You could do motivational shit my man lol.
I've been trying to be happier, a little kinder on the outside if you will. It's wild how so many negative outside factors weigh on us everyday. Almost not fair. People (humans) deserve help, kindness and guidance. I wouldn't be shit without the army of folks that have had my back at various points.
I wasn't the only guy to want to help, maybe just the first to offer I guess. I have a soft spot for this shit some days. Others I'm a cruel son of a bitch. One thing I have everyday is a willingness to want to help. And if I can, I will.
I wish you the best in your quest for a house. It's a good feeling when the ball really gets rolling and you have a property that's accepted your offer. Outside of closing at the end of July we have one last round of digital paperwork to sign. We have spare bedrooms, too. Anytime you're local man, mi casa su casa.
Just under 250 with a solid diet of fish and poultry, rice and sweet potato. Looking good right now.
That is lightweight dream of mine. To do motivational speaking. I'm a weirdo who actually loves to do public speaking. My sponsor in the program used to do business/motivational speaking across the US, and went over to Europe a few times. I probably got some of it from him.
I also listen to speakers almost daily. Its part of my morning routine while I'm making breakfast. Its really easy to through it on and just mindlessly cook the same two breakfast you've made everyday for the last 2 years lol.
If you're looking for someone to listen to, I am really into Les Brown.