I don't think anyone here is going to tell you directly a source. That's just not the way people do things here. Honestly its for your own good. You never know what ties someone may have to a source or other agenda. Also as grown men I don't think any of us just want to blindly follow someone else opinion.

It depends what you are looking for but if you are looking for finished domestic oils there is this source, Symbiotics and Pharmacom Labs. They all have threads here so you can get a sense of the sources T/A and communication from reviews as well as testing results.

If you are looking for something else most of the sources in the underground are labeled.
Come on man...

Aren’t you waiting for a refund from Pharmacom? Why would you even recommend those overpriced clowns?
Come on man...

Aren’t you waiting for a refund from Pharmacom? Why would you even recommend those overpriced clowns?

No. I completely agree with you.

Yes I am still waiting, and they haven't responded to my last 3 emails/ pms.

I was not recommending them at all. I was literally just listing all the domestic oil sources because my point was he should read for himself and decide. My point was if he just blindly follows advice he will end up waiting up to 3-4 months for an order.
No. I completely agree with you.

Yes I am still waiting, and they haven't responded to my last 3 emails/ pms.

I was not recommending them at all. I was literally just listing all the domestic oil sources because my point was he should read for himself and decide. My point was if he just blindly follows advice he will end up waiting up to 3-4 months for an order.
Seriously, still waiting on that? You should go post in their thread, its getting ridiculous now. Guy said what, 2 weeks ago you would get a refund, yet nothing from them. Unacceptable.
Seriously, still waiting on that? You should go post in their thread, its getting ridiculous now. Guy said what, 2 weeks ago you would get a refund, yet nothing from them. Unacceptable.

Yeah I am going to lol. He said they would do it within 30 days so technically it hasn't been, but it has been close to 2 weeks for the refund and I ordered back in late December. I don't really see why it would take 30 days to send some BTC. Most sources expect you to do that within 24 hrs.
Don’t flame members for giving their honest experiences which may be negative just because some of us never had a problem. It’s the only way we can make an informed decision. We as a community need to have all the facts and experiences on an ongoing basis.

Absolutely. That's what the underground is for. If we start giving members shit because they have a complaint or an issue, then we might as well talk Millard into charging them rent and becoming another soulless source board.
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Not talking about Stan, I respect the guy, his sauce worked well for me - but nothing worse when a source has a bunch of shills and members who actually got actual complaints afraid to voice their comments, so thank you for all the members who address the shipping and communication issues, sorry you're going through it.
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.

Thanks for popping in Jr. let me enlighten you. For months Stan has shit the bed. Just recently he shut down and said he would not take any more orders until previous orders and members were made whole. That was all smoke and mirrors. I believe he’s shut down 2-3 times in the last 2-3 months to catch up and he hasn’t been successful at it yet. Blame the virus if it makes you feel better but i was just ripping his ass over a month ago before the virus out break for the same shit as it’s been going on for months.

This guy is domestic. Meaning packs should land with in a week and if there is any reason that they won’t there needs to be some communication. This crap where you have to chase him through email, PMs and publicly is getting very old and quite frankly I can’t believe he hasn’t been ran out of here.
Hope it was a good one. Still waiting on mine ... Again, order placed on January [emoji849]

Still waiting too. Placed mine 6 weeks ago. Now he won't even respond to my emails. Last response I got was "I will make him aware of this." And that was two weeks ago... Still no response or pkg.
Still waiting too. Placed mine 6 weeks ago. Now he won't even respond to my emails. Last response I got was "I will make him aware of this." And that was two weeks ago... Still no response or pkg.
He is obviously selectively scamming people. Can we all just move on from this source already?
He is obviously selectively scamming people. Can we all just move on from this source already?
But but but his stellar reputation of 10+ years has PROVEN him to be a great source! :rolleyes:

And that is why NO source ever gets a “G2G here because anything can change in an instant.
Still waiting too. Placed mine 6 weeks ago. Now he won't even respond to my emails. Last response I got was "I will make him aware of this." And that was two weeks ago... Still no response or pkg.
Post #3180 by @TANGO.ECHO.KILO .....that's how you get a response to your Stanford bullshit....straight to the point and there you go.....a response to your email followed by a resolution to your situation. Gotta get heated once in awhile!!!!
But but but his stellar reputation of 10+ years has PROVEN him to be a great source! :rolleyes:

And that is why NO source ever gets a “G2G here because anything can change in an instant.
Yeah well he has nothing to prove at this point. So why then would he care if you get what you paid for in a reasonable amount of time?
But but but his stellar reputation of 10+ years has PROVEN him to be a great source! :rolleyes:

And that is why NO source ever gets a “G2G here because anything can change in an instant.

Always found it laughable when I heard it mentioned he’s got 10+ years cred. Dudes join date was 2016. Am I missing something? I believe his cred has just about run out.

Hell, I believe that if Standford was on a paid board that the Mods wouldn’t even be able to let this slide any more but here we are asking how to make the list o_O Smdh. This place use to be tough.

I’m fortunate enough to still be working and don’t have a lot of time on my hands or I’d pull a WeightedChinUp thread out my ass and go through the last 3 months and compile all the bad reviews into one post and make a thread. That shit would follow him everywhere. You wouldn’t be able to google Standford without it coming up. Just sayin for any of you who are tired of chasing this dude. His fan club wouldn’t be able to flame you either as all you’d be doing is copying and pasting reviews into one post. Kinda hard to look the other way when it’s all compiled together.
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Always found it laughable when I heard it mentioned he’s got 10+ years cred. Dudes join date was 2016. Am I missing something? I believe his cred has just about run out.

Hell, I believe that if Standford was on a paid board that the Mods wouldn’t even be able to let this slide any more but here we are asking how to make the list o_O Smdh. This place use to be tough.

I’m fortunate enough to still be working and don’t have a lot of time on my hands or I’d pull a WeightedChinUp thread out my ass and go through the last 3 months and compile all the bad reviews into one post and make a thread. That shit would follow him everywhere. You wouldn’t be able to google Standford without it coming up. Just sayin for any of you who are tired of chasing this dude. His fan club wouldn’t be able to flame you either as all you’d be doing is copying and pasting reviews into one post. Kinda hard to look the other way when it’s all compiled together.

As I said earlier I have never had issues with Stan personally but it would be nice if he would at least post so at least those who are waiting have some sense of what is going on.

Given how long they have been waiting I don't think that is a lot to ask and then at least they would have some reassurance that their concerns have been heard and are being addressed.

Not that it would make any of this acceptable but at the very least members wouldn't be left feeling as if they lost their hard earned $. Especially given the current economic situation.
As I said earlier I have never had issues with Stan personally but it would be nice if he would at least post so at least those who are waiting have some sense of what is going on.

Given how long they have been waiting I don't think that is a lot to ask and then at least they would have some reassurance that their concerns have been heard and are being addressed.

Not that it would make any of this acceptable but at the very least members wouldn't be left feeling as if they lost their hard earned $. Especially given the current economic situation.

Ehh, him popping in here and saying he’s sorry and promising extras is a broken record. Especially since the extra thing is usually BS anyway. It is just something he says to help smooth things for the time being.

He said he hired employees back in December I believe. How hard is it for one person to take orders and print the list, Stan fill packs from the lists and another person to drop packs? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, worst drug dealer ever.