Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
Also I was thinking in the future after vetting sources, depending on how well they have adhere to the scoc and the progress they have shown to prove they're worthy of member's hard earn money. We can start putting new source( not verified).. active source and well known source. Depending on positive reviews, lab max, blood works and mass spec as being the most the most notable achievements coming from a source.
This way new members and old can make their own judgement which one to purchase from.
We would have to some how put a note on each different sources thread...(new source, active and well known source)...just a thought
I may take some heat for my comments but since the board is having a vote on sources or no sources I feel I should voice my opinion. I can look at both sides of the coin and make arguments for both, however I'm not here to debate I'm here to give my opinion.

I feel the members who want sources here are just looking out for there own personal reasons and that's fine but just be honest about it. You can't tell me you guys want sources so they can better the community because that right there is bullshit. I have been here before herc, stretch and pep and while they may have all started good they always end bad.

You may get lucky and find 1 diamond in the rough as far as a public source but the rest of the time all you will get is shit. Maybe members want sources so they gain freebies or there shills but it's always present. Also, some members take freebies from these guys for " the betterment" of the community which is just a crock of shyt. I don't care if your lab maxing it your still getting free gear and you take it because it's free, let's just call a spade a spade.

Also, the guys who don't want sources here (myself included) most likely is because we use private sources, we've been at it awhile and that's ok. I don't go to a company and get a job as vp without starting at the bottom and working my way up. A lot of guys here have pulled serious time and they have connections but they have earned it.

This isn't eroids, the underground is such a small section here compared to everything else on this site. I came here to learn, maybe post once in awhile or give opinions on sources I have used. Open sourcing on here will not bring anything but bad news. It's kind if crazy to me how this topic alone is kind of creating a rift between members when this site wasn't built on a sales platform. Just my 2 cents and my opinion but wtf do I know......
I disagree. I have plenty of private sources. I voted yes for the benefits of the community. I have pointed plenty of members to some of my sources outside of this board.
It's human nature brother and if your telling me no then I feel it's bullshit. If your my friend I have no problem giving you gear or giving you my source but to feel every member or every person is entitled to that is crap.

How will sourcing benefit this community??? How many members have got burnt on cash from sources here??? How many have had infections because of dirty gear?? How many have has low dosed gear or mislabeled gear???? Please explain to me the benefit because I just don't see it.

There have not been any long standing sources here some have made it a year but 99% fail. The scoc was a good try but you can not manage these sources. If there going to scam guess what there going to scam. This source idea here has not and will not work.
You wouldn't be saying that, if you didn't have a source..
Here we go again with the 2yr Vets wanting to change the board.. LMAO

Because of this Tren I can not hold back from posting on this
stupid fuckin posts made by a fuckin 2yr Vet, so I won't even bother reading them

M signing out!!
That's a lot of question mark. Getting really worked up there huh. Lol
Human nature is when we let it to be. Man are born horn dogs. I dont know about u, but I'm faithful to my wife. 18years..@manwhore might something to say bout that lol
The answer to all your questions??? Everywhere u go is like that..scam is everywhere.
I'm no vet manwhore, I barely even post but I'm giving you my opinion. Your absolutely right also, if I didn't have a source I would be saying something different but I already posted that. I'm not going to bullshit and say no.
It's human nature brother and if your telling me no then I feel it's bullshit. If your my friend I have no problem giving you gear or giving you my source but to feel every member or every person is entitled to that is crap.

How will sourcing benefit this community??? How many members have got burnt on cash from sources here??? How many have had infections because of dirty gear?? How many have has low dosed gear or mislabeled gear???? Please explain to me the benefit because I just don't see it.

There have not been any long standing sources here some have made it a year but 99% fail. The scoc was a good try but you can not manage these sources. If there going to
scam guess what there going to scam. This source idea here has not and will not work.
the reason I say yes is because they will be here no matter what. They were here when I joined and be here when iam in the dirt. I respect your opinion but how do we get rid of them without censorship or spam? If they are here I would much rather have them operating in the open where they can be scrutinized.
I think it's kind of childish that if you guys don't agree with me then I'm wrong, I'm just giving my opinion that's why we have this thread. Sources here don't work I don't think they ever will.
I dont think there is a right over wrong. You have your opinion and we have ours. I can see where ur coming from, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with you.
Exactly they dot work here. They ultimately always will fail. It keeps being proven. You have a better chance using a source off eroids then you do here. At least our odds are better. I take my info from meso mbers and I'm then able to make a better informed decision on what source to use. But it's counter productive and clogs up threads with junk..
Mr bravo, I appreciate your post and you have great points, you can't stop them from posting but you can shut them down and not entertain any source. The scoc was good in theory but I don't think you can ever control any source. They might seem great at first but it never works here.
Not at all Sable, I respect your opinion and I'm all ears even though I don't agree with it. I can't make you believe something I believe but I do want to get my opinion out there that's all. It doesn't matter if you have 1 day or 10 years here every member is allowed to share there opinion.
I think the problem is people making unrealistic expectations on certain part of the scoc. Other sources at other boards are doing fine without adhereing nothing close to what we expect from sources abiding the scoc here. But yet people here is still using other boards source with no complaints. You get what I'm saying. Its ironic
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There is no way to stop them from selling product the scoc couldnt stop them from jumping the gun, and having nothing in place wont be any better.
Exactly they dot work here. They ultimately always will fail. It keeps being proven. You have a better chance using a source off eroids then you do here. At least our odds are better. I take my info from meso mbers and I'm then able to make a better informed decision on what source to use. But it's counter productive and clogs up threads with junk..
what do you think makes eroids sources better? Iam not trying to be a dick just want to see your logic, from what I have seen all source have problems eventually.
I think the problem is people making unrealistic expectations on certain part of the scoc. Other sources at other boards are doing fine without adhereing nothing close to what we expect from sources abiding the scoc here. But yet people here is still using other boards source with no complaints. You get what I'm saying. Its ironic
I dont understand what your trying to say bro, iam a bit slow.