Some PIP questions.

In the middle of the quad? Thus friday i pinned my kinda middle of the quad for the first time with 32g needle and only one third of the amount since i do three shots a week. It has given me crazy fckn pip. I have been limping like a mofo and been icing it since morning.
My glutes are a bit soft and when i use 32g needle on glutes they get lumpy and pip lingers for days. Should i get a bigger needle for glutes?
Really, damn, I love the top of quads shots they’re painless. How much do you pin, mine can tolerate two 1 ml shots just give it one inch space apart.

As for glutes, if you hold a little but more fat maybe use a longer needle.
Really, damn, I love the top of quads shots they’re painless. How much do you pin, mine can tolerate two 1 ml shots just give it one inch space apart.

As for glutes, if you hold a little but more fat maybe use a longer needle.
Well, I have Ace Pharma test E 300. I have been taking 210mg a week. So I divide the dose in three small doses so each dose isn’t that much. I have been on this bottle for almost 2 months now. Took a middle quad shot for the first time and it’s been killing me. Yup, i have had taken shots on upper outer side of the quads and they are not that painful at all. Pip is there but it doesn’t feel as bad as this shot i took in the middle of the quad.
You can’t get infection from the same bottle if your hygiene is pretty good and you use alcohol swabs before and after taking shots? I always shower before i take my shot.
Well, I have Ace Pharma test E 300. I have been taking 210mg a week. So I divide the dose in three small doses so each dose isn’t that much. I have been on this bottle for almost 2 months now. Took a middle quad shot for the first time and it’s been killing me. Yup, i have had taken shots on upper outer side of the quads and they are not that painful at all. Pip is there but it doesn’t feel as bad as this shot i took in the middle of the quad.
You can’t get infection from the same bottle if your hygiene is pretty good and you use alcohol swabs before and after taking shots? I always shower before i take my shot.
You should be good then, maybe virgin muscles if it’s your first time doing that part of the quads.

If you have done proper area swabbing and have sterile gear, chances of abscess should be near zero.