Second cycle

Not my question to answer, but let’s be real - think back to when you were 18. You probably weren’t listening to a bunch of 30-35-year-old guys preaching patience either. At that age, it’s all impulse, zero long-term thinking. Add in social media constantly pushing “tren is life,” “a gram of test is nothing,” and “fast results with no consequences,” and it’s not hard to see why he jumped on cycle after barely training.

He likely spent a couple of months lifting naturally, didn’t see instant results, and thought, why not? Unfortunately, he’s just another guy who fell into the trap of hopping on gear without fully understanding the long-term effects. Best case scenario? He listens, comes off, trains naturally for the next 5-7 years, starts making real money, and then decides if AAS even makes sense for his goals. Worst case? He keeps chasing the quick fix and ends up another dude on TRT before he can legally rent a car.

If he’s not planning to go pro in bodybuilding, then yeah, his priorities are definitely off. But at this point, it’s not about lecturing him - it’s about whether he’s actually open to hearing this before it’s too late.
I get that the pressure to look good is stronger than ever for younger guys. Social media is flooded with unrealistic standards, and influencers like Sam Sulek aren’t the best role models, though I don’t think he directly pushes AAS like some others do. The pressure’s just as bad for women nowadays too - so many women in their 20s that are walking around as solid 10s, teeth done, lip fillers, butt lifts, and boob jobs. Honestly, the women I was into when I was in my 20s look like pork rinds in comparison lmao.

The best advice I can give OP is to understand the long term physical and financial risks. These influencers can afford the healthcare costs when (not if) problems arise, but most people - especially at his age - can’t. Social media might make it seem attainable, but it doesn’t show the full picture.
I get that the pressure to look good is stronger than ever for younger guys. Social media is flooded with unrealistic standards, and influencers like Sam Sulek aren’t the best role models, though I don’t think he directly pushes AAS like some others do. The pressure’s just as bad for women nowadays too - so many women in their 20s that are walking around as solid 10s, teeth done, lip fillers, butt lifts, and boob jobs. Honestly, the women I was into when I was in my 20s look like pork rinds in comparison lmao.

The best advice I can give OP is to understand the long term physical and financial risks. These influencers can afford the healthcare costs when (not if) problems arise, but most people - especially at his age - can’t. Social media might make it seem attainable, but it doesn’t show the full picture.
Yes i know the risks, ive done blood, liver, kidney and baseline test e2 fsh and lh tests before. I do blood and liver tests regularly since im on accutane prescription
So far all my healrh markers are good, and my ldl cholesterol is even a bit low lol

Diet is really good, 4L of water a day. Currently bulking on 3.5k cal a day 90% clean food
Carb sources are honey potatoes fruits oats rice pasta
200grams of protein a day from eggs dairy lean meats and rarely protein powder
Fats come from olive oil, avocado, butter and animal fats

Training is a heavy weight high intensity low-moderate volume and high frequency
Monday is upper body
Wenesday is full body and friday is upper body again (i barely hit legs lol)

Currently taking 300 test, 40mgs of accutane a day, 2.5mgs of ghk cu a day, 250mcg of bpc157 a day and 40mgs of furo maybe once a week when i go partying/go out

This is at 2 months of natty training

And this is 6.5 weeks later
Just do the test, then after that cycle add other compounds. You’re young. Its not a sprint to the end of your life lmfao.

If you react shitty to this cycle. Will it be the eq or the higher test? Or perhaps the mast that you might want to add
I mean ill do just test and eq or test and mast (maybe primo instead) and 300vs 500 test has almost the same sides
I mean ill do just test and eq or test and mast (maybe primo instead) and 300vs 500 test has almost the same sides
You won’t know untill you’ve tried it.
I can go up to 750mg/wk without annoying sides.
After i ran up to that i tried different cycles (12wk blast cruises) added mast, felt like a god on it, swapped mast for deca in the next cycle and responded really well on it. Tried eq instead of those and i felt FUCKED UP on that. Tried it again with lower test and still the same. So then i knew eq isn’t my thing.
Then decided to ran test/deca/mast 600/300/400 and peaked insanely well in a pl comp. 320-215-385(kg, not freedom units) at 125ish bw.

Just keep the eq, stuff yourself with teat. Cruise it out then start filtering other compounds. You said “ok test eq” turned to “ok test eq maybe mast no eq” to “ok test eq, maybe mast but maybe primo”


Stick to your plan.
Yes i know the risks, ive done blood, liver, kidney and baseline test e2 fsh and lh tests before. I do blood and liver tests regularly since im on accutane prescription
So far all my healrh markers are good, and my ldl cholesterol is even a bit low lol

Diet is really good, 4L of water a day. Currently bulking on 3.5k cal a day 90% clean food
Carb sources are honey potatoes fruits oats rice pasta
200grams of protein a day from eggs dairy lean meats and rarely protein powder
Fats come from olive oil, avocado, butter and animal fats

Training is a heavy weight high intensity low-moderate volume and high frequency
Monday is upper body
Wenesday is full body and friday is upper body again (i barely hit legs lol)

Currently taking 300 test, 40mgs of accutane a day, 2.5mgs of ghk cu a day, 250mcg of bpc157 a day and 40mgs of furo maybe once a week when i go partying/go out

This is at 2 months of natty training
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And this is 6.5 weeks later
View attachment 320064
You’ve got a solid frame for a natural, and then you go and ruin it with a cycle? Come on, man. Be real with yourself - drop the gear, train naturally, eat more, and you’ll look great.

Go study, grab some college girls by the ass, start making money. When you’re 25-30 and have some real cash, then you can hop on a proper cycle.

That’s just my advice - what you do is up to you. But if you’ve got the money and are dead set on wrecking your health, at least hire a coach who can keep an eye on you. Though, let’s be real, not many would want to take on an 18-year-old kid who’s jumping on gear three months into training.
You’ve got a solid frame for a natural, and then you go and ruin it with a cycle? Come on, man. Be real with yourself - drop the gear, train naturally, eat more, and you’ll look great.

Go study, grab some college girls by the ass, start making money. When you’re 25-30 and have some real cash, then you can hop on a proper cycle.

That’s just my advice - what you do is up to you. But if you’ve got the money and are dead set on wrecking your health, at least hire a coach who can keep an eye on you. Though, let’s be real, not many would want to take on an 18-year-old kid who’s jumping on gear three months into training.
After listening to you guys advice ive decided to just do 500-600 test next cycle. However i might do some dumb shit after to get giga lean like test/mast/low dose tren
19? You have a ton of potential from just staying natural at this age. Why not wait until you're in your 20s at least? If you HAVE to run gear though. I'd say add in your EQ at 300mg/week. Don't front load bro, don't do it, you're gonna get anxiety, it doesn't do that to everyone, but if you do get anxiety from EQ, front loading it is a guarantee. Let it ramp up nice and slow. Even 300 is a bit much if you're only running 400mg of Test, 250 EQ might be better.

Eat a lot. You're trying to bulk up right? Eat A LOT and eat clean.

Honestly you're a little young to run gear, you really could benefit from waiting awhile while you max out your potential from a natural standpoint.

Check your blood pressure throughout. If you don't have a blood pressure machine, get one. Walmart has them for pretty cheap.
How about giga the fuck out of here. We’re done giving you advice.

This is a harm reduction website. We’re not entertaining your 19 year old semantics.

You’re on your own from here on out. Don’t ask us for any more advice.
Well to be fair he is already tapped out in natty potential and if he can legally buy cigarettes and alcohol even rifles if you’re American, then he can abuse gear /s.

Ah to be young and get away with shit decisions again.
How about giga the fuck out of here. We’re done giving you advice.

This is a harm reduction website. We’re not entertaining your 19 year old semantics.

You’re on your own from here on out. Don’t ask us for any more advice.
I was sort of with him - and I put a strong emphasis on sort of - when he said he understood the risks and was still going through with it.

Up until this point..

Currently taking 300 test, 40mgs of accutane a day, 2.5mgs of ghk cu a day, 250mcg of bpc157 a day and 40mgs of furo maybe once a week when i go partying/go out

The kid is just doing reckless shit for no reason, and it seems like he's just chasing attention.
I was sort of with him - and I put a strong emphasis on sort of - when he said he understood the risks and was still going through with it.

Up until this point..

The kid is just doing reckless shit for no reason, and it seems like he's just chasing attention.
I was half joking but i want to try something stronger than test, even if its for like 8 weeks and i wont touch it again

Ive done coke just to try it once and ive never touched it again.
Also 40mgs of furosemide is nothinfz ive taken up to 160mgs lol and nothings ever happened i just take some electrolytes a few hours after taking furosemide.
How about giga the fuck out of here. We’re done giving you advice.

This is a harm reduction website. We’re not entertaining your 19 year old semantics.

You’re on your own from here on out. Don’t ask us for any more advice.
Im half joking, but i still want to try something stronger even if its for like 8 weeks only then to never touch it again