Side effects of low e2 levels when using AI's


New Member
Hey, guys

Taking letrozole, 0.5mg every other day...

What side effects i will notice when my e2 goes very low?

Body fat will increase? My joints will blow?

If anyone have experience, thanks for the help.
Hey, guys

Taking letrozole, 0.5mg every other day...

What side effects i will notice when my e2 goes very low?

Body fat will increase? My joints will blow?

If anyone have experience, thanks for the help.
Almost the same effect as a high E2 level. As @BigTomJ said.. why crash your E2 when a simple blood work can take the guessing out.
The easiest indicator of low E2 for me is dry joints, particularly in the knees and rotator cuff area (squatting/leg pressing/benching with low E2 just feels god awful).

Other than that, you feel tired and lethergic, low sex drive (as others mentioned), just overall you feel like crap. It's usually pretty easy to notice when you've crashed your E2

Why are you taking so much letro? are you on a high dose cycle? trying to reverse gyno?

You might be better off with aromasin or arimidex, depending on what youre using the AI for, as letrozole is very strong, especially when taken EOD.

It's also worth noting that letrozole has a half life of 3-4 days, you probably don't need to be taking it that frequently
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Regardless of the dose, AIs make me feel completely terrible physically , mentally, and emotionally.
Do you have current blood work, what are your levels ?
Low E sides, very tired and unmotivated, foggy head, irritable, bloating, oily skin
Almost the same effect as a high E2 level. As @BigTomJ said.. why crash your E2 when a simple blood work can take the guessing out.
I am guessing he is from a country where you can’t just request estrogen tests.

Even here in Canada, we cannot just request our gp/endo for such test. Unless you are willing to shell out cash if there are private clinics near you, and if lucky we can cross the border to pay for it to be done stateside.
If your e2 stays too low for too long you'll start to develop crippling joint pain and issues with your skin.

For me, the earliest and most obvious sign of crashed e2 is sexual dysfunction.
Too long and it’ll begin impacting brain and heart as well. Estrogen is our friend.
Yep. Agree 100%. I was just speaking to the obvious symptoms you you'd likely experience first. Like you would notice that your joints felt like rusty hinges while you might not notice any heart related symptoms until you were on the verge of heart failure.
The answer to your question has been given, in the following Article:

In the section, titled "Symptoms of Low Estrogenicity."

Unfortunately, the only rapid/acute effect of low estrogens in men (bone/joint pain) overlaps with direct effects of most AIs. That is, besides exemestane, all the other commercially availabile – sure, atamestane might be an exception, since it, like exemestane, is an androgen, but the exception proves the rule with respect to adages like this one. Specifically it is 1-methyl-boldione.

The other commercially available AIs (e.g., anastrozole) cause BMC/BMD loss directly and not by acting on estrogen/E2.

Frankly, acutely, symptoms of low E2 are not something men should really experience since even with AIs since it's virtually impossible to "crush" intra-testicular aromatase activity. If you manage it, then use hCG, and all will be right with the world.

Men (meaning adult male humans) simply don't, as a sex, require estradiol for daily functioning. We just benefit from it in many ways.

Analogous to T in women.
The answer to your question has been given, in the following Article:

In the section, titled "Symptoms of Low Estrogenicity."

Unfortunately, the only rapid/acute effect of low estrogens in men (bone/joint pain) overlaps with direct effects of most AIs. That is, besides exemestane, all the other commercially availabile – sure, atamestane might be an exception, since it, like exemestane, is an androgen, but the exception proves the rule with respect to adages like this one. Specifically it is 1-methyl-boldione.

The other commercially available AIs (e.g., anastrozole) cause BMC/BMD loss directly and not by acting on estrogen/E2.

Frankly, acutely, symptoms of low E2 are not something men should really experience since even with AIs since it's virtually impossible to "crush" intra-testicular aromatase activity. If you manage it, then use hCG, and all will be right with the world.

Men (meaning adult male humans) simply don't, as a sex, require estradiol for daily functioning. We just benefit from it in many ways.

Analogous to T in women.
Note: Of course, the only thing I'd ever make a recommendation for, after suggesting that a bodybuilder stop using AAS, is an OTC supplement like DHEA, widely available without a prescription. It is very effective at dose-dependently increasing estadiol in men, and is itself an estrogen.
Note: Of course, the only thing I'd ever make a recommendation for, after suggesting that a bodybuilder stop using AAS, is an OTC supplement like DHEA, widely available without a prescription. It is very effective at dose-dependently increasing estadiol in men, and is itself an estrogen.
Did not know this. Very good!
It is very effective at dose-dependently increasing estadiol in men, and is itself an estrogen.

So much so that it makes one terribly anxious.
The few times I have used DHEA I had to immediately apply copious amounts of my homemade transdermal testosterone solution to revert to an androgenic state.
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