Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
Lol. What I'm saying is people here complaining about how sources are bad here. Quality wise and not completing the scoc,...but yet is content with ordering stuff off other paid boards, such as droids, promuscle and etc. Where they dont even put the source thru the ringer like we do here is IRONIC....
Hence we should reevaluate certain areas of scoc...and have a more realistic expectations... I think we are chasing off just as much as some of the potentially good sources as well as the bad.
Imo just because a source is trying to sell gear doesnt mean anyone has to buy it. If some ones dumb enough to buy from a source that doesnt have any credibility then theres no point in them crying the blues and whinning about bunk gear.
Ok, let's get back on track. Looks like sourcing is wanted from the percentage of votes so far. So lets start being productive and brainstorm our next step. So what happens when this vote is over? What's are next move? Here's what tools we have thus far:

Testing - bloods/labmax/mass spec
Posts to voice our opinions
Ability to create various forums

How are we going to improve/alter/apply these tools to improve our board on Thursdays when a new source pops up? And or what can we do to improve the tools we have? Let's start working towards something rather than the back and forth. What's are next step???


Big Mike
I may take some heat for my comments but since the board is having a vote on sources or no sources I feel I should voice my opinion. I can look at both sides of the coin and make arguments for both, however I'm not here to debate I'm here to give my opinion.

I feel the members who want sources here are just looking out for there own personal reasons and that's fine but just be honest about it. You can't tell me you guys want sources so they can better the community because that right there is bullshit. I have been here before herc, stretch and pep and while they may have all started good they always end bad.

You may get lucky and find 1 diamond in the rough as far as a public source but the rest of the time all you will get is shit. Maybe members want sources so they gain freebies or there shills but it's always present. Also, some members take freebies from these guys for " the betterment" of the community which is just a crock of shyt. I don't care if your lab maxing it your still getting free gear and you take it because it's free, let's just call a spade a spade.

Also, the guys who don't want sources here (myself included) most likely is because we use private sources, we've been at it awhile and that's ok. I don't go to a company and get a job as vp without starting at the bottom and working my way up. A lot of guys here have pulled serious time and they have connections but they have earned it.

This isn't eroids, the underground is such a small section here compared to everything else on this site. I came here to learn, maybe post once in awhile or give opinions on sources I have used. Open sourcing on here will not bring anything but bad news. It's kind if crazy to me how this topic alone is kind of creating a rift between members when this site wasn't built on a sales platform. Just my 2 cents and my opinion but wtf do I know......
Man are born horn dogs. I dont know about u, but I'm faithful to my wife. 18years..@manwhore
So, you're better than MAN?
You're saying it's human nature for people to scam..

People are not born scammers..
Where are all the floaties?
Where are all the infections?

This is why a thread lasts so long with bullshit in it.
You people post about shit you never see.. only because you hear it..

Tren Dick
700 grams protein a day
I have stated it before but I landed here because of the knowledge & information available on many subjects. But as an old guy on TRT, who goes to the gym works out & gets out, not really connected I also began to see MESO as a place to connect for possible private source. I think it is clear that the fly in & out labs are not viable or smart options but in the beginning it was the only option I felt I had & I think many are in that boat. I have since developed some relationships but those "private sources" are hard to come by (as it should be). I think the underground could be better utilized in not necessarily sourcing (although I don't see it going away) but talk & eduction from those who are keen on how to vet out scammers & how to navigate sources. Bottom line is most here are using AAS and therefore need a supplier of either raws to brew or sell finished product. I greatly appreciate the amount of time & investment that many WKM make here to protect & educate members that don't have the experience or knowledge under their belt. But the fact is those same WKM don't have to worry about sources because they have the connections already. So I guess that is the catch 22 IMO.
I would be remiss if I did not point out it seems the majority of those resistant to change either have not neen here long enough to see or feel the scamming, fly by night way most of these sources operate. Mayne thats why 18 year old people vote and not 8 year olds. I understand still needing to find a source and being scared all the time you put in here was for naught. The others against changes are enjoying a free sample, source encouragement model. At least the divisions are clear- and neither side is "right" or "wrong".

@Millard Baker continues to say something ober amd ober that is being ignored... a great first step is to STOP ENCOURAGING SOURCES. If you start making buddies with a source posting a list it is obvious you are doing it for your benefit... if you take samples and promise bloods they will wait for the bloods. It exavernates the issue by accepting this as a viable place for them to set up shop.

The scoc does the same thing. It says if you do this, this and this you ate "vetted" and welcome here - its like letting the stray cat out of the cold and into your house. You now have a new cat that may tear up your house and shit everywhere.

So instead of source or no source, instead of no emails and pricelists can we say-
No samples
No scoc making the feel legitimate being here
And no buddy buddy welcome wagon? Keep this business professional so to speak?
Some early advice i got from vets upon arriving here.
1. Do not accept free samples=fastest way to get hooked into a scam.
2. private messages soliciting = scam
3. research, take a lot of time, ask appropriate questions & repeat.
4. Don't ask vets to recommend sources but ask what they would look for in a source.
5. build relationships
6. contribute to the community.

These are some of the things that helped me & made meso home. This is what separates meso from other boards imo. Did i follow all the advice? sadly no & i learned the hard way.

to me the question isn't sources or no sources but rather how do we continue to make it painfully clear scammers will be exposed & flushed! & if sources are going to be here they will be here under the criteria of the community & not by their own set of rules. That will take the community to work together & for me respect those that have been here & invested heavily to make what meso is today.
Also I was thinking in the future after vetting sources, depending on how well they have adhere to the scoc and the progress they have shown to prove they're worthy of member's hard earn money. We can start putting new source( not verified).. active source and well known source. Depending on positive reviews, lab max, blood works and mass spec as being the most the most notable achievements coming from a source.
This way new members and old can make their own judgement which one to purchase from.
I think this idea has a lot of potential, when new sources post up they should start with a "scammer" label or at the very least" unverified "and have to earn better labels through concrete ms,hplc,blood work and feedback from members not juniors either.
So, you're better than MAN?
You're saying it's human nature for people to scam..

People are not born scammers..
Where are all the floaties?
Where are all the infections?

This is why a thread lasts so long with bullshit in it.
You people post about shit you never see.. only because you hear it..

Tren Dick
700 grams protein a day
please dont change context out of my quotes.. I never said I'm bigger than man or people are born scammers. I think you reading my context all wrong.
Sorry Brutus/CBS and co. ....the majority have spoken and they dont want what your trying to sell . Freedom of speech & freedom to choose wins again ....maybe you keyboard politicians can try next year.....:rolleyes:
Ok. So a select few keep posting that we aren't seeing the "big picture".... This vision of improvement that we keep sources here with them not actually soucing. My question is how does this work? Just having them here is sourcing. Instead of publicly posting price lists we just get them pmed instead. The threads then fill with the same shit as they have been. If this is an improvement then I surely don't get it. If this place really is uncensored then let everyone say what they want.
So, you're better than MAN?
You're saying it's human nature for people to scam..

People are not born scammers..
Where are all the floaties?
Where are all the infections?

This is why a thread lasts so long with bullshit in it.
You people post about shit you never see.. only because you hear it..

Tren Dick
700 grams protein a day
7,000,000 grams of protein a day bro!! Get it straight!
We have to give sources a place to join the discussion if we are evaluating their product.if we want this to be unbiased. They have to be able to talk their point of view. Karl was a good example with all his sweet talk members here called him out and stop his bs before he got most of us for a few grand. He had WKM giving him benefit of doubt. Still was exposed. We need their voice to be impartial.
So what's next? Continue as we have? These start up guys continue to come here we chew them apart, or they argue back and forth with all of us for a few days and then leave anyway. How do we move forward from here?
Sorry Brutus/CBS and co. ....the majority have spoken and they dont want what your trying to sell . Freedom of speech & freedom to choose wins again ....maybe you keyboard politicians can try next year.....:rolleyes:
And maybe you should stick to fucking cooking because you completely lack vision and intelligence... the fact you think rhis is a source vs. No source debate belies your inherent stupidy and the fact that you want to retain a "free sample" model where vets get good shit and newbies get scammed because they. Uy on your test results makes y ou just as bad as the scammers themselves.

I don't mind dissenting opinions- this is a fucking DISCUSSION you ignorant asshole! You have been an arrogant, ignorant fucking prick about the whole thing. Probably your biggest accomplishment in your life is your fucking food thread but whenever you happen to wander out of whatever wilderness you fucking live in I hope you realize this isn't about you getting your feelings hurt for being called out- but it is for you, so you set about creating a divide where newbies flock to the guy who gives them likes and corrupt what this board was created for.

I'm sure millard will be thrilled with his keyboard politician title, unless of course he realizes how completely meaningless your thoughts and opinions are. He was simply making some points- obviously points that when way over your head... thats not a dig about how short you are- it's about how stupid you are.
And maybe you should stick to fucking cooking because you completely lack vision and intelligence... the fact you think rhis is a source vs. No source debate belies your inherent stupidy and the fact that you want to retain a "free sample" model where vets get good shit and newbies get scammed because they. Uy on your test results makes y ou just as bad as the scammers themselves.

I don't mind dissenting opinions- this is a fucking DISCUSSION you ignorant asshole! You have been an arrogant, ignorant fucking prick about the whole thing. Probably your biggest accomplishment in your life is your fucking food thread but whenever you happen to wander out of whatever wilderness you fucking live in I hope you realize this isn't about you getting your feelings hurt for being called out- but it is for you, so you set about creating a divide where newbies flock to the guy who gives them likes and corrupt what this board was created for.

I'm sure millard will be thrilled with his keyboard politician title, unless of course he realizes how completely meaningless your thoughts and opinions are. He was simply making some points- obviously points that when way over your head... thats not a dig about how short you are- it's about how stupid you are.

Is that the best you can do ya crybaby ? And name calling ??? Childish...
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