i wrote shree venkatesh directly and they said they only use fda approved carrier. E.O is not FDA approved for Intra muscular injection so i am confused.
and a online naps support told me mct. why cant a lab actually put what oil they use on the dam label of their product? the label simply says "oil base q.s. " how the heck is that suppose to be pawned off as a human grade label?
Just wanted to give my two cents and chime in on Shree. I recently ordered some Test-E, EQ, Clen, and D-bol. The only thing I can vouch for is the Clen so far. The shit has my wife shaking like she had Tourettes in the early part of the day. I did labmax both the Test-E and the EQ. Both passed according to the chart and my eyes. I have a important bulk cycle coming up and honestly don't have the faith in Shree to use the Test-E. I will drop Shree's Test and use another brand I know is GTG because of past blood work. I'll stick with the Shree's EQ, and Deca from another source.
If anyone has any new information or experience with this source please share.
@Jboss hey pal , about he clen I have some questions.
First 2 days I pop 1/2 tablet i didn't notice any effect so
I upped dose to
1 tab x day for 3 days , no shaking , no energy .
After this y
Conclusion is that is bunk.

As a side note every time I took my clen I was able to Take a nap
like a champ. Not fun men
This is what I can tell you about the clen. My wife worked up from 1/2 tab to two tabs. She increased the dose by 1/2 tab every two days. Once she got two a two tab dose, I switched her back to a different source that I know for a fact was very strong. I started her on the new stuff at two tabs. This is a 120lb female. The day I switched her I asked how she felt. She said about the same as the previous few days. Point being if the Shree Clen was bunk and I gave her 80mcg of the good shit out the gate, I would have been a REALLY bad day for her. This is all I have to go on right now. I'm bulking so no clen for me
Sorry bro.. but you have wrong information...

About createc you have right...I was his resseler but after couple bad blood i pass.. they looks good but they have only
5 product...
And createc don't have conection with shree....createc is run by people from Pakistan and they shipp from Singapure....

Alpha and unigen have 5 years ago manofacturing in Singapure but both closed... they moved to India. .becouse of Law

And for your information ..any parcel from China to India don't pass custom.

India is block... they can't order nothing from China... also they can't used mg ,wu to China.....
I sent a emge to China for nappy grea.
Eminence has all the same packaging, I have some masteron amps. The oil is watery and smells like the og schering sustonon 250 from Mexico in the 1990.each amp has 1.1 cc And so far it is gtg. I switched from one ugl to them and all is good. Never tried shree venkantash though bit they are all probably made by the same people just different names. Alpha, shree, emenince packs are almost identical.
Eminence has all the same packaging, I have some masteron amps. The oil is watery and smells like the og schering sustonon 250 from Mexico in the 1990.each amp has 1.1 cc And so far it is gtg. I switched from one ugl to them and all is good. Never tried shree venkantash though bit they are all probably made by the same people just different names. Alpha, shree, emenince packs are almost identical.

Probably a good assumption. I think naps carries all 3 brands.

How would a blood test show masteron was Good?
I wasn't referring to this source I only noticed an opportunity to ask someone that has purchased Eminence and based on one of his other posts I know it wasn't from this source. I appreciate the heads up though!

@jolter604 My bad I thought you purchased test as well.
Yeah I'm not into paying over 40.00 for a bottle of test ever 250.especially when it cost like 7.00 to make it.if i knew someone who brewed in my neighborhood i would never scroll threw these threads. A domestic source risks more getting Raw's and selling it more than someone reselling a overseas source yet they have better prices.


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