I'm not one to get involved in off topic chat in a source thread often, but I must say something.

How did the word "minute" even come remotely close to replacing "while?" The first time I heard it was from a teenager about 6 months ago, saying it hasn't heard of something in a minute. Ever since I've heard and read it multiple times, from older people too. I want to pimp slap people who say it...just say a while!

I will say the next annoying thing to “minute”

Is when someone says “bet”

“Alright I will meet you at 5 pm?”


Like nails on a fucking chalkboard to my ears
I hate to say this, but the mdavid posts were more entertaining than these boomer-esque posts about current slang. ‍

Also, might I suggest more tits in here to help Stan recover from his illness.
I hate to say this, but the mdavid posts were more entertaining than these boomer-esque posts about current slang. ‍

Also, might I suggest more tits in here to help Stan recover from his illness.
Zoomer alert!

signed, a GenX that loves to take the piss out of everyone.

edit - autocorrect.
Hey @Stanfordpharma1 ,placed an order this morning but have been locked out of my ProtonMail (randomly scheduled for deletion)
Working to retrieve my email but have set up a new account, and emailed you regarding sending tracking to the new address. Do you mind emailing me confirmation you have my new address for tracking , I'm a little anxious as it was a large order for me.
Sorry for the inconvenience, looking forward to your primo.
Hey @Stanfordpharma1 ,placed an order this morning but have been locked out of my ProtonMail (randomly scheduled for deletion)
Working to retrieve my email but have set up a new account, and emailed you regarding sending tracking to the new address. Do you mind emailing me confirmation you have my new address for tracking , I'm a little anxious as it was a large order for me.
Sorry for the inconvenience, looking forward to your primo.
Thought he closed as of a couple days ago?
I doubt anyone has even received it yet, but worth asking…how is the pip on the Stan’s new DHB/test blend?
Reading a lot about it and that is a common complaint from any and all labs.
Although some reports say using GSO and blending with test helps reduce it.
For those asking about TA.

My experience:
• Put in a domestic order in beginning of April
• Still awaiting package on Day 16
• Sent Stan a message w/ email addy to check on things
• No reply yet (I understand he's currently sick)

Hoping to update soon with the goods!
Mine took 4wks to drop. But everything was in the package. Good stuff too. Barely any PIP beside the consequences of jamming a sharp object into my ass cheek.