Now don't take this as a shot at ya but aren't you a rep for naps?
My apologies if I'm mistaken.
But if you are my opinion is you shouldn't get to make suggestions to the coc as you are involved with a source so to speak.
Regular however to my knowledge reps or pushes no one so his opinion Carrys more weight.
I think most members will agree anyone involved with a source shouldn't get a vote on terms of the coc.
Just my .2 cents.
Now don't take this as a shot at ya but aren't you a rep for naps?
My apologies if I'm mistaken.
But if you are my opinion is you shouldn't get to make suggestions to the coc as you are involved with a source so to speak.
Regular however to my knowledge reps or pushes no one so his opinion Carrys more weight.
I think most members will agree anyone involved with a source shouldn't get a vote on terms of the coc.
Just my .2 cents.