Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
You wouldn't be saying that, if you didn't have a source..
Here we go again with the 2yr Vets wanting to change the board.. LMAO

Because of this Tren I can not hold back from posting on this
stupid fuckin posts made by a fuckin 2yr Vet, so I won't even bother reading them

M signing out!!

You should sign out of these discussion threads.. It's painfully obvious you use your "10 year status" for profit and it's fucking nauseating.. I give 2 fucks what it was like 5 or 10 years ago or what you contributed to the community then.. I think what a "2 year vet" who doesn't make a fucking dime for the effort they put in to the community says carries a lot more weight than someone who's just out for themselves..

Go jerk off with the good ole boy's club in a VIP section somewhere.. :rolleyes:
Sorry Brutus/CBS and co. ....the majority have spoken and they dont want what your trying to sell . Freedom of speech & freedom to choose wins again ....maybe you keyboard politicians can try next year.....:rolleyes:

Sadly this is part of the issue. i have enjoyed & learned from many of your post oregongearhead but when you continue to make this discussion a personal battle then it diminishes what we should be trying to accomplish. We can have differing opinions & not agree on everything but have to fight together when it comes to the issue of sources/scammers. i DON'T always agree with cbs or brustus but have to much respect for what their overall contribution to meso to create a fire fight with them. i have via pm questioned cbs on a few occasions & found him to be respectful & very intelligent in our discussion & i believe he wants nothing but the best for meso (doesn't mean i believe he is always right). cbs & brutus are brutally honest & opinionated as are you but this discussion is for the best interest of the board not for a childish who is right/wrong argument! & if a vote was a simple solution & always spoke to what is best then i guess you are happy with the politics of this country that the "majority" voted in??
Sadly this is part of the issue. i have enjoyed & learned from many of your post oregongearhead but when you continue to make this discussion a personal battle then it diminishes what we should be trying to accomplish. We can have differing opinions & not agree on everything but have to fight together when it comes to the issue of sources/scammers. i DON'T always agree with cbs or brustus but have to much respect for what their overall contribution to meso to create a fire fight with them. i have via pm questioned cbs on a few occasions & found him to be respectful & very intelligent in our discussion & i believe he wants nothing but the best for meso (doesn't mean i believe he is always right). cbs & brutus are brutally honest & opinionated as are you but this discussion is for the best interest of the board not for a childish who is right/wrong argument! & if a vote was a simple solution & always spoke to what is best then i guess you are happy with the politics of this country that the "majority" voted in??

Do you see how Im being talked to Raider ? This is how Brutus talks to guys that dont agree with him . He's a big kid and a bully. Disagree with him and he'll be talking down to you the same way ....this isnt just for me , this is for everyone thats ever disagreed with him and been insulted and cussed at . Sorry you have to see this ...
Ok, let's get back on track. Looks like sourcing is wanted from the percentage of votes so far. So lets start being productive and brainstorm our next step. So what happens when this vote is over? What's are next move? Here's what tools we have thus far:

Testing - bloods/labmax/mass spec
Posts to voice our opinions
Ability to create various forums

How are we going to improve/alter/apply these tools to improve our board on Thursdays when a new source pops up? And or what can we do to improve the tools we have? Let's start working towards something rather than the back and forth. What's are next step???


Big Mike

I personally think we were onto something with the "Member Code of Conduct" idea.

The Sources should be held accountable for their actions. When a Source disappears for week and comes back to say "My kid got really sick". He ships out his products and everyone is happy orders keep coming in. Then a week later it’s discovered that his gear is dramatically under dosed or even completely bunk! The answer is "Send me a PM and I'll replace your order". There is no accountability with these guys and to me the way the members attack the Sources for these actions and call them out is the closest thing we have to a "punishment" them so to speak.

The SCOC provides some rules for the Sources, but as Millard has stated it also gives them a hand book to follow so that they can successfully source here. It has turned into a double edged sword.

I have (2) suggestions for the new Member Code of Conduct.
1) Do not post pricing or availability. (This would be provided via PM if requested)
2) Sources are NOT allowed to post in other threads. Once they create a thread that they offer their own services/products they are done.

That's their home until they leave here, which would hopefully prevent sources from trying to tarnish other SRC's reputations and so on.

I'm on the fence as to whether or not Home Brewers should be included in the Source category as some HB's probably buy from Sources in the underground section. Perhaps there should be another Sub-Forum for people looking to get rid of excess inventory they have that Home brewers could also utilize to sell their products? Input??
This is the fucking problem, we can't agree on anything and always fight between ourselves instead of accomplishing a goal to better the board. How the fuck do we move forward. Anybody? I personally am at a loss for words or don't know what we do when in the next few days a source pops in and posts his list. What I do know is we are repeating the same thing over and fucking over expecting something different to happen.
Do you see how Im being talked to Raider ? This is how Brutus talks to guys that dont agree with him . He's a big kid and a bully. Disagree with him and he'll be talking down to you the same way ....this isnt just for me , this is for everyone thats ever disagreed with him and been insulted and cussed at . Sorry you have to see this ...
You think I was the one who brought childish to this fight? Must be a mexican "it's not our border so its not our fault" argument where you take no blame for your complete lack of anything helpful added to this discussion. Keep sniping from the bushes and I will keep wiping my ass with your face dickhead.
Do you see how Im being talked to Raider ? This is how Brutus talks to guys that dont agree with him . He's a big kid and a bully. Disagree with him and he'll be talking down to you the same way ....this isnt just for me , this is for everyone thats ever disagreed with him and been insulted and cussed at . Sorry you have to see this ...

yes you both are doing more harm then good with this personal jr fight. i agree actually brutus is an attacking sob but you posted the smartass comment that strayed away from the discussion by making the vote an us against them? my statement is there can be differing opinions (& yes brutus should respect that also) but there shouldn't be an us against them mentality? maybe i am living in never never land lol.
You think I was the one who brought childish to this fight? Must be a mexican "it's not our border so its not our fault" argument where you take no blame for your complete lack of anything helpful added to this discussion. Keep sniping from the bushes and I will keep wiping my ass with your face dickhead.

You got a problem with Mexicans Brutus ? Are they taking over YOUR country ? Maybe this country needs to back up 500 years...
You should sign out of these discussion threads.. It's painfully obvious you use your "10 year status" for profit and it's fucking nauseating.. I give 2 fucks what it was like 5 or 10 years ago or what you contributed to the community then.. I think what a "2 year vet" who doesn't make a fucking dime for the effort they put in to the community says carries a lot more weight than someone who's just out for themselves..

Go jerk off with the good ole boy's club in a VIP section somewhere.. :rolleyes:

This was a little harsh but whatever, you're being a complete dick MW.. You think you're better than everyone else because of the date next to your name? I wish Millard would take away join dates, post count, status but then you'd be reminding everyone in every post instead of every 3rd post how long you've been here!!

It's really only been in the past month you've gone overboard with your advertising.. You'd think someone with your status wouldn't have to advertise at all.. :rolleyes: Well apparently your not the hot shit you think you are, eh?

You won't read posts by 2 year members? Then why the fuck are you here besides the obvious? If you only read "VET" posts you'd mostly be reading just your own..
We have to give sources a place to join the discussion if we are evaluating their product.if we want this to be unbiased. They have to be able to talk their point of view. Karl was a good example with all his sweet talk members here called him out and stop his bs before he got most of us for a few grand. He had WKM giving him benefit of doubt. Still was exposed. We need their voice to be impartial.

This is too important and something we must keep.

Excellent point Turk
You got a problem with Mexicans Brutus ? Are they taking over YOUR country ? Maybe this country needs to back up 500 years...
I have a problem with how willfully ignorant you are being. I am simply assuming this level of thickheaded belligerence is genetic... it has to be on a cellular level. If you were any race I would still think it must have been passed through generations to get as bad as you are.
^^^ Come on guys, let's keep the race bullshit out of it! Doesn't help anything and it really pisses off some people. We were keeping things on track for a while with some good dialogue. All of us have a lot of testosterone pumping through us and sometimes were going to flip out! So take a little me time go to bathroom and rub one out, come back and talk.

For the record some of my Brothers are Mexican (not blood but brothers none the less). They would die for me and I would die for them!
I have a problem with how willfully ignorant you are being. I am simply assuming this level of thickheaded belligerence is genetic... it has to be on a cellular level. If you were any race I would still think it must have been passed through generations to get as bad as you are.

Oh now theres something wrong with my genetics ? Must be those defective Mexican genes gone awry.

Everytime you open your mouth you lose a year of maturity , your at the 3 year old level now , Id shut-up if I was you . Or at least eat a Snickers bar....
I agree these side arguments gotta stop, shit I'm guilty of it too... But B79 wasn't saying anything about race if you look at his post... He was talkin about the stance Mexico takes on the border issue... Far from racist...
Oh now theres something wrong with my genetics ? Must be those defective Mexican genes gone awry.

Everytime you open your mouth you lose a year of maturity , your at the 3 year old level now , Id shut-up if I was you . Or at least eat a Snickers bar....
Just keep running around rationalizing what you do (and don't do. And can't do). You are whoring the board out for your own gain and feeling proud because you think the hooker is pretty.

Every time you open your mouth you lose the respect of those more Intelligent than you... if you could read my pm's you would see who the majority is.

You honestly make me sick to my stomach that someone could be so far off from the truth.