I would be remiss if I did not point out it seems the majority of those resistant to change either have not neen here long enough to see or feel the scamming, fly by night way most of these sources operate. Mayne thats why 18 year old people vote and not 8 year olds. I understand still needing to find a source and being scared all the time you put in here was for naught. The others against changes are enjoying a free sample, source encouragement model. At least the divisions are clear- and neither side is "right" or "wrong".
@Millard Baker continues to say something ober amd ober that is being ignored... a great first step is to STOP ENCOURAGING SOURCES. If you start making buddies with a source posting a list it is obvious you are doing it for your benefit... if you take samples and promise bloods they will wait for the bloods. It exavernates the issue by accepting this as a viable place for them to set up shop.
The scoc does the same thing. It says if you do this, this and this you ate "vetted" and welcome here - its like letting the stray cat out of the cold and into your house. You now have a new cat that may tear up your house and shit everywhere.
So instead of source or no source, instead of no emails and pricelists can we say-
No samples
No scoc making the feel legitimate being here
And no buddy buddy welcome wagon? Keep this business professional so to speak?