Smart drugs on cycle?

I'm prescribed 20mg adderall twice a day. After the first month of taking two 20mg adderall my mind was completely shot. I felt like a walking zombie. I started on vyvanse then gravitated to the adderall brand. I work in a pharmacy and everytime I type in a adderall or vyvanse script I die a little in the inside. In all seriousness if I take it to study for an exam or to go out and have a few drinks and be social I find it to work but in a daily routine I won't take it anymore. I found a routine for me that gives me a less clouded focus which consist of good sleep and I make sure to eat a good breakfast and get some cardio in. I might get a Red Bull once or twice a week. I feel better which leads to an all around better mood.
Addies work great but you wont want to eat on them.
Vyanse isn't as of a jacked up feeling but the appetite is the same as addy for me
Coke is fun but you will feel like shit for 2 days afterward
Caffeine you get immune to.

Best is probably Adderall if I was to choose on of the above to get shit done on. It depends on your dosage and tolerance too. You can take a dose to get work done or a recreational dose which is what most people end up doing to get a high.

Ive done all of these to the extreme though so I may not be the best judge.
Ive drank like 5 redbulls, 4 addies, and a preworkout in a day before and been fine. But don't go by me lol
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Hey guys, started a cycle 2 weeks ago but I've read things about test having negative effects on studying.

Being a student at the moment this is a concern.

Current cycle is:
500mg of Test E - 250mg Mon/Thurs
Aromasin EOD
Winney in 5 weeks 50mg ED

Wondering if anybody has used modafinil while on cycle? And recommendations for dosing.

Cheers lads.
Test+winny with E2 in check should keep you mentally stimulated
if not, you have some health issues that need to be addressed