[SOURCE] Pharmaceutical Grade Anabolics (PGANABOLICS) CANADA DOMESTIC + USA/NT

I was not trying to be rude or whatever!
But your comment about the homework is unnecessary! I’m 24 it’s not like I was 16 years old.. lol

I did no mean to offend, but I believe if it was unnecessary you would have already done so instead of asking for a source..
Go to the Canadians talk domestic thread
Read it
Everything about the Candian Gear UGL scene is there, but let this thread fucking die
Agree 100 pct Bro. Please everyone no resurrection of PGA....information on PGA is on many forums....it ain’t good - stay away!
Didn’t these guys get busted? I remember distinctly PGA anabolics in a bust.

House got busted
House sold under the proceeds of crime (a month or so ago)
Busted with massive amounts of Pharma and some coke.

THAT is exactly why this thread should DIE
LE knows about them... and this is a publicly listed website and one of the first hits for PG

If you think this isnt being monitored, you're mistaken brother.
For everyones well being and safety, let this die please.
House got busted
House sold under the proceeds of crime (a month or so ago)
Busted with massive amounts of Pharma and some coke.

THAT is exactly why this thread should DIE
LE knows about them... and this is a publicly listed website and one of the first hits for PG

If you think this isnt being monitored, you're mistaken brother.
For everyones well being and safety, let this die please.
You sure about the house being sold 'under proceeds of crime'? I'd be shocked if he's already been convicted
You sure about the house being sold 'under proceeds of crime'? I'd be shocked if he's already been convicted

fucking Canadian government is so slow that I bet nothing probably happens for another 2 years. I had driving ticket from February 2020 that still in limbo ahaha

if this brand is still running then the people that were caught were just a couple of chumps working for this brand. The real owner of all big steroid operations or companies always stays in the shadows. I never saw any articles about the pga website or lab equipment or even mailing supply. So what the dumb police got was couple of scrubs working and not the real deal. The real deal is a lab...and the entire operation.
fucking Canadian government is so slow that I bet nothing probably happens for another 2 years. I had driving ticket from February 2020 that still in limbo ahaha

if this brand is still running then the people that were caught were just a couple of chumps working for this brand. The real owner of all big steroid operations or companies always stays in the shadows. I never saw any articles about the pga website or lab equipment or even mailing supply. So what the dumb police got was couple of scrubs working and not the real deal. The real deal is a lab...and the entire operation.
No man, the owner of pg was essentially an idiot, had his house, fancy cars and all his proceeds of crime seized mostly in part due to him peddling Rec drugs (cocaine I think it was). The cops really don’t care too much about steroids here in Canada, but selling cocaine they definitely do.
fucking Canadian government is so slow that I bet nothing probably happens for another 2 years. I had driving ticket from February 2020 that still in limbo ahaha

if this brand is still running then the people that were caught were just a couple of chumps working for this brand. The real owner of all big steroid operations or companies always stays in the shadows. I never saw any articles about the pga website or lab equipment or even mailing supply. So what the dumb police got was couple of scrubs working and not the real deal. The real deal is a lab...and the entire operation.
There is 100% an article, obviously you didn’t look very hard before making unfounded assumptions.
I am canadian!! I know. I seen that article and there is mention of possession of some rec drugs. Nothing about trafficking. Police don't care about possession...

I also do not see anything in that article about any website, any lab or any mail equipment...if the pigs get bust that is about some large website, labs or something like that trust me they want to show it off. If that is what they got they would have plastered it.

I see that article say a car was seized. Nothing about house. Nothing about rec drug selling. Nothing about any website. So I dunno why u attacking me and saying I make things up lol
I am canadian!! I know. I seen that article and there is mention of possession of some rec drugs. Nothing about trafficking. Police don't care about possession...

I also do not see anything in that article about any website, any lab or any mail equipment...if the pigs get bust that is about some large website, labs or something like that trust me they want to show it off. If that is what they got they would have plastered it.

I see that article say a car was seized. Nothing about house. Nothing about rec drug selling. Nothing about any website. So I dunno why u attacking me and saying I make things up lol
I’m not attacking you, but you just said, you didn’t se any article, nor did you hear of the bust, so which is it, did you see the article and read it? Or did you not see it and not know?
What is DYEL means? is actually a misconception that in Canada pigs don't care about steroids. It not priority for them but if they sniff it those pigs go for it.

cashton, sorry I misinterpreted. I saw article about some bust. I meant to say that I did not see any article that was about any website being busted or for that article to mention anything about lab equipment, websites or mailing supply. That why I said no way people in that article are the true owners of this company because if police get a bust like that, they would get mailing supply and say thing like: we got worldwide steroid guy!! and make it into huge deal and act like they got pablo escobar of steroids lol. That and the ages of the people involved. No way lol
What is DYEL means? is actually a misconception that in Canada pigs don't care about steroids. It not priority for them but if they sniff it those pigs go for it.

cashton, sorry I misinterpreted. I saw article about some bust. I meant to say that I did not see any article that was about any website being busted or for that article to mention anything about lab equipment, websites or mailing supply. That why I said no way people in that article are the true owners of this company because if police get a bust like that, they would get mailing supply and say thing like: we got worldwide steroid guy!! and make it into huge deal and act like they got pablo escobar of steroids lol. That and the ages of the people involved. No way lol
They made a pretty big deal out of it for a steroid case, which is a schedule 5(?) drug I think under the cdsa... Canadian cops almost don’t give a fuck about roids in general, it was the Rec drugs that pushed Pg over the edge with LE in my opinion.
Let this fucking thread die guys. I happen to know quite a lot of details around this case and I will tell you that you are ALL wrong. Talk about it in the canadian domestic thread if you really want to discuss what you guys think you know about it.
it was the Rec drugs that pushed Pg over the edge with LE in my opinion.

I can assure you, your opinion is very incorrect.
Let this fucking thread die guys. I happen to know quite a lot of details around this case and I will tell you that you are ALL wrong. Talk about it in the canadian domestic thread if you really want to discuss what you guys think you know about it.

I can assure you, your opinion is very incorrect.
Correct me than please? Because everything I’ve seen says that PG was a target because of international shipping and rec drugs..

straight from the article, looks like rec drugs and international shipping to me..

  • Trafficking in a schedule IV substance (anabolic steroids)
  • Possession of a schedule IV substance for the purpose of trafficking
  • Exporting a schedule IV substance
  • Possession of a schedule I substance (Oxycodone)
  • Possession of a schedule I substance (cocaine)
  • Possession proceeds of crim
Correct me than please? Because everything I’ve seen says that PG was a target because of international shipping and rec drugs..

straight from the article, looks like rec drugs and international shipping to me..

  • Trafficking in a schedule IV substance (anabolic steroids)
  • Possession of a schedule IV substance for the purpose of trafficking
  • Exporting a schedule IV substance
  • Possession of a schedule I substance (Oxycodone)
  • Possession of a schedule I substance (cocaine)
  • Possession proceeds of crim

Im not snitching the details. They are not talked about open forum for a reason and I was told in confidence. What I will say is that the cops may have known about him exporting, but that isn’t what got him pinched and more so just part of the investigation.

The Rec drugs were completely unknown to them and only found when they searched the residence, that is why he caught a possession and not a trafficking or distribution charge.

let this thread die ffs.
Im not snitching the details. They are not talked about open forum for a reason and I was told in confidence. What I will say is that the cops may have known about him exporting, but that isn’t what got him pinched and more so just part of the investigation.

The Rec drugs were completely unknown to them and only found when they searched the residence, that is why he caught a possession and not a trafficking or distribution charge.

let this thread die ffs.
Sounds like y’all were/are butt buddies or somthing to have all this personal sensitive information :rolleyes: