Got a report on my first order. I've been busy with life and stuff so I'm a couple weeks late with it.

For the TLDR folks, the short version: Very happy, will be sending this source money again very soon.

Long version:
Got several vials each of Test E and Tren E. The vials were clean and the fluid inside crystal clear, no gras du or floaters.

On my second week of using the stuff, and it works. Not sure what the deal was, but the test especially hit me hard and quick, and I was already taking some from another source. I don't have a GCMS machine handy but I'd be surprised if either were underdosed at all. If anything, maybe dosed a bit stronger than advertised. Also, as Stan said, he puts more than 10 ml in each vial.

Total turn around time from payment to touchdown, two weeks, five days. Well within what I expected and what I was willing to tolerate.

For whatever reason I seem to be hypersensitive to some oils or additives people put in gear and I've had PiP severely, with inflammation, using both stuff from another UGL and also from one brand of foreign pharma Sustenon. At times my thighs were so swollen with inflammation (I pin in my thighs since I work in IT and sit on my ass all day, don't want to be sitting on that) that it worried me. Looked weird too.

The Stan stuff has had so far zero PiP aside from just the needle jab, zero inflammation. I think it must be the oil he uses. No tren cough either, which is something I had severe problems with the last UGL tren I purchased (different source). I also have to say that this is the least expensive quality gear I've purchased so far from anyone. I will be making another bigger order soon.

So are we still waiting for Stan to fire the starting gun to be able to order, or with the bigger minimum is it order anytime you want now?
Got a report on my first order. I've been busy with life and stuff so I'm a couple weeks late with it.

For the TLDR folks, the short version: Very happy, will be sending this source money again very soon.

Long version:
Got several vials each of Test E and Tren E. The vials were clean and the fluid inside crystal clear, no gras du or floaters.

On my second week of using the stuff, and it works. Not sure what the deal was, but the test especially hit me hard and quick, and I was already taking some from another source. I don't have a GCMS machine handy but I'd be surprised if either were underdosed at all. If anything, maybe dosed a bit stronger than advertised. Also, as Stan said, he puts more than 10 ml in each vial.

Total turn around time from payment to touchdown, two weeks, five days. Well within what I expected and what I was willing to tolerate.

For whatever reason I seem to be hypersensitive to some oils or additives people put in gear and I've had PiP severely, with inflammation, using both stuff from another UGL and also from one brand of foreign pharma Sustenon. At times my thighs were so swollen with inflammation (I pin in my thighs since I work in IT and sit on my ass all day, don't want to be sitting on that) that it worried me. Looked weird too.

The Stan stuff has had so far zero PiP aside from just the needle jab, zero inflammation. I think it must be the oil he uses. No tren cough either, which is something I had severe problems with the last UGL tren I purchased (different source). I also have to say that this is the least expensive quality gear I've purchased so far from anyone. I will be making another bigger order soon.

So are we still waiting for Stan to fire the starting gun to be able to order, or with the bigger minimum is it order anytime you want now?
He didn't mention anything about capping the new 400 dollar limit so I assume you are good to pull the trigger.
Got a report on my first order. I've been busy with life and stuff so I'm a couple weeks late with it.

For the TLDR folks, the short version: Very happy, will be sending this source money again very soon.

Long version:
Got several vials each of Test E and Tren E. The vials were clean and the fluid inside crystal clear, no gras du or floaters.

On my second week of using the stuff, and it works. Not sure what the deal was, but the test especially hit me hard and quick, and I was already taking some from another source. I don't have a GCMS machine handy but I'd be surprised if either were underdosed at all. If anything, maybe dosed a bit stronger than advertised. Also, as Stan said, he puts more than 10 ml in each vial.

Total turn around time from payment to touchdown, two weeks, five days. Well within what I expected and what I was willing to tolerate.

For whatever reason I seem to be hypersensitive to some oils or additives people put in gear and I've had PiP severely, with inflammation, using both stuff from another UGL and also from one brand of foreign pharma Sustenon. At times my thighs were so swollen with inflammation (I pin in my thighs since I work in IT and sit on my ass all day, don't want to be sitting on that) that it worried me. Looked weird too.

The Stan stuff has had so far zero PiP aside from just the needle jab, zero inflammation. I think it must be the oil he uses. No tren cough either, which is something I had severe problems with the last UGL tren I purchased (different source). I also have to say that this is the least expensive quality gear I've purchased so far from anyone. I will be making another bigger order soon.

So are we still waiting for Stan to fire the starting gun to be able to order, or with the bigger minimum is it order anytime you want now?
You are good to order unless he posts otherwise. He hasn’t since reopening with new $400 min
I cant hear you cry anymore because you are banned. Now this thread is quiet. I miss you
Lol yeah you pussies got me banned for “trolling everyone”. I see you guys missed me lol. But guess what? Still got in on that 30 order limit and it’s coming today. @Millard thanks for listening to these whiny babies getting “trolled”. I’m going to tell my mom
Lol yeah you pussies got me banned for “trolling everyone”. I see you guys missed me lol. But guess what? Still got in on that 30 order limit and it’s coming today. @Millard thanks for listening to these whiny babies getting “trolled”. I’m going to tell my mom
I thought it was a dream seeing your handle in the notification area under stan.. welcome back lol
Was hoping to wake up to an informed delivery. 3/28 gang. Stan did assure me he has personally handled the situation so hopefully tomorrow it’ll show up on there.