Sporting success - hGH and Peptides

Sporting Success


Hello MESO!
If you are reading these lines, most likely you are looking for a reliable partner in the field of peptide production or have a number of questions on this topic. We will undoubtedly be happy to help. Thousands of people all over Russia have already made their choice in our favor, and below you will find out why.
Sorry for my english.

Our products:
EvalPharm (EU)
RedRocket (EU)

Price Europe:
EvalPharm Powder 100UI - 200€
  • 185 Kit (5-9)
  • 180 Kit (10-19)
  • 160 Kit (20+)
EvalPharm Powder 10 vials x 10UI
EvalPharm Powder 200UI - 400€
  • 365 Kit (5-9)
  • 350 Kit (10-19)
  • 310 Kit (20+)
EvalPharm Powder 20 vials x 10UI
RedRocket Liquid 100UI - 200€
  • 185 Kit (5-9)
  • 180 Kit (10-19)
  • 160 Kit (20+)

Price USA:
RUS-BIO Somatropin powder 100UI 10 vials x 10UI - 235$
  • 220$ Kit (5-9)
  • 210$ Kit (10-19)
  • 190$ Kit (20+)


Shipping options:
  • DPD - 35€
  • Standard Shipping - 10€
  • Standard Shipping - 20$
Departure within 1 - 4 working days after payment.

  • Western Union
  • USDT
  • Pay Pal
  • Visa
  • BTC

Contact us:
or in private messages on MESO

Stock photos coming soon..


  • Америка ГР.jpg
    Америка ГР.jpg
    26.4 KB · Views: 63
  • Прайс европа.jpg
    Прайс европа.jpg
    319.4 KB · Views: 63
What do you mean by "trial orders"? Do you mean freebies??? Oooh... calling all gearwhores.

And where's the testing results bruh???

Don't worry about it. He will just fuck us off like everyone else, we can't be on here 24 7 and eventually the few who do care will give up on this thread. The retarded newbs will give up there money and start threads about how there boner feelz are great and their dick growing protocol worked.