Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
True.....but name a source on any site that didn't deserve it. They all will deserve to be clubbed eventually. It's the nature if the game I'm afraid.
This seems to be the general consensus, all sources go bad. So why have them here in the first place?
So let me get this straight.... the majority of voters in these voting threads have no idea who Hercules, STP, PEP and Stretch are???? Right??? Get the fuck outta here. Some of you guys have no fucking Idea what the underground has seen in the past two years. So how could you make an educated vote???? No disrespect but fuck. There are only a small handful of us that are even vocal when a source pops up. But now we have fucking guys coming out of the woodworks to vote???? Good hell.
So let me get this straight.... the majority of voters in these voting threads have no idea who Hercules, STP, PEP and Stretch are???? Right??? Get the fuck outta here. Some of you guys have no fucking Idea what the underground has seen in the past two years. So how could you make an educated vote???? No disrespect but fuck. There are only a small handful of us that are even vocal when a source pops up. But now we have fucking guys coming out of the woodworks to vote???? Good hell.
You won't see a vote from me for that very reason.
Wow. See these are exactly the kind of statements I can't stand. That's it call off the votes because EBK has spoken. Anyone who wasn't here during those experiences should have no say in how Meso is run. As a matter of fact, voting should only be allowed for awesome members or members with at least 1 1/2 years time here. Sorry I will quietly go sit in the corner where I belong. EBK you are good people and I respect you, but your post is just wrong.
His point is and Brutus point is all these guys voting yes and dont think we need change......where the hell are they when we need to do the dirty work. You know the death threats families threatened all that fun stuff right.. I t sounds like a guys keep doing the work. I get.what EBK and Brutus are saying.
I understand where they are coming from as well, but it goes against everything this forum is based on. The day any member loses their ability to vote or have a say in the process, that is the day Meso is officially broken as an uncensored forum.
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Was I out of line to voice my opinion since I haven't been here an eternity like some of the vets here! I'm sorry, I thought of this board as of a brotherhood
The question is should we allow sources yes or no. It says nothing about change. You ask a black and white question, you get a black and white answer. The problem is its the wrong question.

The question should be an open ended discussion on what the community can do to improve the amount of information about any source that a member of this board might buy from.
No I don't think anybody should not be allowed to vote. it is just easier to vote
yes when all the work is done for someone.
I chose meso as home bc its uncensored no one can delete your posts. Ive seen other boards and been on boards like eroids where if a mod doesnt like what your saying you get points deducted or worse, banned. Voting is a right every member noob or vet should have a right to. I think we as a whole do a good job of vetting the sources that come on here. I think the scoc is a great tool it might need to be retooled but overall its kept the majority of members safe and sources accountable. The fact that there are only two solid sources on here is a testament to that
Meso is the only uncensored forum where sources can post and we can vet them , call them on their bullshit and not get banned or have posts deleted. The scoc is a good tool even though sources don't have to comply and often skirt the issue we learn valuable information here about sources through the vetting process. It would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

No it's not.
3/4 yes so far , just like I thought . The majority is hiding in the shadows , afraid to talk but not afraid to vote .

Who is afraid to talk? Are you even reading what's being said? I don't think you are. Where the idea came from that this is a question of having sources or not having sources, I have no idea.

If I were to vote, my vote would be an unequivocal YES.

I've stated repeatedly that I'm not opposed to sources being here. Even Millard has repeatedly stated that he is not opposed to having sources here. If members want to buy from them, that's there prerogative.

Way too many of you guys are pontificating and offering opinions without understanding what this discussion is supposed to be about. The only members that should be "afraid to talk" are the ones that don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Who is afraid to talk? Are you even reading what's being said? I don't think you are. Where the idea came from that this is a question of having sources or not having sources, I have no idea.

If I were to vote, my vote would be an unequivocal YES.

I've stated repeatedly that I'm not opposed to sources being here. Even Millard has repeatedly stated that he is not opposed to having sources here. If members want to buy from them, that's there prerogative.

Way too many of you guys are pontificating and offering opinions without understanding what this discussion is supposed to be about. The only members that should be "afraid to talk" are the ones that don't know what the hell they're talking about.

And @pumpingiron22

So what u guys are saying, hinting, inceptioning, sub textual , sexual isomerization is this:

Sources welcome to make us aware of your presence. Be available to handle all questions concerns, BUT HANDLE ALL YOUR BUSINESS via email and not on the meso stage? Is that it

That douche box @clamz said something about a monkey trying to fuck a porcupine... He mighta had something there
I've sat back the last few
Days reading and reading and haven't really said anything.
My question was just to get a idea of how many members actually wanted sources here. I've been here a couple
Months shy of a year and have been bet from pep, and mfl. Seen germ hit the road and not look back.we do have a good way to vet these guys. They all seem to turn to shit. If there was a better way to keep sources here I'm all for it. However it just keeps failing time, and time again. I down a lot of time here and will be damned if how I feel isn't heard. Why we are doing here is the reason why meso is so great.
I've sat back the last few
Days reading and reading and haven't really said anything.
My question was just to get a idea of how many members actually wanted sources here. I've been here a couple
Months shy of a year and have been bet from pep, and mfl. Seen germ hit the road and not look back.we do have a good way to vet these guys. They all seem to turn to shit. If there was a better way to keep sources here I'm all for it. However it just keeps failing time, and time again. I down a lot of time here and will be damned if how I feel isn't heard. Why we are doing here is the reason why meso is so great.
I feel like I'm starting to realize that if you don't hb, and you're not paying $100+/vial for hg gear (which finding is easier said than done by the way), then you're just not gonna get decent gear.

It's really starting to get to me :(
Your right pmac, I hear you. But we worked too hard this past year to give up. Where ever you go you prolly gonna get shit gear. At least here at meso, we have some control and give our self a chance to some decent gear.
I vote yes, but I think anyone NEW to meso is going to vote yes because they want to buy gear! That is until they get burned for the first time with bunk shit and are out hundreds of dollars of hard earned money on crap gear. Their answer will probably lean towards NO real quick...
Srcs will sell here whether we want them to or not. Wheather they do it in an open forum or threw pm depends on us. We need a better way to hold the cock suckers accountable.
I vote yes