He needs to stop givin out freebies and people should stop accepting them imo. If you deliver a quality product and service for a fair price then your reputation stands on its own. The freebie cycle skews perspectives and can create a whole host of other issues as I can almost guarantee we are about to see first hand just based on my previous experiences here...

Some people may just be ordering from Stan in hopes their package gets delayed and they get some freebies. Where as I’m sure it’s nice to get extras, it’s better to get what you ordered in 3-5 days and not have to stress about it.
Some people may just be ordering from Stan in hopes their package gets delayed and they get some freebies. Where as I’m sure it’s nice to get extras, it’s better to get what you ordered in 3-5 days and not have to stress about it.

I agree. He offered I said sure, but I would much rather have had my pack 3 weeks ago.
I agree. He offered I said sure, but I would much rather have had my pack 3 weeks ago.

Absolutely. I wouldn’t turn it down for having to wait. But to your point, I’d rather order from someone else and know I’m getting it in 3 days. That being said, If Stan gets back on track I will definitely order again.
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Absolutely. I wouldn’t turn it down for having to wait. But to your point, I’d rather order from someone else and know I’m getting it in 3 days. That being said, If Stan gets back on track I will definitely order again.

I've ordered before and everything was perfect. This has been interesting but will work itsself out.
Some people may just be ordering from Stan in hopes their package gets delayed and they get some freebies. Where as I’m sure it’s nice to get extras, it’s better to get what you ordered in 3-5 days and not have to stress about it.
Problem comes in when it becomes an issue of what is deemed as "acceptable" TA and what constitutes freebies? Whom is entitled? Guys that cry the loudest? Wait the longest? How much? Do you get more freebies based on the monetary value of your order...or do you get more for waiting longer? This guy waited this long but got this amount of free gear which appeased him but the other guy got the same he wasnt impressed even with the free gear so what constitutes an unbiased review now? How bout the guys still didnt receive initial orders are they waiting longer TAs bc inventory is getting used towards freebies instead of fulfilling orders already paid in full? What if you fuck up my order leave an item out so I cant start my cycle but 4 weeks from now I get the rest of the initial order plus some other shit I didnt order is that satisfactory? Now I post a review and Stanford comes back says "I gave you 3 free vials!", yea but you delayed my cycle 2 months...what if the free gear tests poorly then what? Is it acceptable bc its free?

idk way too fuckin hairy, bad business model.
As mentioned, freebies are his saving grace. He’s has said multiple times himself why he gives out freebies. It’s to balance out the shitty aspect of using him. Problem is, it’s like playing the lotto. Only some get them. Kinda funny how a few days ago we were talking about how he doesn’t even really send extras any more then 3 days later a members gives a review how his pack arrived in 3 days with almost double. o_O

I completely agree with he just needs to cut the freebies out and provide the same service other sources do. When you accept a order by taking funds you should process that order in 48 hours. Freebies/extras cloud everyone’s judgment. TEK couldn’t of said it better. He basically mentioned the experience I had. I waited nearly a month and had to chase/remind the dude multiple times to get my order but because he accidentally sent extras when ever I brought up my shitty experience it was clouded because he hooked me up :eyeroll:

Seems everyday someone says, “Stan just got overwhelmed with two sources leaving”. Strange that it only effected Stan, ehh? Especially since there’s another domestic source here who test everything and every batch and has never once had a review of TA taking over a week. Would think he’d have at least twice the sales but doesn’t seem phased. Even has another job and is a one man show. Makes you wonder wtf is really going on here being as supposedly Stan has a staff. IMO dude is just lazy and will get to you when he feels like it. Anywho, food for thought.
Has anyone used stans winivar or primo and experienced random severe headaches with it? I'm about 3 weeks in and all of a sudden I'm getting these headaches and BP has been elevated the last 3 days. Any thoughts?
Has anyone used stans winivar or primo and experienced random severe headaches with it? I'm about 3 weeks in and all of a sudden I'm getting these headaches and BP has been elevated the last 3 days. Any thoughts?

You probably need to donate blood. I get the same headaches and a spike in bp usually around mid-cycle from crit being to high.
Got TD today on an order I've been waiting on for a while. Everything there with extra's. I actually told him in PM the extra's weren't necessary but he included them anyway. @StanfordPharma did more than right by me. I've made a few orders from him, this is the only time I've had more than 5 day TA. I'll definitely continue to order from him once he's made everyone whole and begins regular business again.
What a slap in the face to those he promised extras to and didn’t give shit.
I tried to give extras to everyone that waited. Not for good reviews or any other reason than to apologize for the wait. Never asked anyone to mention it or to post anything at all. They can certainly throw them in the trash if they choose.
wouldn’t it be better to just fulfill orders and then offer extras to people you feel deserve it AFTER accounting for any “leftover” inventory?

not send a bunch of random extras when other people are waiting for those products?
Don't worry about inventory. Inventory is plentiful.
As mentioned, freebies are his saving grace. He’s has said multiple times himself why he gives out freebies. It’s to balance out the shitty aspect of using him. Problem is, it’s like playing the lotto. Only some get them. Kinda funny how a few days ago we were talking about how he doesn’t even really send extras any more then 3 days later a members gives a review how his pack arrived in 3 days with almost double. o_O

I completely agree with he just needs to cut the freebies out and provide the same service other sources do. When you accept a order by taking funds you should process that order in 48 hours. Freebies/extras cloud everyone’s judgment. TEK couldn’t of said it better. He basically mentioned the experience I had. I waited nearly a month and had to chase/remind the dude multiple times to get my order but because he accidentally sent extras when ever I brought up my shitty experience it was clouded because he hooked me up :eyeroll:

Seems everyday someone says, “Stan just got overwhelmed with two sources leaving”. Strange that it only effected Stan, ehh? Especially since there’s another domestic source here who test everything and every batch and has never once had a review of TA taking over a week. Would think he’d have at least twice the sales but doesn’t seem phased. Even has another job and is a one man show. Makes you wonder wtf is really going on here being as supposedly Stan has a staff. IMO dude is just lazy and will get to you when he feels like it. Anywho, food for thought.
No offense, but not sure if your aware how many sales i get or that other source gets. I can almost guarantee your wrong.


Worst drug dealer ever (lol).
Got a TD recently. I am very satisfied with everything including communication. Stan more than made up for the extended wait time which wasnt even that bad (less than 30 days). I would like to say thanks to Stan and staff for being trustworthy and reliable. Sadly I dont think I'll ever have an order big enough to meet his new minimum but it was awesome doing buisness with you guys.
If people are stressing about wait times just hang in there. Your shit will come. Yes the wait times are a bit much for domestic but let's keep in mind this isnt amazon prime.
Got a TD recently. I am very satisfied with everything including communication. Stan more than made up for the extended wait time which wasnt even that bad (less than 30 days). I would like to say thanks to Stan and staff for being trustworthy and reliable. Sadly I dont think I'll ever have an order big enough to meet his new minimum but it was awesome doing buisness with you guys.
If people are stressing about wait times just hang in there. Your shit will come. Yes the wait times are a bit much for domestic but let's keep in mind this isnt amazon prime.
30 Days??!??! WTF!?!.....shouldn't be the Pony Express either.......glad your happy .....
Got a TD recently. I am very satisfied with everything including communication. Stan more than made up for the extended wait time which wasnt even that bad (less than 30 days). I would like to say thanks to Stan and staff for being trustworthy and reliable. Sadly I dont think I'll ever have an order big enough to meet his new minimum but it was awesome doing buisness with you guys.
If people are stressing about wait times just hang in there. Your shit will come. Yes the wait times are a bit much for domestic but let's keep in mind this isnt amazon prime.

True it’s not amazon, but other domestics on Meso are still 3-5 days
No offense, but not sure if your aware how many sales i get or that other source gets. I can almost guarantee your wrong.


Worst drug dealer ever (lol).
Aaawwee ...don't be so hard on yourself "Stanny" I wouldn't say worst drug dealer ever but Definetly slowest drug dealer ever would be more applicable. And can we all drop that whole cringeworthy " what you all expect..this isn't Amazon Prime"....I throw up in my mouth everytime I hear that........

Took a little longer than expected and had to send a couple pms and emails. but as always Stan came through.

with extras as well but mainly just glad my original order came through. Thanks again.
Worth the wait.
30 Days??!??! WTF!?!.....shouldn't be the Pony Express either.......glad your happy .....
I most certainly am happy. I prefer quality over quantity. I would much rather wait a long time for product that I know is going to be good than roll the dice with someone new or someone that doesnt have as much of a rep. I plan my cycles out months in advance. It's not heroin, I dont need it immediately.
Aaawwee ...don't be so hard on yourself "Stanny" I wouldn't say worst drug dealer ever but Definetly slowest drug dealer ever would be more applicable. And can we all drop that whole cringeworthy " what you all expect..this isn't Amazon Prime"....I throw up in my mouth everytime I hear that........
I agree 100%.