Should I wait for symptoms before starting TRT

I was on HCG twice a week (250IU's on Monday and Wednesday) and I was still experiencing softness and shrinkage so the doc had me go up to M,W,&F on the HCG.

We haven't done labs yet. I have to see him in a couple of weeks and then he'll have me run labs to see where I'm at.
I was on HCG twice a week (250IU's on Monday and Wednesday) and I was still experiencing softness and shrinkage so the doc had me go up to M,W,&F on the HCG.

We haven't done labs yet. I have to see him in a couple of weeks and then he'll have me run labs to see where I'm at.

"I don't have any of the problems I see in the commercials. My libido is fine (I always want sex and I'm a chronic masterbater), my erections are fine, my memory is good, I have energy, I sleep well, my mind is sharp, I work out well and add weight to the bar. I feel great"

SO - exactly why did you start with TRT??
"I don't have any of the problems I see in the commercials. My libido is fine (I always want sex and I'm a chronic masterbater), my erections are fine, my memory is good, I have energy, I sleep well, my mind is sharp, I work out well and add weight to the bar. I feel great"

SO - exactly why did you start with TRT??

Good question. The main reason was the labs. 290 and 277 confirmed I had low T.

About the symptoms, I thought I was fine......probably from living with it for so long, but once I started, I felt a difference.

The bottom line, I did enough reading and research (I spent weeks reading this forum and several others, reading Shippen's, Gordon's, Morgentaler's, and Comite's books, spoke to Gordon personally, my physician, 3 different uros at the Veteran's Administration, another outside uro and one more TRT doc) to tell me that even though I felt that I had no symptoms, I made a decision to fix a problem that I saw. Why wait for symptoms to happen? Why wait for my health to deteriorate before I fix the problem? And so far, I think I made the right decision. I thought I was ok, and I still am, with or without the treatment. I adjusted fine to my low T, but, I have to chance to optimize my health and I'm going to take it. I feel better now than I have in years and I'm glad I took charge of my health.
Good question. The main reason was the labs. 290 and 277 confirmed I had low T.

About the symptoms, I thought I was fine......probably from living with it for so long, but once I started, I felt a difference.

The bottom line, I did enough reading and research (I spent weeks reading this forum and several others, reading Shippen's, Gordon's, Morgentaler's, and Comite's books, spoke to Gordon personally, my physician, 3 different uros at the Veteran's Administration, another outside uro and one more TRT doc) to tell me that even though I felt that I had no symptoms, I made a decision to fix a problem that I saw. Why wait for symptoms to happen? Why wait for my health to deteriorate before I fix the problem? And so far, I think I made the right decision. I thought I was ok, and I still am, with or without the treatment. I adjusted fine to my low T, but, I have to chance to optimize my health and I'm going to take it. I feel better now than I have in years and I'm glad I took charge of my health.

oh for the love of christ i cant believe you started on replacement therapy. who cares about a fucking number what matters is how you feel. there are naturally high and naturally low T men (in regards to the ref ranges..) sounds like you're one of the naturally low ones. there wasnt a problem to fix and frankly im shocked someone would undergo something as serious as hormone replacement for the reasons you give. god knows how you might potentially jack up the rest of your endocrine system undertaking this endeavor. TRT is serious shit. sigh, oh well...
oh for the love of christ i cant believe you started on replacement therapy. who cares about a fucking number what matters is how you feel. there are naturally high and naturally low T men (in regards to the ref ranges..) sounds like you're one of the naturally low ones. there wasnt a problem to fix and frankly im shocked someone would undergo something as serious as hormone replacement for the reasons you give. god knows how you might potentially jack up the rest of your endocrine system undertaking this endeavor. TRT is serious shit. sigh, oh well...

Agree 100%
oh for the love of christ i cant believe you started on replacement therapy. who cares about a fucking number what matters is how you feel. there are naturally high and naturally low T men (in regards to the ref ranges..) sounds like you're one of the naturally low ones. there wasnt a problem to fix and frankly im shocked someone would undergo something as serious as hormone replacement for the reasons you give. god knows how you might potentially jack up the rest of your endocrine system undertaking this endeavor. TRT is serious shit. sigh, oh well...

I appreciate the time you took out in making your comments but I disagree. I do think TRT is serious business, that's why I spent so much time researching before I made my decision. I could be wrong, I could be right, who knows but in the end, I will suffer the consequences or the benefits of the treatment.

A year from now, I could be back on these same boards talking about how my hematocrit is all jacked up, my BP is high, my thyroid is shot, my adrenals are falling apart, my left ventricle has enlarged, my prostate has grown the size of a baseball, my estrogen is out of control, my liver is all screwed up, I grew a set of breasts, my nuts are the size of raisins, I'm going bald, I have bad acne, and a whole host of other problems that I brought on myself. I could even develop cancer.

Or I could be back here talking about how I feel better than I have in years, I'm running 3 miles in 18 minutes like I did 20 years ago, I have sex like a porn star, my endurance is through the roof and I'm squatting 400lbs like it's an empty bar. I could be talking about how my BF went down significantly, my HA1C went down and I'm more lean and muscular. I could be talking about how I go out more now, my friends and family are telling me how I'm an easier person to deal with, I'm less moody and angry, and I haven't had a prostate or epididymus flare up in months.

I don't know what might happen but I'm prepared for it. I did my research. I'm ready for the good and the bad and more importantly, I accept responsibility for the decision I've made. If I optimize my health, I'm ready for the benefits. If I screw myself up, I'm ready for the consequences. That's how I've lived my life and I don't have any regrets.

Again, thank you for the advice and the straight talk. I really took it into account when I made my decision. There were more people that said not to do it (way more) but in the end, I have to live with my decision and I'm willing to accept whatever it brings.

Thank you all for the advice and opinions. I greatly respect and appreciate them.
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