Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't have said anything stupid if I was in your shoes.. Nobody provoked you into running your mouth this morning..

Now I feel like a dick since you're not coming at me anymore.. That multiple handles shit was crap though and I think you know it.. Whatever, Merry Christmas MW..
No I didn't know it.
I was on the phone with my partner, telling him I posted some shit
that I didn't like and now I didn't want to look at Your quote to my post :)

Maybe he was thinking of someone else.
He doesn't come here much anymore..
You same name on other boards or close to it I guess

Maybe I should stop sticking up for other sources.
I did it with GETM and look what that got me..

OK, sorry about that..
Yea, I felt like shit all night..
I didn't do a shot of Tren last night because I
couldn't breath.. Every day is too much ... maybe just 40mg/day with Prop

I wish you guys would stop with the BathTube Brew stuff too..
Some UGLs do care about customers and not just the money..
So much that they use their own brews an hour after brewing..

AND I love pussy, so I post a lot about it..
Sorry if it bothers people.. I like to write and I write fast..

I am a laid back person most the time, so go figure
This is what I mean by someone here since
2005 with not a lot of activity.. Still talking shit..

Everyone on this board seems pretty cool in general.
I just don't like some things they say, so I comment..

You'd be lucky to be my customer..
I've given out more free products than you use in a year..

You can see all the reviews on them too, but
you probably have your own private source that you won't ever share..
A lot of opinions though

The reasons for a lack of activity for a long period of time is my business. I don't post just to see my handle on the board and could give shit how many I have. I post when I feel the need to contribute something worth while. I'm cool, I don't normally get into personal attacks, but sad to say, you've been a burr with me for awhile and your comment I posted on pushed the button. Don't think I'm apologizing, I meant what I said. Sorry, I'm good without your gear. I have lived this long and would like to enjoy the years I have left. Again, Merry Christmas... I mean that!
I haven't met any meso members but do talk to a few via text and have become good friends with a few. Two In particular. I just hope we are able to continue to work together towards our common goal here. And in the process get a good lol. (Which I do often) happy holidays to my meso brothers.
Sources made meso what it was back in the day and how it got so big ( one of the reason ). Sources and talking about sources is still one of the main reason ppl come here. It's up to the members to weed out the bad ones. Why didnt it seem like this much drama back in 2004 ish?
The reasons for a lack of activity for a long period of time is my business. I don't post just to see my handle on the board and could give shit how many I have. I post when I feel the need to contribute something worth while. I'm cool, I don't normally get into personal attacks, but sad to say, you've been a burr with me for awhile and your comment I posted on pushed the button. Don't think I'm apologizing, I meant what I said. Sorry, I'm good without your gear. I have lived this long and would like to enjoy the years I have left. Again, Merry Christmas... I mean that!
I don't expect you to apologize.. You have every right to speak your mind..
I don't care how many posts I have.. as you see I never bring up my post
count because most are about general stuff.. like pussy..

I like to chat on here, and I see nothing wrong with that.
I've been here long enough and never fucked anyone..

I've been a burr with you?
I don't know what that means..
I don't hold a grudge so if we argued before, I don't remember..

Your name looks familiar, but like I said,
I am upset one minute and I say what I feel.. I don't hold a grudge..
Sources made meso what it was back in the day and how it got so big ( one of the reason ). Sources and talking about sources is still one of the main reason ppl come here. It's up to the members to weed out the bad ones. Why didnt it seem like this much drama back in 2004 ish?
I've been in way more arguments back in early
2000s in one day than anything that's going on now..
Why didnt it seem like this much drama back in 2004 ish?
2004 it became a board..
2003 or before, Meso was a basic.. Thread style chatroom..
Like craigslist health forum..
We could post under anyones name.. impersonating others.. You remember that?
Oh I love you MESO and Meso brothers. This is good shit. Meso for life. Lol. I only wish I would of joined here 2 yrs ago instead of my other board. There is so much testosterone here. Some times I wish I could track y'all down and just drawl yalls blood and inject it.

Merry Christmas Meso. What ever is decided will be great. I'm sure of it. I know this seems like a weird out of place post but I just closed on my first home today and I am on cloud 9. Even though I probably got jacked by Meso best longest source. (Astro or KARL jr). With that being said I am still for sources here. This is the only place where a source can do one member wrong and our whole Meso dis functional family will rip them a new one. I love that we regulate." Regulators mount up" and like Millard said. Let's just build on what we have. Instead of tearing it down and starting over.
Sources made meso what it was back in the day and how it got so big ( one of the reason ). Sources and talking about sources is still one of the main reason ppl come here. It's up to the members to weed out the bad ones. Why didnt it seem like this much drama back in 2004 ish?
I think we should be stricter and ultimately delete the threads of sources that refuse to cooperate instead of letting them finagle their way onto the board.
Oh I love you MESO and Meso brothers. This is good shit. Meso for life. Lol. I only wish I would of joined here 2 yrs ago instead of my other board. There is so much testosterone here. Some times I wish I could track y'all down and just drawl yalls blood and inject it.

Merry Christmas Meso. What ever is decided will be great. I'm sure of it. I know this seems like a weird out of place post but I just closed on my first home today and I am on cloud 9. Even though I probably got jacked by Meso best longest source. (Astro or KARL jr). With that being said I am still for sources here. This is the only place where a source can do one member wrong and our whole Meso dis functional family will rip them a new one. I love that we regulate." Regulators mount up" and like Millard said. Let's just build on what we have. Instead of tearing it down and starting over.
I don't hang with people who agree with me all the time..
It worries me..

I told my friend, about 2 months ago, that one reason
I hang with him is because he tells me when he doesn't agree with me..
He laughed and I said I Am Serious..

I also separate business and pleasure.. or rather Displeasure ..

My girl and I were having a crazy yelling argument
a few weeks ago.. To the point of wanting to kill each other..
I went in my room, and she stayed in the living room..

So, she comes in 5 minutes later and says "I just ordered those filters you wanted"
I said "O, Really? 5 minutes ago you wanted to kill me" , and she said:
" O, I still do, but business is business"
2004 it became a board..
2003 or before, Meso was a basic.. Thread style chatroom..
Like craigslist health forum..
We could post under anyones name.. impersonating others.. You remember that?
nope just missed that. I came over in 2004 from a forum called made by a guy with the handle "Method" ( was based on a so called dr that would help ppl. Of course he was a fake ) and before that i was on a chat forum i cant remember what i was called. Like 51 something or some number and something after it. Sources would post just like craigslist also.
I don't hang with people who agree with me all the time..
It worries me..

I told my friend, about 2 months ago, that one reason
I hang with him is because he tells me when he doesn't agree with me..
He laughed and I said I Am Serious..

I also separate business and pleasure.. or rather Displeasure ..

My girl and I were having a crazy yelling argument
a few weeks ago.. To the point of wanting to kill each other..
I went in my room, and she stayed in the living room..

So, she comes in 5 minutes later and says "I just ordered those filters you wanted"
I said "O, Really? 5 minutes ago you wanted to kill me" , and she said:
" O, I still do, but business is business"

Hmmm... Why did you quote me and then write a bunch of gibberish? Lol
nope just missed that. I came over in 2004 from a forum called made by a guy with the handle "Method" ( was based on a so called dr that would help ppl. Of course he was a fake ) and before that i was on a chat forum i cant remember what i was called. Like 51 something or some number and something after it. Sources would post just like craigslist also.
I was on A.Com while I was on here during the old setup..
Before we had to join with one name to post..

Jan 1st I joined here..
Mantus is who I am, but I couldn't get in and BobSmith
and others couldn't get it to work, so I signed as Manwhore
while watching Duce Biggalo..
I never knew I would be keeping this that long, so while
everyone is seeing my name, thinking this guy thinks he is a Giggalo,
I have seen it so many times, It's just another name to me..

I guess it fits me the way I post, but I
can't imagine I like women more than anyone else here..
They are beautiful creatures
Hmmm... Why did you quote me and then write a bunch of gibberish? Lol
LOL Not sure let me look..

O I guess just because I wanted to assure you
nothing is being torn down, and these arguments
I get into never last long..
