Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Oh No Wow GIF by The Great British Bake Off
Got some 20mg slu on the way are they going to poison me or have they switched to the safe compound? Read in here after I placed my order
Did you though?
Read is one thing, supplier saying an another and the truth is possibly another thing to be honest just skimed through was like 70 pages back from when I last checked this thread. Thankyou ssa for your reply just scary the mistake was made
There is no chloride or iodide version of SLUPPP. Only 5Amino. You’re fine
thanks mate dunno why heros on here have to be smart cunts easy to answer my simple question than the 2 mad cunt response your life must be pretty exciting narta notice a lot of people actually spend so much time on here arguing over dumb shit or with each other it’s literally less effort to answer my question or better yet don’t answer it