Seems HGH hair loss is a thing

zero steroids and on finasteride for more than 6 months, hair improving and looking good.
1 week after start HGH 2uis daily i start to shed.
1 month later still shedding , losing hair density and can already see it

i tried HGH because it could be good for hair, LOL i already knew it can rise/change hormones and probably upregulation increase sensitivity recpetors , but damn.
I just want something that won't fry my hair. But it's clear that it's a lot to ask.
Last summer I did 8 weeks with test p. 300mg+FIN+RU+oral/topical minoxidil and taking into account my baseline hair was much better now than in that time I think soon it will be much worse than at the end of that test cycle. but without the gains LOL

Now i was on FIN+oral/topical minox ,start using RU(again) 2 weeks before HGH but i had to stop RU and HGH because i start to feel gyno.

i had used RU in the past for several months high dose 100-200mg, but maybe for adding RU now and in a few days I was already using this high dose and 2 weeks later adding HGH it probably contributed to starting to feel gyno, even more so with already using fin.

I haven't had a blood test done yet, because I'm seeing if this slows down because sudden hormonal changes can cause hair loss and I recently had a hormonal check up. also because of the reports where people having HGH gyno and normal E2 and prolactin analyses.

HGH can increase test , IGF1 can increase DHT conversion, can lower SHBG, and probably upregulation/ of androgen receptors and others.
Furthermore, prolactin can greatly aggravate the hair loss you already suffer from with AGA.
There is a clinical trial with HM-115 to treat AGA, is a monoclonal antibody which acts by targeting prolactin receptor, administration by injection.
i think the problem is not high prolactin in serum but in the scalp receptors
Growth hormone cannot cause hair loss! It worked like self-hypnosis, a placebo...
hgh also doesn't usually give gyno and yet...
and saying HGh cannot give hair loss is false because everything that changes hormones can give hair loss, even if it is temporary. But i didnt think it would fuck my hair ,quite the opposite.
Hair start shedding 1 week after GH,
I didn't even care much, I didn't even think it was Gh just a normal shed. I started GH for the antiaging effect, fat loss muscle and it could probably be good for the hair, 1 month later it still continues to shed, I already can see on mirror hair is worse even.
On top of that, my hair was better than when I did the 300mg test cycle last year and I think I'm getting worse than when I did the test cycle.

I know that there can be shed even when taking finasteride, whether at the beginning or 6 or even 12 months later. but a lot of coincidence

I don't even want to think about it too much, I'm going to finish the first GH kit... in the meantime maybe do bloodwork and then, based on that, I might send the GH to labtest, but considering the source I don't think it makes sense.
hgh also doesn't usually give gyno and yet...
and saying HGh cannot give hair loss is false because everything that changes hormones can give hair loss, even if it is temporary. But i didnt think it would fuck my hair ,quite the opposite.
Hair start shedding 1 week after GH,
I didn't even care much, I didn't even think it was Gh just a normal shed. I started GH for the antiaging effect, fat loss muscle and it could probably be good for the hair, 1 month later it still continues to shed, I already can see on mirror hair is worse even.
On top of that, my hair was better than when I did the 300mg test cycle last year and I think I'm getting worse than when I did the test cycle.

I know that there can be shed even when taking finasteride, whether at the beginning or 6 or even 12 months later. but a lot of coincidence

I don't even want to think about it too much, I'm going to finish the first GH kit... in the meantime maybe do bloodwork and then, based on that, I might send the GH to labtest, but considering the source I don't think it makes sense.
Not a good analogy. Presence of elevated igf1 is a big driver of gynecomastia when the current hormonal profile of the user is such that gyno will form. So your logic is fundamentally flawed and your barking up the wrong tree in my opinion
Hey maybe your hair is falling out because you spend a large portion of your life worried to death about it.

Time to give up PEDs my friend, your hair is weak and you may be prone to mental health issues. Cut your losses before you worry up something even worse.
so youre taking 4 different hairloss compounds and then stopping some of them right before you take HGH and you think there is some complicated pathway that is making HGH have you lose hair.

you really give the guys worried about hairloss a bad name, i cant even talk about this stuff without seeming like one of you hypochondriacs.

you took RU then stopped. and you think its the HGH.
stop starting and stopping a bunch of different compounds whenever you see a stray hair.

just take finasteride and oral minoxidil and do TRT if you want to and stop reading things online because youre not smart enough to interpret it and youre just gonna freak yourself out more
Saying that to anyone in this space has never worked.
Hint: it's because they're not here to hear the truth.

They're hear to find someone to tell them what they want to hear or teach them the one secret solution to all their problems.

This guy's going to bounce from one crazy protocol to the next in search of a secret hair saving solution. If he's genetically prone to baldness peds will accelerated it and the tried and true methods will slow it.

In the end his results will be subpar for hypertrophy and preventing hair loss because he'll keep bouncing back and forth between both goals, each being at the expense of the other.

Can someone make hypertrophy gain and keep a good portion of their hair? Certainly, but they aren't this type of guy, where his mindset is currently.
If You want something that won't fry your hair then you need to go to Facebook and join Taeian's camel cult group. Learn all about running deca/npp as a base with no test. Taeian has people getting huge and growing their hair back. He's got protocols for both. He even has a new test cycle that he says is hair safe if you don't want to give up testosterone for nandrolone
so youre taking 4 different hairloss compounds and then stopping some of them right before you take HGH and you think there is some complicated pathway that is making HGH have you lose hair.

you really give the guys worried about hairloss a bad name, i cant even talk about this stuff without seeming like one of you hypochondriacs.

you took RU then stopped. and you think its the HGH.
stop starting and stopping a bunch of different compounds whenever you see a stray hair.

just take finasteride and oral minoxidil and do TRT if you want to and stop reading things online because youre not smart enough to interpret it and youre just gonna freak yourself out more
i m not using Test, since last summer, and not starting and dropping a bunch of diferent coumpounds... im on minox for a long time, and fin for more than than 6 months. Now yeah i add RU 2weeks BEFORE HGH and 1 week AFTER HGH i stopped RU AND HGH (i wass felling gyno) for a few days and for then only HGH and the rest of hairloss protocol.
no more gyno sides after stop RU.
2 weeks of RU hardly will give any shed ,,,it never did.
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If You want something that won't fry your hair then you need to go to Facebook and join Taeian's camel cult group. Learn all about running deca/npp as a base with no test. Taeian has people getting huge and growing their hair back. He's got protocols for both. He even has a new test cycle that he says is hair safe if you don't want to give up testosterone for nandrolone
funny cuz Taeian replied and I quote "Yes it is as it Jack's up prolactin namely. Pretty common." in relation to HGH hair loss

Yeah yeah ,,, Iknow about deca only / deca+e2 / testosterone undecanoate and others more....
i m not using Test, since last summer, and not starting and dropping a bunch of diferent coumpounds... im on minox for a long time, and fin for more than than 6 months. Now yeah i add RU 2weeks BEFORE HGH and 1 week AFTER HGH i stopped RU AND HGH (i wass felling gyno) for a few days and for then only HGH and the rest of hairloss protocol.
no more gyno sides after stop RU.
2 weeks of RU hardly will give any shed ,,,it never did.
You are bombing your system in a haphazard way that it’s no wonder you’re running into hormonal issues. You should be under a doctors care if you’re going to continue hoping on and off drugs like this.