[SOURCE] Pharmaceutical Grade Anabolics (PGANABOLICS) CANADA DOMESTIC + USA/NT

Hi guys! No I’m not a new user of PGA lol!! Just to make it clear haha! I know it’s a 2018 -2020 conversation but I will try..

First things first, I wan’t to tell I’m from Quebec City, I speak french, so Ill try my best for you to understand! ( Please dont tell me to go on french forum, it was even worse than here lol!! )

I’ve read those 134 pages, and god damnnn!! Yesterday, I just saw 5 pages, and I almost buy PGA’s gear.. I’ve been scammed by a source for 415$ before ( canadiananabolic.is ) so I wanted finish reading this post, and I did it!! Finally it was long, BUT*** i’m happy I did it, because I would probably have been scammed another time, for 400$ again... Thanks to all for that, cause fuck it’s not sick to be scammed for 90$, 200$, or 400$, really not!! I’ve seen who’s there from the beginning, I could wright those name with no problem! And I wanna talk to them, in PM here or email if you want! If one of those guy, that I want to say thank you again for not letting me bought from PGA, if you could help me to get a good source!! I’ve paid gear in person before, that is trully more safe than online.. So Thanks for your reading, hope I will have a return!
We have some awesome Canadian sources here man, check them out.
Hi guys! No I’m not a new user of PGA lol!! Just to make it clear haha! I know it’s a 2018 -2020 conversation but I will try..

First things first, I wan’t to tell I’m from Quebec City, I speak french, so Ill try my best for you to understand! ( Please dont tell me to go on french forum, it was even worse than here lol!! )

I’ve read those 134 pages, and god damnnn!! Yesterday, I just saw 5 pages, and I almost buy PGA’s gear.. I’ve been scammed by a source for 415$ before ( canadiananabolic.is ) so I wanted finish reading this post, and I did it!! Finally it was long, BUT*** i’m happy I did it, because I would probably have been scammed another time, for 400$ again... Thanks to all for that, cause fuck it’s not sick to be scammed for 90$, 200$, or 400$, really not!! I’ve seen who’s there from the beginning, I could wright those name with no problem! And I wanna talk to them, in PM here or email if you want! If one of those guy, that I want to say thank you again for not letting me bought from PGA, if you could help me to get a good source!! I’ve paid gear in person before, that is trully more safe than online.. So Thanks for your reading, hope I will have a return!

Go on a French forum! :D

Canadian domestics are in the underground and labeled as such. i really don't see any unhappy members in those threads, so they must be doing something right. Have a look and see which of them tickles your fancy.
Go on a French forum! :D

Canadian domestics are in the underground and labeled as such. i really don't see any unhappy members in those threads, so they must be doing something right. Have a look and see which of them tickles your fancy.
I must admit, we’re blessed with some pretty great sources up here.

To be fair, though, it’s mostly because our laws regarding steroids are pretty lax. Most of the time when Canadian sources get busted it’s because they fucked with rec drugs.

Simple possession isn’t even illegal.
That’s true!!

And I need to edit my first question,
If one of you could tell me a good Canadian website, “not pganabolic forsure“ lol!! In PM or in email, because I know than we should not tell that in public, so if you want to, it would be very appreciated!!
I'm not usually the guy to go after others.
But your reason @Blondi0506 for bumping PGs thread... is to thank people for saying PG was shit?
So, as opposed to posting in the Canadian thread.
You bumped a thread of a known scammer who got caught by LE.. and got caught with coke by LE and is probably being watched by LE.
Who sells Adrol for 250 a pack
who also sells t4 for 200 dollars a pack (Its fucking 12 dollars elsewhere.

Let this thread stay dead and buried so no retards read the first 3 pages and go to his website.... get watched by LE or scammed/ ripped off by this piece of fucking shit source.

Let it die
Go to the Canadians talk domestic thread
Read it
Everything about the Candian Gear UGL scene is there, but let this thread fucking die
Sorry I try my best for you to understand!!
I might do an error ahah!
Just to make sure, a source for you is a website or the brand of the product?
And if it’s the website, in the french forum they all say like, “don’t tell any website in public just the lab cause if there’s police....“ lol, that’s why I said that!
I must admit, we’re blessed with some pretty great sources up here.

To be fair, though, it’s mostly because our laws regarding steroids are pretty lax. Most of the time when Canadian sources get busted it’s because they fucked with rec drugs.

Simple possession isn’t even illegal.
Right? I got pulled over in my teenage years and I had some test and mast, wonder why the officer only took the masteron lol.
Sorry I try my best for you to understand!!
I might do an error ahah!
Just to make sure, a source for you is a website or the brand of the product?
A source is a source..

You know that pg was a scammer.. but if you had posted this two years ago in any Canadian thread, it would have been pg himself replying to you, and you may have been victimized for inviting such a pm..

Do some homework/reading and come to your own conclusion..
A source is a source..

You know that pg was a scammer.. but if you had posted this two years ago in any Canadian thread, it would have been pg himself replying to you, and you may have been victimized for inviting such a pm..

Do some homework/reading and come to your own conclusion..
He’s learning, he’s trying, he came here asking for help, he’s been helped, now we let this shit thread die again.