Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
So, now I would like to know what you think I should know about him..

What I think you should know? I think you should be careful about entering into any kind of business relationship with him. If you do, he will destroy you and disappear unscathed. Guaranteed.
Come on man.. Can we get past that last shit :)
I couldn't resist dude- I'm sure you don't irritate me any more than I irritate you... and I pride myself in my ability to irritate!

Hope you have a safe and happy holiday with NO BOOZE and too may presents for your kid.
I couldn't resist dude- I'm sure you don't irritate me any more than I irritate you... and I pride myself in my ability to irritate!
Hope you have a safe and happy holiday with NO BOOZE and too may presents for your kid.
I don't drink..
Almost 3yrs now..

My son is one of the only kids who
doesn't want anything ..
He'd rather give his money to a homeless person..
And is a picture the best you can do? I will try to put more pics in my posts so you can follow along. Go post in your food thread what feee gear you are having for dinner. We are all ears.
You think everyone posting in the food thread is a tool now?
I don't drink..
Almost 3yrs now..

My son is one of the only kids who
doesn't want anything ..
He'd rather give his money to a homeless person..
I know you don't.

I'm at 2 1\2 years.

Its a blessing your son is like that- altruism at a young age is a beautiful thing.
You made two comments to OGH about the food thread. Was asking if that was a thing for you.
No, because I wasn't arguing with you..

I don't keep track of everyone here CBS..
I don't argue with someone, then make sure I remember
that I have to not like that person later on..

I am going to have to ask my partner what he meant..
He didn't say it like he didn't like Johnny..
He was actually saying it like Johnny was cool,
but that he was promoting something on other boards..

He said JohnnyBalls...
This is what he said "That guy has been around awhile"
I said "Are you sure because he just joined about a year ago"
He said "Yes, I've seen him on other boards promoting something... blah blah"

I didn't get into it because I really didn't care much about it..

I mentioned that it seemed new guys on here
seemed to have some kind of Ulterior Motive and
then he mentioned that..

CBS I am not sure if you see I am not trying to
be an asshole by starting fights just because it's something to do..
I want to get along with everyone, and I don't care if someone comes
here and gets more respect than I do, but it just seemed to me
with the Straight Bashing of sources right from the start,
that there was something else going on beyond what the board could see..

I guess I was wrong, but would it be better for me not
to say anything and just keep thinking it or
better to come out like I did?

If a Labmax, HPLC, Bloods, came back shitty on anything that was
mine, I wouldn't expect a customer to sit back and
have to hold it in and deal with it..
I expect them to come out with it..

Maybe the SCOC will work..
Get the info you need from the start or don't let them post
about their products..

I don't know CBS..
I just posted what I felt then..
I think everyone got that now


I want to be clear to the board since you posted this, I'm a member at:

OLM- ~2 posts
TID- ~100 posts
UGBB- ~0 posts
AB- ~5 posts

I've never pushed anything on any forum let alone here.. I'd challenge anyone to show me a post anywhere insinuating otherwise..
I know you don't.
I'm at 2 1\2 years.
Its a blessing your son is like that- altruism at a young age is a beautiful thing.
As I went for my pint of Vodka years ago,
I would sit with the homeless guy on broadway, after buying him McDonalds..
My son never saw this because he was with his mother since separation at 2yrs old..
He is now 10..

Everytime she would pass a homeless person, she would
wave her hand in front of her face as if to say "Damn you stink you bum"
So this is why I believe some things are just in our blood..
We don't need to learn them.. They are already inside us..

I still throw her thousands on top of support because I want them
both comfortable..
I want to be clear to the board since you posted this, I'm a member at:
OLM- ~2 posts
TID- ~100 posts
UGBB- ~0 posts
AB- ~5 posts
I've never pushed anything on any forum let alone here.. I'd challenge anyone to show me a post anywhere insinuating otherwise..
Well, since I basically accused you of doing something you don't,
I have to ask my partner what he meant by what he said..
I'm curious what he has to say as well..
Johnny, he didn't come out and just talk about you.
He is not like that..
The only reason he said anything and the only
reason he EVER talks about a board member is when I
talk about things that we discussed on the board..

He said " That guy been around for a while"
I said Are You Sure and he said "Yea, i've seen him on other boards
promoting something..." I don't remember what else because it
wasn't gear.. It was some kind of natural products or something like that..
Does that sound right?
I can vouch for Johnny not peddling shit or doing shady shit on TID and UGBB. Not a member of the other forums.
I don't think he said anything to make me think it was anything shady ..
I just took that, and the control it seemed like Johnny wanted here and assumed the rest..

That was it, but I still want to know what he said.
When I don't care about things, I forget fast..

Johnny, he didn't come out and just talk about you.
He is not like that..
The only reason he said anything and the only
reason he EVER talks about a board member is when I
talk about things that we discussed on the board..

He said " That guy been around for a while"
I said Are You Sure and he said "Yea, i've seen him on other boards
promoting something..." I don't remember what else because it
wasn't gear.. It was some kind of natural products or something like that..
Does that sound right?

No, I've never sold any type of product over the internet..

I don't think he said anything to make me think it was anything shady ..
I just took that, and the control it seemed like Johnny wanted here and assumed the rest..

That was it, but I still want to know what he said.
When I don't care about things, I forget fast..


I don't want control, I've barely even been participating in the recent discussion in all these threads..

I'm outspoken on things I believe in, not looking for control or power here..