Second week on Test P. Feeling like Trash.


New Member
So I've recently switched testosterone products and have been feeling like shit.

Was on Test C 160mg per week and brought it down to 100/week. Was cruising for about 2 years. Felt like titties everyday. 8% BF, 170lbs, clear mind, insane productivity (I work as an engineer).
Ended up sourcing some prop from a lab I've used a while back. I'm having pip (a side i remember from prop ;)) but I've been having some weird symptoms with the switch:

Dull Intermittent Headaches
Intermittent Fatigue
Lack of Motivation
Lack of libido
Mild fever for the first couple of days(subsided)
Cravings for sugar (Not Normal for me)
Slow Metabolism
Gaining fat around midsection
Physique looking flat

Getting bloods checked here next week.
I've been pinning the IM .15ml/day @100mg/ml for about 7 days now and debating whether I should trash this or wait a couple weeks.(I know it takes a while for body to readjust to new protocol)
Also wondering if I should pin 30mg ED for 7 days and see how I feel? :rolleyes:
Test Prop Flu.

Test Cyp is a great ester for producing free testosterone with zero pip.

You're injecting an ester with prop that many people can't tolerate, it's almost toxic and that's obvious with the localized inflammation.

You won't find any HRT clinics prescribing T-P and for good reason, T-C is the superior product.

For me it's simple, Test Ace for short ester and Test Cyp for long ester, both produce zero pip, neither produce any localized inflammation.

I've brewed many batches of prop and pp and even though I use it for other compounds like mast and nandrolone without any problems, Test Prop and PP just aren't necessary to put up with the irritation caused by these esters.

Test Prop Flu.

Test Cyp is a great ester for producing free testosterone with zero pip.

You're injecting an ester with prop that many people can't tolerate, it's almost toxic and that's obvious with the localized inflammation.

You won't find any HRT clinics prescribing T-P and for good reason, T-C is the superior product.

For me it's simple, Test Ace for short ester and Test Cyp for long ester, both produce zero pip, neither produce any localized inflammation.

I've brewed many batches of prop and pp and even though I use it for other compounds like mast and nandrolone without any problems, Test Prop and PP just aren't necessary to put up with the irritation caused by these esters.

I'd like to refute the "many" and suggest that most people tolerate the prop ester quite well aside from the PIP. I dont recall many if any that could tolerate Cypionate or Enanthate who then could not tolerate propionate. Some cant handle the pip but I'd place that directly on the person who brewed it or the supplier in which they bought the raws from, cause I've had some prop that hurt like a bitch and I currently have a bunch that creates almost zero pip.
I'd like to refute the "many" and suggest that most people tolerate the prop ester quite well aside from the PIP. I dont recall many if any that could tolerate Cypionate or Enanthate who then could not tolerate propionate. Some cant handle the pip but I'd place that directly on the person who brewed it or the supplier in which they bought the raws from, cause I've had some prop that hurt like a bitch and I currently have a bunch that creates almost zero pip.

PIP isn't the biggest issue. Sure it's a nuisance, but if you are experiencing systemic effects, flushing, feeling run down, an immune response then move onto another ester. Test is so cheap there's no reason to compromise.

I've had this problem as well when I've brewed up various compounds and felt weird as shit after the injection. I've probably tossed at least half a kilo of raws because they made me feel like crap no matter how much I tweaked the brew.
Ive never had an issue with any test ester, maybe a little pip from prop. If its "test flu" 2 Tylenol should do it. Sounds like your test is bunk. You have all the signs of low T. Real prop makes you feel great!

Depending on short ester test as your trt isn't good. Test cyp doesn't have sharp peaks and troughs like short ester test. I love Test Ace, but I'd never use it alone, because I've tried it in the past and I never felt as good as I do with Test Cyp, I even feel stronger in the gym on less T-C then short ester ace at a much higher dose with more frequent injections.

The bottom line is dump the prop and go back to what you know works.
is your estrogen under control? it sounds like its high imo, or its "test flu" as others have mentioned.

weird that your estrogen would be high on 100mg testP, but you never know, Lots of weird genetics out there^^
Depending on short ester test as your trt isn't good. Test cyp doesn't have sharp peaks and troughs like short ester test. I love Test Ace, but I'd never use it alone, because I've tried it in the past and I never felt as good as I do with Test Cyp, I even feel stronger in the gym on less T-C then short ester ace at a much higher dose with more frequent injections.

The bottom line is dump the prop and go back to what you know works.
In most cases true, but if you are only on 100mg of Cyp a week and you do some prop you are going to feel it! The prop is fake imo.
Thats what I was a bit worried about with the ester switch. The sharp peaks and throughs.

Heres a graph of what my protocol has changed to. You can see when test prop is introduced from week 2 to 4

So I was thinking that that sudden spike in bio available t might have caused my e2 to spike? Its either that or some bunk ass test.
Btw, taking blood test tmrw.


  • transition.PNG
    28.2 KB · Views: 38

We can see that naturally, young men have daily spikes of testosterone, highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Thats one of the reasons why I wanted to migrate over to propionate as it mimics the natural production closest. (Young men)


  • img_1488.gif
    13.8 KB · Views: 38

We can see that naturally, young men have daily spikes of testosterone, highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Thats one of the reasons why I wanted to migrate over to propionate as it mimics the natural production closest. (Young men)

There's no reason to mimic your natural production. You stick with the longer ester, you dial in what you need with the least amount of sides and you move on.

You want stable levels, you don't want sharp rises and drops. I used to have the same idea, the trying to mimic natural production with short esters, but I have never felt as good as I do on Cyp. In the gym I just feel stronger, and I think that's partly because of the estrogen increase that adds a little more water to the joints allowing me to push heavy weights around without the aches and pains.

I always felt off when using nothing but shorter esters, it just didn't feel right, I felt sluggish, my energy levels weren't where I wanted. Granted I had less fluid retention with short esters.
Sup dude, I got my test results back.

This is on 150 mg per week of Test prop.

I was a bit worried it was bunk
Turns out estradiol is a bit high; which could be causing all the shitty sides.

3 weeks into prop. Most days are clear, some are still headaches and feverish. Don't think my body is doing so hot on it.
Usually when I feel estrogen sides I take 6.25mg eod eventually spacing it out to m/w/f.
I’ve experienced “test flu” before but the doses I feel it at are much higher than what you’re doing and it’s usually a two day thing.
Like said above if you haven’t had the feelings you have on test c that you have on test p, I’d switch back.
Test Prop Flu.

Test Cyp is a great ester for producing free testosterone with zero pip.

You're injecting an ester with prop that many people can't tolerate, it's almost toxic and that's obvious with the localized inflammation.

You won't find any HRT clinics prescribing T-P and for good reason, T-C is the superior product.

For me it's simple, Test Ace for short ester and Test Cyp for long ester, both produce zero pip, neither produce any localized inflammation.

I've brewed many batches of prop and pp and even though I use it for other compounds like mast and nandrolone without any problems, Test Prop and PP just aren't necessary to put up with the irritation caused by these esters.

Why do you rarely see Test Ace offered by UGLs? Is it just lack of demand or something else?
Sup dude, I got my test results back.
View attachment 137264

This is on 150 mg per week of Test prop.

I was a bit worried it was bunk
Turns out estradiol is a bit high; which could be causing all the shitty sides.

3 weeks into prop. Most days are clear, some are still headaches and feverish. Don't think my body is doing so hot on it.
I personally feel as though you just have some shitty brewed gear. Maybe too much alcohol or solvent in it or something along those lines.

I've had some gear that was just "off" before. Everytime I injected 24hrs later I just felt feverish and hot on and off and I stubbornly stuck with it for a while, I tried to suffer through it, then I bought some test from a different supplier and all those issues magically disappeared. I'd bet a hundo if you switched up suppliers or even batches you'd see these issues fade away.
Fuck im not sure, my cheap ass didn't pay for a test back then.
Was thinking about going to a TrT clinic to get back on Cypionate. Just need to tank my levels first.

Think 7 days off prop is enough to read low?
I can’t tell the method of testing on that E2 test you got. But if it’s not LC/MS/MS then it’s not gonna be accurate. I bet your E2 was slightly higher on 160mg of cyp.
So I've recently switched testosterone products and have been feeling like shit.

Was on Test C 160mg per week and brought it down to 100/week. Was cruising for about 2 years. Felt like titties everyday. 8% BF, 170lbs, clear mind, insane productivity (I work as an engineer).
Ended up sourcing some prop from a lab I've used a while back. I'm having pip (a side i remember from prop ;)) but I've been having some weird symptoms with the switch:

Dull Intermittent Headaches
Intermittent Fatigue
Lack of Motivation
Lack of libido
Mild fever for the first couple of days(subsided)
Cravings for sugar (Not Normal for me)
Slow Metabolism
Gaining fat around midsection
Physique looking flat

Getting bloods checked here next week.
I've been pinning the IM .15ml/day @100mg/ml for about 7 days now and debating whether I should trash this or wait a couple weeks.(I know it takes a while for body to readjust to new protocol)
Also wondering if I should pin 30mg ED for 7 days and see how I feel? :rolleyes:
Men, I feel like you describe, i'm on the prop too and i have the same problems, how did you solve? Any update?


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