some advice


New Member
hi ppl ... look bros I have a question for me Advisors

look i took prohormes 2 bottles of andro bomb i dont know if you've heard about it anyway this is the profile

so i took 2 bootle i finish like 3 week ago..after that i have to take a post cycle some like arom x rde... bot I have not taken yet... and now im feeling the symptom of strogen i think and androestrone... no gyno symptom but i feel you know smooth skin, some liquid retention or fat and low libido... and is reasonable because i took the prohormes that boost my testo synthetically and my natural testo stop his normal function and I 've had nothing to return to replenish my regular testosterone level...

so the question is... i have 2 bootle of primobolan in tablet 25mg 60tabs both... i do not buy it... my friend in the gym gift me because he sells roids but anyway that is not relevant... the primo is from europa quality labs.. so i know that primo in tabs are crap and monocyle too.. both you know my concept is that you to try the things by your self and and you realize if it works or not because you tested for yourself... i think to take 75mg ED for 6 week(i dont pretent to waste money buy roids etc you know... i am only taking the opportunity of what gave me) obvius i will use supps creatine, bcaa, aminoacid..

so i think that primo will boost my test again... and i going to gain some muscles (I will continue with my bulk diet) and when i finish the 6weeks then i took the post cycle to replenish my regular testo again... that is what i have in mind... so what is your opinion for advice me... and sorry about my bad english im from panama.
I did a few PH/DS cycles in nmy day, but I dont know anything about that PH. But if it was legit I would run a PROPER PCT (clomid and/or nolva) ASAP and then wait until sometime down the road and run a real cycle. Im 96.3% sure youll be wasting your time with the primo. And no reason to fuck your system up even worse.

If you need help on proper PCT theres a whole subforum in here
Also if you take my advice and it works I need a favor. Can you please go to the beach and take some pictures of panamanian butts and post them.

Women butts!
I did a few PH/DS cycles in nmy day, but I dont know anything about that PH. But if it was legit I would run a PROPER PCT (clomid and/or nolva) ASAP and then wait until sometime down the road and run a real cycle. Im 96.3% sure youll be wasting your time with the primo. And no reason to fuck your system up even worse.

If you need help on proper PCT theres a whole subforum in here

i put the information of the PH in the link.... so have to be clomid or nolva? can not be any test support that have anti strogen etc like test freak, vitix(nutrex), t bomb 3?.. or whatever what doses to run nolva or clomid? i do two months of ph... 8 WEeks
Test Freak, T bomb, etc are test "boosters". And not good ones at that.
When I did PH I would run both clomid and nolva afterwards for anything over 6 weeks. And I did some crazy runs.

Clomid for me was 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Are both overkill for a PH? Maybe. But youve already kind of messed up. Now ill check on your so called "link"
Are you actually feeling shutdown? I checked out the "ingredients". It looks like a bunch of nothing. I think it may all be in your head. Im leaving.