Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
@Millard Baker do you feel that we put you at risk legally if we keep sources here selling? The reason why I ask is because if the answer is yes then I believe we need to stop with the srcs sourcing. But I all so get the vibe that some of ower members believe that the scoc or what we tried to accomplish with it is broken. But from what I have seen it was "broken" long before the scoc was even a thought.

On a side note @Oregongearhead let me ask you this how is the community truly benefiting from you getting free gear? Not trying to attack you and trust me I know brutus79 and cbs can both be ass holes, but I believe that they are just a bit disappointed that you would do what you did. I know iam. I also believe we need to stop with the name calling and trying to belittle each other I believe we are all after the same thing, clean gear for all of us that will get us straight jaked.

Sorry this is so long, maybe we need to stop all the sourcing till we get ower ducks in a row? Just a thought.
On a side note @Oregongearhead let me ask you this how is the community truly benefiting from you getting free gear? Not trying to attack

"I shall wear the "Meso Free Sample Accepting Member" icon all the days of my life . I shall walk the road of shame until I drop into the Sands of Oblivion , there my body will be slowly digested by the giant spice worms".....~Ogh

On a side note @Oregongearhead let me ask you this how is the community truly benefiting from you getting free gear? Not trying to attack

"I shall wear the "Meso Free Sample Accepting Member" icon all the days of my life . I shall walk the road of shame until I drop into the Sands of Oblivion , there my body will be slowly digested by the giant spice worms".....~Ogh
Again iam not trying to shame you or anything of the sort I just want to see where your thoughts are on this. Nothing more, I will belive your review whether it be good or bad. It just seems that you were justifying your position which leads me to believe that you think what you did was for the community. I respect your thoughts ether way. Do you see a problem with what you did or do you stand behind your decision?
Respectfully Mr.Bravo
You wouldn't be saying that, if you didn't have a source..
Here we go again with the 2yr Vets wanting to change the board.. LMAO

Because of this Tren I can not hold back from posting on this
stupid fuckin posts made by a fuckin 2yr Vet, so I won't even bother reading them

M signing out!!
Well since you advertise that you brew and handle pm sales aren't the two year vets helping you out by driving sources off? We sure don't put time and effort in to help your sorry ass, but you experience an ancillary benefit from all of the "people with 2 year join dates" hard work... so say thank you, shut the fuck up and bitch to your customers in pm's from now on. Asshole.
Again iam not trying to shame you or anything of the sort I just want to see where your thoughts are on this. Nothing more, I will belive your review whether it be good or bad. It just seems that you were justifying your position which leads me to believe that you think what you did was for the community. I respect your thoughts ether way. Do you see a problem with what you did or do you stand behind your decision?
Respectfully Mr.Bravo

Honestly Mr.Bravo I didnt give it much thought , Gearline showed up one day and had alot of euro-amps that I recognized as real . And he wanted a vet to test them and give a honest report . I accepted and so far everythings been great gearwise , the public backlash being the biggest problem .

All the gear Im testing is the same gear as others have since payed for , and we have all been keeping incontact with each other . We have all Labmaxed and got the same colors/results . In 2 weeks I'll have the results , but I already know what its going to say . Authentic pharma gear .

In hindsight I should have just paid for the gear , but being one of the first I didnt want to be out the money on unproven gear . Gearlines been great to work with , a hell of alot better than some of the lowlife labs that hang out here . ~Ogh
You wouldn't be saying that, if you didn't have a source..
Here we go again with the 2yr Vets wanting to change the board.. LMAO

Because of this Tren I can not hold back from posting on this
stupid fuckin posts made by a fuckin 2yr Vet, so I won't even bother reading them

M signing out!!
MW, I believe many would appreciate your complete absence from this board. I, for one, am bored with your worthless fantay sexual conquests. Your belief that since you have been here since 04 gives you some status that is above all ohers is flawed. The vast majority of your posts are nothing more than senseless ramblings of a man without a purpose in life and lives in a world of fantasy.
If anyone here is a customer of MW, I'm sorry for you. I've been following your posts for years and you are the sterotypical case of a dysfunctional loser. Talk about bathtub labs, I'd be willing to bet harm reduction nor QC has ever entered your small mind.
Oh, by the way, your writing style got old years ago, along with lame attempts at humor. Another thing, if you were a Marine, I would imagine you were described by your peers as low speed, high drag. Not much has changed. Merry Christmas and I hope the new year is better than the past 20. You need a change, I know I would appreciate it.
MW, I believe many would appreciate your complete absence from this board. I, for one, am bored with your worthless fantay sexual conquests. Your belief that since you have been here since 04 gives you some status that is above all ohers is flawed. The vast majority of your posts are nothing more than senseless ramblings of a man without a purpose in life and lives in a world of fantasy.
If anyone here is a customer of MW, I'm sorry for you. I've been following your posts for years and you are the sterotypical case of a dysfunctional loser. Talk about bathtub labs, I'd be willing to bet harm reduction nor QC has ever entered your small mind.
Oh, by the way, your writing style got old years ago, along with lame attempts at humor. Another thing, if you were a Marine, I would imagine you were described by your peers as low speed, high drag. Not much has changed. Merry Christmas and I hope the new year is better than the past 20. You need a change, I know I would appreciate it.

Dayyyyyuumm!! Thanks for saying what I couldn't..

Seriously MW, you've been given a lot more rope here than you were "entitled" to, should've keep that big mouth shut this time.. I'm sure you'll have somewhat of a merrier Christmas than you're used to with that gear money, after today you better figure out how to make it last though..
This is what I mean by someone here since
2005 with not a lot of activity.. Still talking shit..

Everyone on this board seems pretty cool in general.
I just don't like some things they say, so I comment..

You'd be lucky to be my customer..
I've given out more free products than you use in a year..

You can see all the reviews on them too, but
you probably have your own private source that you won't ever share..
A lot of opinions though

Dayyyyyuumm!! Thanks for saying what I couldn't..

Seriously MW, you've been given a lot more rope here than you were "entitled" to, should've keep that big mouth shut this time.. I'm sure you'll have somewhat of a merrier Christmas than you're used to with that gear money, after today you better figure out how to make it last though..
You could have said that Johnny..
Matter of fact, I was just talking to my partner about you..

Seems like you been around awhile.. under many handles
I figured there was a reason you wanted control after just 1yr here..

You could have said that Johnny..
Matter of fact, I was just talking to my partner about you..

Seems like you been around awhile.. under many handles
I figured there was a reason you wanted control after just 1yr here..


I'm chief not an Indian like you at your eight buck an hour job, hoss.. People here know me in real life, I just got back into lifting 2 years ago after a 7 year hiatus.. I'm 30, you think I was roaming forums when I was 20?! Not me homeboy.. Never joined a forum before Meso, only a member at 4 others under the same name..

So, nice try.. Anyone currently here that can vouch for you in real life? Not someone that knows your info but someone whose hand you've shook?

I'll take what you said as a compliment of how quickly I'm capable of adapting to situations.. ;)
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If the tables were turned, you
would be pretty pissed too.. Probably more than I was..

My partner knows me.. We meet and he is on here,
but no one else..
Maybe one day Me You and Brutus can workout together..
You can show me how to get up 405 on bench and I can show you how to get ripped abs
If the tables were turned, you
would be pretty pissed too.. Probably more than I was..

My partner knows me.. We meet and he is on here,
but no one else..
Maybe one day Me You and Brutus can workout together..
You can show me how to get up 405 on bench and I can show you how to get ripped abs
Your life partner?
If the tables were turned, you
would be pretty pissed too.. Probably more than I was..

My partner knows me.. We meet and he is on here,
but no one else..
Maybe one day Me You and Brutus can workout together..
You can show me how to get up 405 on bench and I can show you how to get ripped abs

I wouldn't have said anything stupid if I was in your shoes.. Nobody provoked you into running your mouth this morning..

Now I feel like a dick since you're not coming at me anymore.. That multiple handles shit was crap though and I think you know it.. Whatever, Merry Christmas MW..
You could have said that Johnny..
Matter of fact, I was just talking to my partner about you..

Seems like you been around awhile.. under many handles
I figured there was a reason you wanted control after just 1yr here..


M your business is your business and not any of mine but you have the wrong read on Johnny. I have PM'd many times on different issues and he has never pitched anything or anyone to me.

He has a more aggressive posting style than me but seems like a real good dude who is just looking out for the members here.

Johnny doesn't need me saying anything on his behalf but on this one I needed to. My guess is you already know he doesn't see any financial gain from being here and are just firing back at him for making a negative post about you which I get.
I wouldn't have said anything stupid if I was in your shoes.. Nobody provoked you into running your mouth this morning..

Now I feel like a dick since you're not coming at me anymore.. That multiple handles shit was crap though and I think you know it.. Whatever, Merry Christmas MW..
You truly are a good guy brother!
Your life partner?
No, my partner in crime..

Brutus, you're probably cool face to face, I just
don't like shit that's going on here.
I don't like people just coming here having answers
to everything like they are in control..

You know this wouldn't happen in any club,
so why here..
Just because you know a few guys you came here with,
you think you can control the board..

I don't see you putting up any gear or sources for these
guys who have been screwed so many times..
You have your private source, so you just bash all the others..

Look man, I am not going to argue with you
over this bullshit..
I was pissed, and I said what I said..

Like I said before, you seem pretty cool,
I just don't like EVERYTHING you post, and
I am sure you don't like everything I post..

Have a Merry Christmas.. I mean that

M your business is your business and not any of mine but you have the wrong read on Johnny. I have PM'd many times on different issues and he has never pitched anything or anyone to me.

He has a more aggressive posting style than me but seems like a real good dude who is just looking out for the members here.

Johnny doesn't need me saying anything on his behalf but on this one I needed to. My guess is you already know he doesn't see any financial gain from being here and are just firing back at him for making a negative post about you which I get.
I am probably wrong about him..
I am sure he is cool, but I don't like him bashing guys who been here so long,
just because he doesn't have to worry anymore about getting screwed..
He has his private source..

I PMed with him in the past BTW, and it was all cool.
I am always going to speak my mind and so should everyone else here..
