Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known Member
10+ Year Member
I'd just like to get a general consensus from the community on what everyone's take is. I personally think we'd be better off without anybody sourcing here and it seems we are of to a good start.
Yes but it's causing madness here. I've been reading members suggest a bunch of Different things but nothing that will stop the influx of bathroom operations looking to cash in on us meso members.
Meso is the only uncensored forum where sources can post and we can vet them , call them on their bullshit and not get banned or have posts deleted. The scoc is a good tool even though sources don't have to comply and often skirt the issue we learn valuable information here about sources through the vetting process. It would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I'm for whatever direction this takes us. I'm just glad there is a way for everyone to participate in a fair system of voting. I don't like having a select few making the decisions for us all.
I'm for whatever direction this takes us. I'm just glad there is a way for everyone to participate in a fair system of voting. I don't like having a select few making the decisions for us all.
When has it ever been that? It usually seems to me there is only a select few who care enough to put extra effort in.
Allow? I would prefer they not set up shop here. But clubbing baby sources to death for sport and profit is probably not a good idea.
Out of the 20 so called sources who have tried to setup shop here in the past few months how many have lasted? Zero. There is no vetting process. Any so called source that comes here doesn't last more then a few months. If they even last a week What Is the fucking point. We are going to just keep spinning our wheels.
When has it ever been that? It usually seems to me there is only a select few who care enough to put extra effort in.
It certainly was happening last night with pi22. Whether or not sourcing is allowed here isn't the issue for me, so much as who gets to make the decision. Last night it looked like pi22 had made that decision for everyone. I now understand that sourcing will still exist here, just on the down low. A real hush-hush kinda thing right? Kinda like the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. Somehow I don't think that's going to work well, but we'll see.
It certainly was happening last night with pi22. Whether or not sourcing is allowed here isn't the issue for me, so much as who gets to make the decision. Last night it looked like pi22 had made that decision for everyone. I now understand that sourcing will still exist here, just on the down low. A real hush-hush kinda thing right? Kinda like the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. Somehow I don't think that's going to work well, but we'll see.
If you want to believe that feel free. It enrages me, but whatever. I fucking make jack fucking shit here- never once taken a single vial for free and I bought hundreds of dollars of fake ass shit. Pi did hop on it... yet I don't remember asking anyone's permission before I did anything here- maybe you do. He did what he thought was right at the time. Don't get too butthurt dude.
Flounder you failed to hear me clearly. And yes I march to the beat of my own drum. Maybe Brutus can explain what Im trying to say. Since it has only seem to reach a few that can comprehend what im saying.
If you want to believe that feel free. It enrages me, but whatever. I fucking make jack fucking shit here- never once taken a single vial for free and I bought hundreds of dollars of fake ass shit. Pi did hop on it... yet I don't remember asking anyone's permission before I did anything here- maybe you do. He did what he thought was right at the time. Don't get too butthurt dude.
No butthurt here because there are 2 threads started for voting for the not so awesome members.
I say if they are willing to make the effort and go through the vetting process and prove to be a valuable source they should be given a chance! Just my 2 cent
Allow? I would prefer they not set up shop here. But clubbing baby sources to death for sport and profit is probably not a good idea.

For sport, I agree - no good. But please remember there has never been one source thus far that didn't deserve to be clubbed eventually.

Not a single one.

Obviously none of us can force a source to just not post what he wants here. I Don't think that sourcing should be outlawed, but something certainly needs to be done about the ridiculous amount of bullshit bathtub brewers that keep popping up obviously looking for a quick buck. I think a good example of how to handle it is what @CensoredBoardsSuck has been doing in that new idiot uk/ireland source's thread, where he's been posting things like SHITTY BATHTUB BREWER SCAMMER! DO NOT BUY, HIGH RISK!
I wish I had a real solution to the big problem, but taking baby steps like this will eventually add up and deter shitty bullshit sources from popping up like weeds, like they have been.

I'm open to constructive criticism here.
For sport, I agree - no good. But please remember there has never been one source thus far that didn't deserve to be clubbed eventually.

Not a single one.

True.....but name a source on any site that didn't deserve it. They all will deserve to be clubbed eventually. It's the nature if the game I'm afraid.
True.....but name a source on any site that didn't deserve it. They all will deserve to be clubbed eventually. It's the nature if the game I'm afraid.

Yes, the nature indeed. There is no leverage here. It is exactly why in the real world (vs. the electronic world) drug dealers and the black market enterprise works to an extent. There is an physical being to pound the toenails out of, there is a person accountable that you can reach out to and influence.
There seems to be a misconception by some that you can brow beat and badger these sources into doing something - anything. They don't understand what they are dealing with. These people don't have a single ounce of shame or guilt, they are predators. It seems like few know what this means. And thus the fact remains - the only reason a source even puts your order in the mail is because if they don't - it will be made known and they wont get more business, period. We are dealing with drug dealers, and the very worst kind - a dealer that you cannot put your hands on.