That's swell that he's always pulled through for you. i guess that makes things all better.

You guys that have been waiting for a month or more, chill out. Stan took care of two post Charlie here, so no reason to worry. Just keep waiting. What's another month or two, right?

Despite what's going on in the world, other domestic sources aren't missing a beat. They probably just don't watch the news or something? SHHH, No one tell those other sources what's going on or their service might go to shit too. Keep it a secret!
Amen @MisterSuperGod .....took the words right out of my mouth!!!!
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.

I have also personally had good experiences all the times I have ordered from Stan as well, however that does not mean that those who have had issues shouldn't post and there concerns aren't valid or shouldn't be addressed.

As members we should support one another to help get issues resolved and make sure that everyone is accountable. I actually think that Stan would want to know about the issues because that is the only way that he can correct them if it is something that he overlooked or forgot about.

Even if something out of the ordinary happened or there was a reason for the delay members should be kept up to date on what is going on.
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.

most illegal shit from one man operations comes in under a week domestically so don't push your low expectations on everyone else.
I have also personally had good experiences all the times I have ordered from Stan as well, however that does not mean that those who have had issues shouldn't post and there concerns aren't valid or shouldn't be addressed.

As members we should support one another to help get issues resolved and make sure that everyone is accountable. I actually think that Stan would want to know about the issues because that is the only way that he can correct them if it is something that he overlooked or forgot about.

Even if something out of the ordinary happened or there was a reason for the delay members should be kept up to date on what is going on.

Exactly. Telling people to relax when it isn't your pack floating around in oblivion is easy.

These guys have been patient, it's not like they came here threatening to burn the thread down, they just want a simple update. i don't think that's asking a whole hell of a lot from Stan.
Exactly. Telling people to relax when it isn't your pack floating around in oblivion is easy.

These guys have been patient, it's not like they came here threatening to burn the thread down, they just want a simple update. i don't think that's asking a whole hell of a lot from Stan.

Completely agree. In all fairness to Stan, as I said all of my experiences with him were good for my 3 orders 3-5 day T/A, emails answered within a few hours. All of these orders were a couple of months ago though. Just because things were a certain way a few months ago doesn't mean they are the same now, so sources need to be constantly evaluated imo.

That being said the only way that members will know the current state of sources is from other members posting honest reviews. I obviously need to do a better job of this moving forward because I had no problems so I just didn't bother, but I think people need to know the good and the bad.

I appreciate these people posting their experiences so that I know for myself and others do as well. I would also like to see that their concerns are addressed because ultimately we are here to help and look out for one another.
Completely agree. In all fairness to Stan, as I said all of my experiences with him were good for my 3 orders 3-5 day T/A, emails answered within a few hours. All of these orders were a couple of months ago though. Just because things were a certain way a few months ago doesn't mean they are the same now, so sources need to be constantly evaluated imo.

That being said the only way that members will know the current state of sources is from other members posting honest reviews. I obviously need to do a better job of this moving forward because I had no problems so I just didn't bother, but I think people need to know the good and the bad.

I appreciate these people posting their experiences so that I know for myself and others do as well. I would also like to see that their concerns are addressed because ultimately we are here to help and look out for one another.

I’m in the same boat. I had one experience with Stan and it was great. But that doesn’t mean things haven’t, can’t, and won’t change. I took a shot with him around Christmas time and I must have just had good luck as that was also a busy time where orders for others were not showing up in a timely manner. With the current state of things, I wouldn’t order from him now, unless I see things turn around for other members.

Don’t flame members for giving their honest experiences which may be negative just because some of us never had a problem. It’s the only way we can make an informed decision. We as a community need to have all the facts and experiences on an ongoing basis.
Is there a reliable source to be found anymore ?
There are all comes down to research, research and more research and maybe looking outside familiar surroundings. Not 1 source is gonna be a 100% guarantee but you can find some solid ones with minimum hiccups if you take the time.
Completely agree. In all fairness to Stan, as I said all of my experiences with him were good for my 3 orders 3-5 day T/A, emails answered within a few hours. All of these orders were a couple of months ago though. Just because things were a certain way a few months ago doesn't mean they are the same now, so sources need to be constantly evaluated imo.

That being said the only way that members will know the current state of sources is from other members posting honest reviews. I obviously need to do a better job of this moving forward because I had no problems so I just didn't bother, but I think people need to know the good and the bad.

I appreciate these people posting their experiences so that I know for myself and others do as well. I would also like to see that their concerns are addressed because ultimately we are here to help and look out for one another.
And as @MisterSuperGod posted, these members are going above and beyond by holding thier ill will or harsh words and that HAS to be difficult when you read there are packs landing in a week. I've said this in a few posts in that applaud thier restraint and patience are better men then myself when it comes to.those qualities.
And as @MisterSuperGod posted, these members are going above and beyond by holding thier ill will or harsh words and that HAS to be difficult when you read there are packs landing in a week. I've said this in a few posts in that applaud thier restraint and patience are better men then myself when it comes to.those qualities.

Absolutely correct. I was mainly posting because I have been in/am in similar situations. Numerous members helped me to get my concerns addressed and they are on their way to being resolved. Just wanted to pass it forward to other members, because at the end of the day that is what we are here for, to help one another who live a similar lifestyle.
Absolutely correct. I was mainly posting because I have been in/am in similar situations. Numerous members helped me to get my concerns addressed and they are on their way to being resolved. Just wanted to pass it forward to other members, because at the end of the day that is what we are here for, to help one another who live a similar lifestyle.

Help one another. I can't tell
Help one another. I can't tell

I don't think anyone here is going to tell you directly a source. That's just not the way people do things here. Honestly its for your own good. You never know what ties someone may have to a source or other agenda. Also as grown men I don't think any of us just want to blindly follow someone else opinion.

It depends what you are looking for but if you are looking for finished domestic oils there is this source, Symbiotics and Pharmacom Labs. They all have threads here so you can get a sense of the sources T/A and communication from reviews as well as testing results.

If you are looking for something else most of the sources in the underground are labeled.