Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Exactly, why are people fighting betterment of quality, tests and pricing? Endorse what’s advantageous to us customers not the vendors, sometimes people unknowingly act like shills lol.
Agree here. I have bought from SSA in the past. Did a sampler vial pack of about 13 of their blends and more exotic oils and some orals. None of them will be tested. It's a crapshoot, and I knew that going in. ....Figured I'd give them a try..... But as an everyday vendor the big T can't be beat. They test everything, and members test again. You know what you're getting and exactly what dosage. The tip of the cap is the prices are the lowest.
In order for SSA to even consider being in the game long term they would probably have to lose money at first and start shoveling money in Janoshik's pocket for constant testing.

