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there is more to it. But the whole idea is i was given the wrong tracking. You missed the entire point
If you used your right name and address like everyone on meso does, you would have got your package. I'm guessing you are underage and you don't want mom to see your mail?
If you used your right name and address like everyone on meso does, you would have got your package. I'm guessing you are underage and you don't want mom to see your mail?
If he didn’t send me the wrong tracking i would have also got my package. Rep knew about me using fake name. Is it my fault that I didn’t get correct tracking?
Common guys, we have a co member getting the wrong tracking yet you make it like its his fault lol
I understand it’s not the best look that I don’t use my address, but if the rep knew about it and I told him, is it really my fault? I’m not tryna cause arguments fellas.
If no one has to sign why wasn't the package just left at the house?
I understand you wanting to limit your exposure to get caught by using fake info but your transaction isn't like buying something off ebay and you not receiving it. I guess on future orders you would have to tell the supplier - hey I am using fake name and a drop address and if you give me the wrong tracking number you will have to reship for free.

I am sure tracy would be ok with this arrangement.........psych!

If it was sent in your name and you somehow missed the postman, would you go to the police office...I mean post office and claim the package?

This part has nothing to do with your issue with the supplier. I don't order a lot of anything but I am still paranoid as fuck about shipping and think about stupid shit all the time. So lets say you were given the correct tracking number. Your order was seized and they are going to do a controlled delivery. You were hanging out on the porch/waiting in the driveway on this vacant /vacation rental. The mailman comes and gives you the package you drive away and 30 seconds later you get pulled over since they were doing a controlled delivery. Now since the package isn't in your name do the agents say "I see this package isn't in your name, and this isn't your address and by some strange un explainable reason you were here at this address at the exact time that the mail was delivered and took delivery of this package that you did not order. We are sorry for interruption of your day. Your free to go." Or, did you commit additional crimes of mail fraud (using fake names to deceive) and mail theft (in possession of us mail that is not yours)?

Or do you just rent abnbs to use as your flop/drop house?

You said you have done a lot of orders so I would guess you have your system down.

Also, cake or pie?
If no one has to sign why wasn't the package just left at the house?
I understand you wanting to limit your exposure to get caught by using fake info but your transaction isn't like buying something off ebay and you not receiving it. I guess on future orders you would have to tell the supplier - hey I am using fake name and a drop address and if you give me the wrong tracking number you will have to reship for free.

I am sure tracy would be ok with this arrangement.........psych!

If it was sent in your name and you somehow missed the postman, would you go to the police office...I mean post office and claim the package?

This part has nothing to do with your issue with the supplier. I don't order a lot of anything but I am still paranoid as fuck about shipping and think about stupid shit all the time. So lets say you were given the correct tracking number. Your order was seized and they are going to do a controlled delivery. You were hanging out on the porch/waiting in the driveway on this vacant /vacation rental. The mailman comes and gives you the package you drive away and 30 seconds later you get pulled over since they were doing a controlled delivery. Now since the package isn't in your name do the agents say "I see this package isn't in your name, and this isn't your address and by some strange un explainable reason you were here at this address at the exact time that the mail was delivered and took delivery of this package that you did not order. We are sorry for interruption of your day. Your free to go." Or, did you commit additional crimes of mail fraud (using fake names to deceive) and mail theft (in possession of us mail that is not yours)?

Or do you just rent abnbs to use as your flop/drop house?

You said you have done a lot of orders so I would guess you have your system down.

Also, cake or pie?
Hi. The person who recieved the package took it to the post office after asking his neighbours if it was theres.

I disagree, it has to do with the supplier, they're the ones who send tracking numbers.

The package didn't get seized so why are we even talking about this, it's not relevant in anyway. I messaged the rep asking for an update because the tracking he gave me wasn't even scanned yet. Then he sends me the real tracking and says "Friend please refer to this order number". It was delivered yesterday.

I told the rep the info was fake, so it kind of implies how important the tracking is. He acknowledged this.
Common guys, we have a co member getting the wrong tracking yet you make it like its his fault lol
It's not his fault. But he would still have got his parcel if he used his own name and address. Tracking mix ups happen, it's easy to mix up and it's happened to me personally a few times. I would just take the loss if it were me, you know the risk of not getting your package in the first place if you use the wrong address or name. Some usps carriers won't even deliver to vacant addresses or last names not associated with that address.
It's not his fault. But he would still have got his parcel if he used his own name and address. Tracking mix ups happen, it's easy to mix up and it's happened to me personally a few times. I would just take the loss if it were me, you know the risk of not getting your package in the first place if you use the wrong address or name. Some usps carriers won't even deliver to vacant addresses or last names not associated with that address.
Yep, the problem is the supplier shouldn’t be called out if they sent the right tracking in the first place. The guy knows the risk of using a fake name but he does not have control of the tracking.

I hope you find resolution on this problem.

Let’s support our fellow members before this vendors so they will have our backs too when it’s our turn to need the help.
It's not his fault. But he would still have got his parcel if he used his own name and address. Tracking mix ups happen, it's easy to mix up and it's happened to me personally a few times. I would just take the loss if it were me, you know the risk of not getting your package in the first place if you use the wrong address or name. Some usps carriers won't even deliver to vacant addresses or last names not associated with that address.
It's different here in australia. But i understand your point, my review was not meant to necessarily attack anyone, it was to outline my problem.
It's different here in australia. But i understand your point, my review was not meant to necessarily attack anyone, it was to outline my problem.
Sometimes I just assume everyone is American lol. My apologies. Hopefully you find a middle ground with the vendor and you get your package
Do u realize that using a fake name to get a package is a federal crime in itself? Not smart.
Things definitely changed nowadays. Back in the early 2000’s until late 2010’s we used to have measures in place to avoid scrutiny like fake names, po boxes under different names, drop houses. After ORD and SSB, lots of guys got questioned and the further your name is from raws the better especially if you’re from a high risk country.

They are bound to get you if they want but you try to make them work harder wad the point.