Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Every single one of these online pharmacies literally offer shipping with reships to US/europe and UK for pharma grade t3 and clen, there is no need to gamble with ugl products.

Most, if not all of our high level competitors here and other boards recommend using pharma ancillaries and fat loss burners because of the dangers of wrong dosing as well as the potential of ruining your prep.

Just use pharma grade guys.
Every single one of these online pharmacies literally offer shipping with reships to US/europe and UK for pharma grade t3 and clen, there is no need to gamble with ugl products.

Most, if not all of our high level competitors here and other boards recommend using pharma ancillaries and fat loss burners because of the dangers of wrong dosing as well as the potential of ruining your prep.

Just use pharma grade guys.

The irony is, those dose critical, pharma grade tabs are as cheap, or usually cheaper, than UGL.

While things like minoxidil from India pharma are stupidly expensive, made worse by the fact that's supposed to be used daily for life, unless you want to lose hair gains, and much more expensive than the drug is sold for in North America with a prescription, even without insurance. The raws are dirt cheap (I've seen them sold in salon supply stores for producing topicals) and the dosages are large and therefore manageable enough to make easily,

A 100 count bag sold at a low price would be a big seller. I'd even be willing to go that route just for the convenience of not having to renew my twice yearly "permission slip" to buy it, and 4 trips to the pharma.
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I have nothing to back this up, but suspensions seem like they're likely to result in wildly different doses no matter how well shaken. I get the appeal and ease of making it., but the idea that after shaking, you take a second to pull a random drop, and every time you do that the drop will have even just 20% +/- the dose of another drop is hard for me to wrap my head around.

The other issue is pharmokinetics.

Drugs are designed and tested, and dose determined with the idea that they're absorbed at a certain speed, in certain places.

The guy taking what he thinks is 5mg of minoxidil from a topical drop orally, is absorbing that all at once on his tongue, then says "this stuff is crap, it sent my heart racing and my head bloated up so much skin was sagging" isn't considering the tablet slowly absorbs over 40 minutes in the gut, and only 2mg effectively enters the bloodstream, for instance.

It can be even more complicated with other compounds.

Take metformin as a suspension and you'll never repeat it, since it destroys your sense of taste for an extended period leaving metal in your mouth. Stick it in a capsule, and when it's absorbed in your stomach you'll get all the worst side effects, and almost none of the benefits. The tabs are designed to deliver metformin mostly to the small intestine where it does th most good.
as far as pharmacokinetics of tab vs oral suspension, you prob dont want to suspend drugs that arent offered in suspension, Clen is not one of those drugs, it is offered in suspension from pharma and has been offered in suspension for many years in UGL scene. its typically far more accurate dosing wise when suspended vs UGL tabs/caps. its typically offered under a sales pitch of "micronized" where a homogenization process breaks the particle size down so small that for all intents and purposes you have a solution. a tiny amount of surfactant added maintains the suspension. ive had homogenized suspension sit on the shelf over a year and not fall out of suspension.
as far as pharmacokinetics of tab vs oral suspension, you prob dont want to suspend drugs that arent offered in suspension, Clen is not one of those drugs, it is offered in suspension from pharma and has been offered in suspension for many years in UGL scene. its typically far more accurate dosing wise when suspended vs UGL tabs/caps. its typically offered under a sales pitch of "micronized" where a homogenization process breaks the particle size down so small that for all intents and purposes you have a solution. a tiny amount of surfactant added maintains the suspension. ive had homogenized suspension sit on the shelf over a year and not fall out of suspension.

Yeah that's a sensible distinction, clen is offered as an aerosol too. But how often to we see AI being taken in suspension? ED drugs probably benefit from the rapid absorption.

A good rule to repeat when the regular "how do I suspend this raw" questions come up, is it available from pharma as a spray, suspension, liquid, or sublingual tab? Then it's prob good to go.
I havent seen Dimer that HIGH in a couple years. unfortunately this HGH isnt on par with other chinese sources and yalls prices are typically quite a bit higher. gonna have to really do something drastic if you all want to compete.

Spot on. Dimer at 1.25% and a 95% purity would automatically make me look elsewhere. I most definitely appreciate the transparency in their test results but if SA is planning to play ball they have some serious QC issues to get ironed out. Not that this hasn’t been done with other international sources. Curious to see how they address the problems in this round of testing.

Idk since I’ve started my HGH journey that I’ve seen diner that high. At least not reported
Placed first order for HGH,BPC,TB lets see how it goes.
Worse case i lost 700$ but will report back and will save you guys thousands.

But customer service aspect is top notch, def better then QSG or QGS or whatever the initials are.
Placed first order for HGH,BPC,TB lets see how it goes.
Worse case i lost 700$ but will report back and will save you guys thousands.

But customer service aspect is top notch, def better then QSG or QGS or whatever the initials are.
lol worst case you loose $700 but did so receiving great customer service, what clown world you living in ?
The thing I will give them credit on is publicly putting these test results out. They can only go up from here but definitely have some work to do
lol worst case you loose $700 but did so receiving great customer service, what clown world you living in ?
i did not claim that "losing 700$ is fine since i got good customer service" i just mentioned that so far it was great, simple as that.
And instead of calling "clown world" you take a sec to process what i was writing you might understand it.
as far as pharmacokinetics of tab vs oral suspension, you prob dont want to suspend drugs that arent offered in suspension, Clen is not one of those drugs, it is offered in suspension from pharma and has been offered in suspension for many years in UGL scene. its typically far more accurate dosing wise when suspended vs UGL tabs/caps. its typically offered under a sales pitch of "micronized" where a homogenization process breaks the particle size down so small that for all intents and purposes you have a solution. a tiny amount of surfactant added maintains the suspension. ive had homogenized suspension sit on the shelf over a year and not fall out of suspension.

“Micronized” is far from being what you just said, you can see it and feel it when you break it down yourself.
“Micronized” is far from being what you just said, you can see it and feel it when you break it down yourself.
ya it was wrong verbiage, i cant recall what the domestic UGL suspensions call it or the "sales" name of homogenized suspensions. if its actually homogenized you wont feel the grit like sand paper, it'll be more like thick chalky feeling in a suspension.
ya it was wrong verbiage, i cant recall what the domestic UGL suspensions call it or the "sales" name of homogenized suspensions. if its actually homogenized you wont feel the grit like sand paper, it'll be more like thick chalky feeling in a suspension.

I think it was Tracy who said that everything is called micronized now. it doesn’t really have any meaning. I’ve also had different batches have quite a bit of variance in granularity
ya it was wrong verbiage, i cant recall what the domestic UGL suspensions call it or the "sales" name of homogenized suspensions. if its actually homogenized you wont feel the grit like sand paper, it'll be more like thick chalky feeling in a suspension.

Yup. Unfortunately found out the hard way that’s the type QSC has default
Really ? With those HGH results?
i look at it that way, dimer in pharma standards should be less then 4% so 1.X% isnt that bad.
Secondly, i only buy cheap UGL, i am not paying 150$+ for "reputable UGL" hgh kit, so i used to buy from QSC or whatever their name is, so 95% purity to QSF 96\97% isn't much of a difference IN MY BOOK.

now, may i be getting 100% bunk shit stuff? sure, but i am willing to take the risk, be sure that if i will get bonk this thread will be on fire with me spamming every single potential buyer to be aware, so at least my lose would save you guys money.

I am due to have shoulder surgery and will need LOTS of HGH and BPC, i cant finance high quality stuff, so will have to do with Sigma\QSP.
And again, if its bonk i just go back to Dr.Evil aka Tracy.
i look at it that way, dimer in pharma standards should be less then 4% so 1.X% isnt that bad.
Secondly, i only buy cheap UGL, i am not paying 150$+ for "reputable UGL" hgh kit, so i used to buy from QSC or whatever their name is, so 95% purity to QSF 96\97% isn't much of a difference IN MY BOOK.

now, may i be getting 100% bunk shit stuff? sure, but i am willing to take the risk, be sure that if i will get bonk this thread will be on fire with me spamming every single potential buyer to be aware, so at least my lose would save you guys money.

I am due to have shoulder surgery and will need LOTS of HGH and BPC, i cant finance high quality stuff, so will have to do with Sigma\QSP.
And again, if its bonk i just go back to Dr.Evil aka Tracy.
Gotcha. Why the bad taste for qsc?