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The city and parts of Jersey are loaded with homeless ppl for sure.

I once drove from Keene, New Hampshire to New Haven when I was about 18-years-old. I got lost in Hartford and drove around for a couple of hours trying to get back on the highway.

I found a bus depot and went in to ask directions and use the washroom. There were a lot of rough looking dudes hanging around so I just headed for the washroom. As soon as I opened the door, the stench hit me like a wall. Apparently the toilets were all out of order and people were just going on the floor. Piss and shit everywhere and there was a guy passed out in the corner with a needle still in his arm, just laying in the mess.

Being a small town boy, I'd never seen anything like that before so I got back in the car and got the hell out of there. I've seen a lot of worse since but I've never forgotten that bus depot. Scared the hell out of me.
I once drove from Keene, New Hampshire to New Haven, CT when I was about 18-years-old. I got lost in Hartford and drove around for a couple of hours trying to get back on the highway.

I found a bus depot and went in to ask directions and use the washroom. There were a lot of rough looking dudes hanging around so I just headed for the washroom. As soon as I opened the door, the stench hit me like a wall. Apparently the toilets were all out of order and people had been going on the floor. Piss and shit everywhere and there was a guy passed out in the corner with a needle still in his arm, just laying in the mess.

Being a small town boy, I'd never seen anything like that before so I got back in the car and got the hell out of there. I've seen a lot of worse since but I've never forgotten that bus depot. Scared the hell out of me.

You've mentioned 2 cities I used to live in or frequent lol. New Haven we used to go to a lot bc my cousin went to school out there and that's where some of the better bars and shit were. Bad part of town is bad.

Hartford is, well it's called homicide Hartford for a reason lol. Ask Brutus about that city. It wasn't so bad for me bc I can get along fine in that kind if environment but I can see how the city can impress upon ppl a certain feeling.

Worst city I've lived in in this state was Bridgeport. By and far no other city IMO can match this city in CT. The projects I was living in were so bad the police would not come in alone. I remember one night they had assault rifle fire in the building next to mine and the first cop on the scene was waiting at the entrance to the projects until his backup arrived. If an ambulance came, they were escorted by 2 cops or more. New Year's Eve our neighbor's, about 5 of them, were firing off round after round from handguns right outside our bedroom window and the window of my ex gf's 5yo daughter.

My gf now lives in East NY and not far from where those 2 NYC cops were murdered. When I first started coming around the block I was tested. I see people from time to time walking the streets who have no business being there blissfully unaware of the realities of that neighborhood.

My town now is quiet but I do feel like I get too lax here. It sounds retarded but I feel safer in the worse neighborhoods, at least my guard never drops there.
It sounds retarded but I feel safer in the worse neighborhoods, at least my guard never drops there.
Yes, the projects always felt safest to me..
As long as you were from there, no one was going to mess with you..
I mean no one going to come in and mess with you..

I couldn't sleep unless there was noise outside..
If it got quiet, I always thought something was about to go down
Yes, the projects always felt safest to me..
As long as you were from there, no one was going to mess with you..
I mean no one going to come in and mess with you..

I couldn't sleep unless there was noise outside..
If it got quiet, I always thought something was about to go down

Exactly. They tested me once, I passed the test and since then never been bothered again. When it gets quiet is when you should be worried.
I see people from time to time walking the streets who have no business being there blissfully unaware of the realities of that neighborhood.

My town now is quiet but I do feel like I get too lax here. It sounds retarded but I feel safer in the worse neighborhoods, at least my guard never drops there.

It's whatever you're used to, I think. If it's familiar to you and you know what to expect, it's doesn't seem as bad. But, you're right, some people are blissfully unaware.

I used to find it strange when city people would come out to the country and were afraid of the horses. You tell them it's alright, the horse won't hurt them, and you can get them to pet the horse. They're fine until the horse moves - just shifting its weight - and they jump back like they think they're going to be killed. It's funny to me but they're truly terrified.
I want to be clear to the board since you posted this, I'm a member at:

OLM- ~2 posts
TID- ~100 posts
UGBB- ~0 posts
AB- ~5 posts

I've never pushed anything on any forum let alone here.. I'd challenge anyone to show me a post anywhere insinuating otherwise..

You should post up at UGBB it's a good spot. DYS spends a lot of time there
It's whatever you're used to, I think. If it's familiar to you and you know what to expect, it's doesn't seem as bad. But, you're right, some people are blissfully unaware.

I used to find it strange when city people would come out to the country and were afraid of the horses. You tell them it's alright, the horse won't hurt them, and you can get them to pet the horse. They're fine until the horse moves - just shifting its weight - and they jump back like they think they're going to be killed. It's funny to me but they're truly terrified.

My friend grew up in Queens and when he first moved out here he was scared shitless of a deer as it crossed the road lol. He had never once seen deer in his life.
My friend grew up in Queens and when he first moved out here he was scared shitless of a deer as it crossed the road lol. He had never once seen deer in his life.

That's funny. I friend of mine walked up to a buck and its harem of does that were eating grass in a field one time. I thought he was crazy. He got to within 100 yards and the buck turned to face him straight on and stared him down for about a minute. Then the buck let out a big snort and turned and ran into the woods.
I haven't been here long, but I have learned a lot of valuable things from reading through these source threads. I say we keep them. So we spin our wheels on most. That's just the way it goes. All it has forced me to do is learn more and research more, and to not trust anyone. I mean, if its not a censored forum, why start now?
It's whatever you're used to, I think. If it's familiar to you and you know what to expect, it's doesn't seem as bad. But, you're right, some people are blissfully unaware.

I used to find it strange when city people would come out to the country and were afraid of the horses. You tell them it's alright, the horse won't hurt them, and you can get them to pet the horse. They're fine until the horse moves - just shifting its weight - and they jump back like they think they're going to be killed. It's funny to me but they're truly terrified.
Sorry brothers, the Westcoast is the best coast!!! It's funny though, @CensoredBoardsSuck story about the horse is dead on! I spent years in government housing moving house to house as a youngster. I saw my first horse when I was about 12 or 13, on a school field trip and I was terrified!

Its funny how things work, "gangland" was normal but horses were terrifying.

Big Mike
LOL In the City, but I frequent Jersey a lot
Yes we do have a bunch in my good ol garden state. There's a guy who lives under a bridge not far from me( it's a highway thru central) dudes got his tarp and boxes setup. Very sad
I can't believe Xmas is here already my meso brothers. I've been reflecting over this past year and man it's been a good one. I've made more money this year then I ever have,(legally) my son just turned one and already he's a little celebrity Andy entire world.I have a women is amazing( and hot) I'm very healthy, and I learn so much from you guys who are much more educated then myself. I'm glad to be apart of this board where I've met some great guys.

Thank you meso!
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