Should I cut cycle short.

On week 6 of test 300 and var 25 mgs. Liver values came back all good. Still waiting on cholesterol. Here are my rbc levels though. Should I drop cycle and donate?


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They aren't ridiculously out of range, you could probably get away with just donating double reds and staying on but considering how anxious you are with all the threads about your current cycle which let's be honest, is a mild cycle, you'd be better off coming off to save you more worry.
They aren't ridiculously out of range, you could probably get away with just donating double reds and staying on but considering how anxious you are with all the threads about your current cycle which let's be honest, is a mild cycle, you'd be better off coming off to save you more worry.
Thanks haha your not wrong. I'm a firefighter so don't want my heart working too hard. I'm on Fin so red cross says I can't donate for 30 days once I come off. Not sure if I can wait that long
On week 6 of test 300 and var 25 mgs. Liver values came back all good. Still waiting on cholesterol. Here are my rbc levels though. Should I drop cycle and donate?

Increased erythropoiesis is normal with supra physiological androgen dosages.

That hematocrit though is climb up to levels where I'd feel uncomfortable and would want to donate or do a phlebotomy. However, do an iron panel first (serum iron, TSAT, ferritin), your cbc is potentially pointing to a slight iron deficiency.

What's weird is the low-ish mpv though (which is usually higher on aas cycle's). Suggesting either faster rbc turnover or some weirdness in the rbc's production cycle. Maybe some immune system deregulation.

And share all your bloods.

Just looking at your cbc however wouldn't be the reason to end your cycle.
Increased erythropoiesis is normal with supra physiological androgen dosages.

That hematocrit though is climb up to levels where I'd feel uncomfortable and would want to donate or do a phlebotomy. However, do an iron panel first (serum iron, TSAT, ferritin), your cbc is potentially pointing to a slight iron deficiency.

What's weird is the low-ish mpv though (which is usually higher on aas cycle's). Suggesting either faster rbc turnover or some weirdness in the rbc's production cycle. Maybe some immune system deregulation.

And share all your bloods.

Just looking at your cbc however wouldn't be the reason to end your cycle.
I really only checked liver, blood, and cholesterol. Since everything looked good before cycle. Still waiting on the cholesterol. Here's the other ones


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