sorry for the repeat supplier question. can you help?


New Member
Hi Guys,

I have been on TRT for 8 years, and my dose has not changed in the last 6. I am looking for a more cost effective way than my TRT clinic.

I have tried to find the most trusted that does not have a bunch of hoops, is the correct place?

Also I am interested in increasing my mass, what are good places to start outside of just increasing my test?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to answer this. I know these questions can be frustrating for the longtime members.

Hope to pay it forward
Hi Guys,

I have been on TRT for 8 years, and my dose has not changed in the last 6. I am looking for a more cost effective way than my TRT clinic.

I have tried to find the most trusted that does not have a bunch of hoops, is the correct place?

Also I am interested in increasing my mass, what are good places to start outside of just increasing my test?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to answer this. I know these questions can be frustrating for the longtime members.

Hope to pay it forward
My suggestion to you is don’t just ask …. Search all thru this forum and educate yourself. You’ll answer your questions by doing that.

I’ll give you and easy answer to one … FOOD
There is no trusted place. You read for a week then come back read some more and then think about it is it worth it. In the mean time search and research as much as you can. You will find out there is no g2g source. It doesn't exist. Use your own intuition and take the risk. That's what we all do at the end of the day. We have been scammed yes, but we learn from mistakes. Go do your homework and don't be lazy pal.
There is no trusted place. You read for a week then come back read some more and then think about it is it worth it. In the mean time search and research as much as you can. You will find out there is no g2g source. It doesn't exist. Use your own intuition and take the risk. That's what we all do at the end of the day. We have been scammed yes, but we learn from mistakes. Go do your homework and don't be lazy pal.
Thank you, I promise I am not trying to be lazy. I am just trying to pick up the advice you are giving. Can you recommend any threads to follow?
Thank you, I promise I am not trying to be lazy. I am just trying to pick up the advice you are giving. Can you recommend any threads to follow?

I don't recall if new members have access to the "Steroid Underground" section, or simply can't post there, but that's where all the vendor threads are located.

Read as much as you can, knowing for the most part any fuckery by a vendor tends to be called out quickly and loudly by members. Going back a few weeks worth of posts should give you a reasonable sense of their reputation.
I don't recall if new members have access to the "Steroid Underground" section, or simply can't post their, but that's where all the vendor threads are located.
I can and did post there. I think algorithm is a bit smarter and more intuitive than that.
Yeah what Ghoul said.

Fake UGL stuff would get picked up on quickly by people

There’s a cheap and easy way to test some stuff yourself. For T and AIs, a blood test. For HCG a pregnancy test.
There are limitations on new members.
until certain requirements are met. You have private messages enabled, for instance, OP does not.
There are, I know. I read quite a bit. Not trying to be some sort of a smartass. I can't like UG section posts yet. That's probably the only limitation. Not that my intention is to. I just like to source for myself and my personal use only.
Hi Guys,

I have been on TRT for 8 years, and my dose has not changed in the last 6. I am looking for a more cost effective way than my TRT clinic.

I have tried to find the most trusted that does not have a bunch of hoops, is the correct place?

Also I am interested in increasing my mass, what are good places to start outside of just increasing my test?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to answer this. I know these questions can be frustrating for the longtime members.

Hope to pay it forward
Basic is good.
i use pharmacom (basicstero) all the time. My go to. That being said, next week they may decide to scam their customers. Stay on top of their thread and any other threads of suppliers you’re interested in. Customers will be quick to report issues and the beauty of the forum is that the suppliers cannot delete comments. Just stay current
i use pharmacom (basicstero) all the time. My go to. That being said, next week they may decide to scam their customers. Stay on top of their thread and any other threads of suppliers you’re interested in. Customers will be quick to report issues and the beauty of the forum is that the suppliers cannot delete comments. Just stay current
Hi Guys,

I have been on TRT for 8 years, and my dose has not changed in the last 6. I am looking for a more cost effective way than my TRT clinic.

I have tried to find the most trusted that does not have a bunch of hoops, is the correct place?

Also I am interested in increasing my mass, what are good places to start outside of just increasing my test?

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to answer this. I know these questions can be frustrating for the longtime members.

Hope to pay it forward
why do you not want to increase your testosterone?
there is no better place to start then increasing test. TEST IS BEST
I definitely would’ve gotten better gains on my second blast if I ran 750 test+ai instead of listening to my coach who had me run 250 test 500 primo lmao felt like death, destroyed my joints, terrible mood, and incredibly dehydrated
I definitely would’ve gotten better gains on my second blast if I ran 750 test+ai instead of listening to my coach who had me run 250 test 500 primo lmao felt like death, destroyed my joints, terrible mood, and incredibly dehydrated
Got it - Start with the highest recommended amount of tren :)
why do you not want to increase your testosterone?
I am open to it. Its just not something my clinic would support. Its why I am looking for a supplier, as my perscribed amount is peaked at 200.

Knowing that a cruise at 200 - how much can I go up and notice a meaningful impact?

thanks for your reply and sharing your knowledge!