Respect.

This is my last reply to you, so if you’re dead set on doing this, at least do it right - head over to the Steroid Cycle Log section, start your own thread, and post your progress, training, diet, and physique updates. Most people will probably roast you for jumping on gear too soon, and honestly, they won’t be wrong. But hey, if you’re lucky, some of the more knowledgeable guys might take pity on you and drop some advice that helps you at least not completely ruin yourself, but no guarantees.