Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

So my reship is gonna be all steriods that SSA "Does not sell anymore" so we shall see how this shit works out.. @SigmaAudley China Peptide can you comment and confirm you will be respipping my steroids and make sure everything in the package that is suppose to be in the pack.......
@SigmaAudley China Peptide
I am also interested in this as I have a large amount of steroid oils and tablets in my orders that have been promised to be reshipped on Monday if they do not update before then.
It's a big fucking shame to see complete avoidance of an order that hasn't moved in 1 month. They won't respond when I ask about it

I am super disappointed in this source. I do extensive testing on so many products and their bpc has tested well. The lack of communication is going to be their downfall.
Get ready the last to China post packages i had were kinda slow.. one I'm still tracking (nether from ssa)
Looking at the posts and comparing the tracking on this order, (if accurate - 4 days from China, through Canada and already into the US) I'm thinking it depends on the product. Which may indicate they're stalling? IDK.
fyi - My order = peptide
I have never had any issues with SSA quality of products.
Peptides, oils and tablets all gtg in my experience.
The only real problems I have had have been since the issues started happening in China these past months.
As you can see by the recent experiences of @Dirthand and myself, the current issue is with packages that have been seized or delayed and the sloppy and slow communication to rectify the issue by SSA.
@SigmaAudley China Peptide
I have never had any issues with SSA quality of products.
Peptides, oils and tablets all gtg in my experience.
The only real problems I have had have been since the issues started happening in China these past months.
As you can see by the recent experiences of @Dirthand and myself, the current issue is with packages that have been seized or delayed and the sloppy and slow communication to rectify the issue by SSA.
@SigmaAudley China Peptide
Due to the continuous pressure of the U.S. on the Chinese government this year, the Chinese Customs and the U.S. Customs and Canadian Customs have increased the probability of reviewing packages. We apologize for the delay. But we'll come up with a solution you're happy with. It just takes a little time. When we confirm that 100% cannot be released, we will immediately reissue it for free.
I made two recent orders from SSA and sent 4 of the products off to Jano for analysis. I received 3 of the results today. Definitely excellent results. Only negative was the Reta was 16% over stated amount. I know some might not consider it a negative but for these drugs, being that much over might pose a slight problem determining their dose. Still, great problem to have.
Much appreciated for personal testing!
Due to the continuous pressure of the U.S. on the Chinese government this year, the Chinese Customs and the U.S. Customs and Canadian Customs have increased the probability of reviewing packages. We apologize for the delay. But we'll come up with a solution you're happy with. It just takes a little time. When we confirm that 100% cannot be released, we will immediately reissue it for free.
So what if that takes 5 months to "100%" confirm... you are being deliberately vague and not giving people specific answers to their questions..
Hot report off the press, boys.

SSA gets a good-to-go from me.

Next order placed :cool:

Thanks for sharing. People who send out their own blind tests and share the results are truly providing an invaluable service to the community here.

Based off of how you phrased your post, I'm assuming that 96% is a solid result for tadalafil raws. Just out of curiosity, what would be the percentage threshold where you would consider it a sub-par level of purity?