source checks: valkyrie and anabolic anarchy?

Now I see a good blood test and a bad one....hmmmnmm

i see that in the underground section of meso that is mainly a ''lawless section'' , many people try to take advantage of the situation & say or claim bullshits (mitgh be ''shills'' ?)..Hope for them some financial rewards are engaged !

i invite you to check the documents following that post about Reports of our product tested by ''CHEMTOX'' , that is the standard labs that ever been used by ( , note these are from this last summer.

We patiently awaiting our turn to be shown up on anaboliclab ...

i would also add, it would be contradictory for the owner of MESO/AnabolicLabs to accept a source that is selling ''bunk stuff" or else ''underdosed Gear'' while he would invest himself and put all efforts to run a project such as .

Video will be soon posted in order to comply with the SCOC of the forums (manufacturing)


i see that in the underground section of meso that is mainly a ''lawless section'' , many people try to take advantage of the situation & say or claim bullshits (mitgh be ''shills'' ?)..Hope for them some financial rewards are engaged !

i invite you to check the documents following that post about Reports of our product tested by ''CHEMTOX'' , that is the standard labs that ever been used by ( , note these are from this last summer.

We patiently awaiting our turn to be shown up on anaboliclab ...

i would also add, it would be contradictory for the owner of MESO/AnabolicLabs to accept a source that is selling ''bunk stuff" or else ''underdosed Gear'' while he would invest himself and put all efforts to run a project such as .

Video will be soon posted in order to comply with the SCOC of the forums (manufacturing)

Meso as a whole, is unmoderated and uncensored, not lawless. Just because members have negative opinions about your lab doesn't make them "lawless" or "taking advantage of the situation". The only "members" that "take advantage" of the unmoderated and uncensored format of Meso is UGLs and sources. They abuse the format to promote the sale of their products. Now, for you to imply members are receiving financial benefit from posting negative opinions on your products is hearsay and libel. Unless you have evidence to support your implication, please retract it.

Last summer doesn't mean much. What testing have you had done recently and more importantly, how often? Does every batch produced get tested?

The "owner of Meso" doesn't "accept" or refute any source. Like I said, the sources here abuse the format for financial gain. As far as the testing by Anabolic Lab; the samples are received anonymously, there's no preferential treatment of any kind, and the owner lets the tests results speak for themselves. Please tread lightly when questioning Millard's integrity.

There is no SCOC. Based on your post, you need to do more research on the culture here at Meso before you post again.
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i see that in the underground section of meso that is mainly a ''lawless section'' , many people try to take advantage of the situation & say or claim bullshits (mitgh be ''shills'' ?)..Hope for them some financial rewards are engaged !

i invite you to check the documents following that post about Reports of our product tested by ''CHEMTOX'' , that is the standard labs that ever been used by ( , note these are from this last summer.

We patiently awaiting our turn to be shown up on anaboliclab ...

i would also add, it would be contradictory for the owner of MESO/AnabolicLabs to accept a source that is selling ''bunk stuff" or else ''underdosed Gear'' while he would invest himself and put all efforts to run a project such as .

Video will be soon posted in order to comply with the SCOC of the forums (manufacturing)

Do you realize what the report on the test-e 250 you posted says? If I'm reading it correctly, it states that it has 234mg/ml of test-e and 3.1mg/ml test-p. Your test-e has test-p in it! You think this is a good thing?? Lets see what the others say...
i see that in the underground section of meso that is mainly a ''lawless section'' , many people try to take advantage of the situation & say or claim bullshits (mitgh be ''shills'' ?)..Hope for them some financial rewards are engaged !

i invite you to check the documents following that post about Reports of our product tested by ''CHEMTOX'' , that is the standard labs that ever been used by ( , note these are from this last summer.

We patiently awaiting our turn to be shown up on anaboliclab ...

i would also add, it would be contradictory for the owner of MESO/AnabolicLabs to accept a source that is selling ''bunk stuff" or else ''underdosed Gear'' while he would invest himself and put all efforts to run a project such as .

Video will be soon posted in order to comply with the SCOC of the forums (manufacturing)

Not only is your Deca over dosed by 16mg/ml, it also has test-p in it! And the test-p is overdosed by 23mg/ml!
Meso as a whole, is unmoderated and uncensored, not lawless. Just because members have negative opinions about your lab doesn't make them "lawless" or "taking advantage of the situation". The only "members" that take advantage of the unmoderated and uncensored format of Meso is UGLs and sources. They abuse the format to promote the sale of their products. Now, for you to imply members are receiving financial benefit from posting negative opinions on your products is hearsay and libel. Unless you have evidence to support your implication, please retract it.

Last summer doesn't mean much. What testing have you had done recently and more importantly, how often? Does every batch produced get tested?

The "owner of Meso" doesn't "accept" or refute any source. Like I said, the sources here abuse the format for financial gain. As far as the testing by Anabolic Lab; the samples are received anonymously, there's no preferential treatment of any kind, and the owner lets the tests results speak for themselves. Please tread lightly when questioning Millard's integrity.

There is no SCOC. Based on your post, you need to do more research on the culture here at Meso before you post again.

i dont intend to disrespect anyone , i know the community's base , preventing scamms or dangerous stuff due to wrong manufacturing.

i just pointed the fact that some people are bashing anything new without any evidences except their says !!

Yes people gave bad opinions about us , but are you sure that they really ordered or ever tried any of our products ? are you sure that the people bashing a new source has no financial rewards ?

the community is hypoteticly unbiased, but still , there is some form of groups that went above the sea , targeting and hitting any sources on their sitgh without real justification .. Except their own source all the rest is considered as scamms.
Valkryie couldn't take the heat here. I think you would be better off taking a look at and choose from a lab which is providing a quality product.

If Valkryie was gtg they would not have left.
Poor quality control for sure. Contamination issues aside, some people would love to have overdosed product but due to the poor quality control, next time it could just as easily be underdosed.
I don't know what the fuck this guy is doing here. He ran like a bitch when things got hot.
Do you realize what the report on the test-e 250 you posted says? If I'm reading it correctly, it states that it has 234mg/ml of test-e and 3.1mg/ml test-p. Your test-e has test-p in it! You think this is a good thing?? Lets see what the others say...

yes , we are transparant, and has nothing to hide ..

just to let you know , we asked chemtox to test our products and also requested extra dectection for any other stuff (as traces), we paid a extras for the extra dectections ..

In the case of Anaboliclabs , when they send one product to be tested, simec will only give the dosage in their report of the substance shown/matching on the label.

Millard ever mentioned it , exemple : if the label show Anavar and in fact its dianabol instead VAR, the report will show 0mg ANAVAR , but it will not show the real active susbtance and neither the concentration of the DBOL ..

Anaboliclab would have to pay double price to know if there was any ''traces contamination from a different substances " & again it has ever been said by millard !

And unpretentiously , i would say that 99% of the UG carries also trace contamination from various others AAS in their products, the cause is directly caused on top of them ''powder supplier''..
yes , we are transparant, and has nothing to hide ..

just to let you know , we asked chemtox to test our products and also requested extra dectection for any other stuff (as traces), we paid a extras for the extra dectections ..

In the case of Anaboliclabs , when they send one product to be tested, simec will only give the dosage in their report of the substance shown/matching on the label.

Millard ever mentioned it , exemple : if the label show Anavar and in fact its dianabol instead VAR, the report will show 0mg ANAVAR , but it will not show the real active susbtance and neither the concentration of the DBOL ..

Anaboliclab would have to pay double price to know if there was any ''traces contamination from a different substances " & again it has ever been said by millard !

And unpretentiously , i would say that 99% of the UG carries also trace contamination from various others AAS in their products, the cause is directly caused on top of them ''powder supplier''..
Yeah I would rather know if had anything real in it or what the complete content was.
What i would be worried about is that since test e is a long ester , i would think prop in it could cause unstable blood levels which could lead to undesired side effects to go with these blood fluctuations...
I'm gonna go and say they most likely use the same filter for different compounds to get low doses of other compounds in there test reports.or they use the same containers to weigh the powders before brewing.either way its a really low amount
First off, read this
★ Official Distributor of Valkyrie Pharma★
Then ask yourself why Valkyrie was unable to answer even the most "transparent" questions about their products posed by dozens of members here. Valkyrie intentionally avoided answering members questions about their gear, then got mad and ran a shill fest to try to deflect having to answer questions and when given an opportunity to be upfront, simply ranted on about nothing. And here's the infamous Jolter saying they're gtg. I've seen it all smh :rolleyes:
First off, read this
★ Official Distributor of Valkyrie Pharma★
Then ask yourself why Valkyrie was unable to answer even the most "transparent" questions about their products posed by dozens of members here. Valkyrie intentionally avoided answering members questions about their gear, then got mad and ran a shill fest to try to deflect having to answer questions and when given an opportunity to be upfront, simply ranted on about nothing. And here's the infamous Jolter saying they're gtg. I've seen it all smh :rolleyes:
No one said they were good to go fag,just stating why I thought there were test p in it.and by using the same shit to filter and weight powder is not sterile or go fuck yourself.
I'd be more than happy to verbally abuse you jolter, but your kind hold no interest for me and it would be too easy. If a disreputable member says something to me, does it hold any more weight than anything else they say? No. Go back to your mass builder thread where you belong until the next free gear opportunity comes along for you.