Ehh, him popping in here and saying he’s sorry and promising extras is a broken record. Especially since the extra thing is usually BS anyway. It is just something he says to help smooth things for the time being.

He said he hired employees back in December I believe. How hard is it for one person to take orders and print the list, Stan fill packs from the lists and another person to drop packs? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, worst drug dealer ever.

I agree with you 100%. My only point was at the bare minimum he could let people know what the fuck is going on. Still wouldn't make things right in any way. Some of these guys have been waiting for 3 months or more. Sources need to be held to a certain standard for all involved and this is far beyond that imo. It's also not just 1 or 2 people.
I'll make a quick statement and then i have to get back to work. I'd rather spend my time taking care of these guys than posting. I've been in contact with what i believe are those that posted late pack issues. If I've missed anyone pm me and I'll get with you later today.

Even @thisguy33 i pm'd as soon as he posted. So there goes the theory that he needs to yell at me to get a response.

The selective scammer post. Even just a little common sense debunks that. I've given probably a hundred times in freebies more than products that need to be filled which is only a few more packs. When i stop shipping packs, by all means, call me a scammer.

As for my join date. That is the date i started going public. I've been a member here for a very long time. Longer than almost anybody. I've divulged who i am to a few of the oldest vets before i went public, but for security reasons i won't mention who i am publicly. Been doing this almost 20 years.

For those that have complaints i want to reiterate. I have no problem with you making complaints. I certainly deserve them. Trying to make up for them. Trying to work on fixing the issues. I would never hold against someone for giving an honest complaint and i ask that anyone that makes a complaint please do not bash them for it. It keeps me and any other source accountable.

Nobodies being scammed.

Oh, and if you want to post all the complaints, if i could please ask a favor. Just asking a favor, please include the members handles so those that want to, or should, can retract their complaint. I never like to mention things publicly, but a number of those complaints were not my fault. Some people never included shipping info and wouldn't answer emails, you have a few different reasons to retract like the guy with the bad testosterone levels, the halo situation, etc, etc. I know i have no right to do anything other than ask.

Any other concerns i will get with a little later.
I'll make a quick statement and then i have to get back to work. I'd rather spend my time taking care of these guys than posting. I've been in contact with what i believe are those that posted late pack issues. If I've missed anyone pm me and I'll get with you later today.

Even @thisguy33 i pm'd as soon as he posted. So there goes the theory that he needs to yell at me to get a response.

The selective scammer post. Even just a little common sense debunks that. I've given probably a hundred times in freebies more than products that need to be filled which is only a few more packs. When i stop shipping packs, by all means, call me a scammer.

As for my join date. That is the date i started going public. I've been a member here for a very long time. Longer than almost anybody. I've divulged who i am to a few of the oldest vets before i went public, but for security reasons i won't mention who i am publicly. Been doing this almost 20 years.

For those that have complaints i want to reiterate. I have no problem with you making complaints. I certainly deserve them. Trying to make up for them. Trying to work on fixing the issues. I would never hold against someone for giving an honest complaint and i ask that anyone that makes a complaint please do not bash them for it. It keeps me and any other source accountable.

Nobodies being scammed.

Oh, and if you want to post all the complaints, if i could please ask a favor. Just asking a favor, please include the members handles so those that want to, or should, can retract their complaint. I never like to mention things publicly, but a number of those complaints were not my fault. Some people never included shipping info and wouldn't answer emails, you have a few different reasons to retract like the guy with the bad testosterone levels, the halo situation, etc, etc. I know i have no right to do anything other than ask.

Any other concerns i will get with a little later.

I didn't say anything about needing to "yell at" you to get a response. If you would've quoted my post, that would be clear. Plus, you sent me the exact same PM as you did two weeks ago, after the last time I posted on here. The problem is that I don't get ANY responses to emails UNLESS I come on here and post, which is ridiculous. I never wanted to post anything negative on here in the first place, but it's the only thing I felt I could do when I was getting ignored trying to handle the situation privately.
I didn't say anything about needing to "yell at" you to get a response. If you would've quoted my post, that would be clear. Plus, you sent me the exact same PM as you did two weeks ago, after the last time I posted on here. The problem is that I don't get ANY responses to emails UNLESS I come on here and post, which is ridiculous. I never wanted to post anything negative on here in the first place, but it's the only thing I felt I could do when I was getting ignored trying to handle the situation privately.

Thanks for sharing. Who knows how many actually wait weeks/months and don’t share. Not only did you help yourself but you’re helping the community by sharing your experience. He said he had filled all orders just a few weeks back after he shut down. He has said that a lot in recent months but yet guys like you pop up every day

As for my join date. That is the date i started going public. I've been a member here for a very long time. Longer than almost anybody. I've divulged who i am to a few of the oldest vets before i went public, but for security reasons i won't mention who i am publicly. Been doing this almost 20 years.

But your other join date isn’t anywhere near 20 years either. Looking at your post history seeing you bounce around this place has been quite entertaining and disturbing. ;)
I didn't say anything about needing to "yell at" you to get a response. If you would've quoted my post, that would be clear. Plus, you sent me the exact same PM as you did two weeks ago, after the last time I posted on here. The problem is that I don't get ANY responses to emails UNLESS I come on here and post, which is ridiculous. I never wanted to post anything negative on here in the first place, but it's the only thing I felt I could do when I was getting ignored trying to handle the situation privately.
I think he was referring to my post #3736 as I thought you were being very professional and calm in your post. My thought was that maybe if you had taken a more aggressive approach you might of been responded to sooner.
i know Stan fucked up, but i promise you he has no bad intentions, he drowned in orders and trying to stock & ship asap without affecting quality.
communication goes A LONG way though, saying "i underestimated the amount of orders i'd get, im sorry, your pack will be late ill try my best to ship asap" is key! in other words, saying you're late before you're late saves u a lot of trouble from ur customer, wife, girlfriend, daughter etc... it shows u take responsibility, u trust worthy and u care - that's what he has missing i think.
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Thanks for sharing. Who knows how many actually wait weeks/months and don’t share. Not only did you help yourself but you’re helping the community by sharing your experience. He said he had filled all orders just a few weeks back after he shut down. He has said that a lot in recent months but yet guys like you pop up every day

But your other join date isn’t anywhere near 20 years either. Looking at your post history seeing you bounce around this place has been quite entertaining and disturbing. ;)

Yeah, as you said I think it is vital that members do share their honest experiences, otherwise no one will know the current state of a source. I don't think this should ever be discouraged imo. Things can change over time so if no one posted I and others might still think it was 3-5 day T/A as was the case for me in the Fall. Members need to be kept up to date so that sources can be held accountable.
I'll make a quick statement and then i have to get back to work. I'd rather spend my time taking care of these guys than posting. I've been in contact with what i believe are those that posted late pack issues. If I've missed anyone pm me and I'll get with you later today.

Even @thisguy33 i pm'd as soon as he posted. So there goes the theory that he needs to yell at me to get a response.

The selective scammer post. Even just a little common sense debunks that. I've given probably a hundred times in freebies more than products that need to be filled which is only a few more packs. When i stop shipping packs, by all means, call me a scammer.

As for my join date. That is the date i started going public. I've been a member here for a very long time. Longer than almost anybody. I've divulged who i am to a few of the oldest vets before i went public, but for security reasons i won't mention who i am publicly. Been doing this almost 20 years.

For those that have complaints i want to reiterate. I have no problem with you making complaints. I certainly deserve them. Trying to make up for them. Trying to work on fixing the issues. I would never hold against someone for giving an honest complaint and i ask that anyone that makes a complaint please do not bash them for it. It keeps me and any other source accountable.

Nobodies being scammed.

Oh, and if you want to post all the complaints, if i could please ask a favor. Just asking a favor, please include the members handles so those that want to, or should, can retract their complaint. I never like to mention things publicly, but a number of those complaints were not my fault. Some people never included shipping info and wouldn't answer emails, you have a few different reasons to retract like the guy with the bad testosterone levels, the halo situation, etc, etc. I know i have no right to do anything other than ask.

Any other concerns i will get with a little later.


Post #3180 by @TANGO.ECHO.KILO .....that's how you get a response to your Stanford bullshit....straight to the point and there you go.....a response to your email followed by a resolution to your situation. Gotta get heated once in awhile!!!!
Worked bc it was true, and I truly don't give a fuck. Not always an advisable plan of attack unless other members also have both those things in common. Stanford could have very easily said fuck off, or worse. Contrary to some new members beliefs, on the other side of these handles are real people with real dollars at stake and the type of individual that can make an operation work even for a brief time is quite savvy so to speak. I have no business with SP right now, so I remain quiet but I certainly have not stopped following along. Members need to continue to speak out in this thread and any other in the underground with unbiased experiences whether positive or negative. It's what keeps us all up to date on the current state of affairs. That being said I do think Stanford's time is better spent working than fielding questions here and via email/pm. Unfortunately unless TA times are reduced customers need answers to remain confident. His hired email support is falling short imo, that would be a good place to start if it were me.

I suspect these are all things you and both know Taurus, primarily addressing others that are following along as well. As a cautionary tale I would remind members if you raise a snake...make sure you're house is in order. I can be a bit of a hot head, I don't think it's necessary with Stanford to get a response. At the end of the day he again came through and stood by his word, and I would do business with him again but never under the current circumstances because I would simply get too frustrated.

Hope all my brothers are working and staying healthy in these uncertain times.