Just to update on my previous issue with a vial of Test-E having a floater. I received the replacement vial (as well as an extra vial that I did not expect) from Stan today. Everything looks good upon inspection.
Oh shit man you shoulda said something earlier, you’re missing out on some really quality gains bro.

Luckily I have found a solution to your problem. You will need to get some 18g needles, some cotton swabs, and some high quality 2 ply toilet paper.

Load up the 18g pin with your oils that you want to inject, slowly insert the tip of the needle into your rectum, once you’re about half way up there you’ll want to bury the tip deep into some muscle up there and slowly inject the oil.

I know this seems kind of weird, but trust me bro, it will bypass all those stupid receptors, essentially making them fresh as a baby.

The needle is still in. What do I do with the cotton tip and toilet paper?

Plz help
Oh shit man you shoulda said something earlier, you’re missing out on some really quality gains bro.

Luckily I have found a solution to your problem. You will need to get some 18g needles, some cotton swabs, and some high quality 2 ply toilet paper.

Load up the 18g pin with your oils that you want to inject, slowly insert the tip of the needle into your rectum, once you’re about half way up there you’ll want to bury the tip deep into some muscle up there and slowly inject the oil.

I know this seems kind of weird, but trust me bro, it will bypass all those stupid receptors, essentially making them fresh as a baby.

The sheer thought of a true anal injection sent shivers up my fart pipe.
Njneff- running 300mg primo weekly right now off a recent order. This is with 600 nandrolone and 250 test. Seems to be good stuff. Noticed a bit of irritability increase when I jumped from 150 to 300.

On a side note anyone notice the nadralone listed as 250mg but get a vial that says 300? Was a pleasant surprise
Njneff- running 300mg primo weekly right now off a recent order. This is with 600 nandrolone and 250 test. Seems to be good stuff. Noticed a bit of irritability increase when I jumped from 150 to 300.

On a side note anyone notice the nadralone listed as 250mg but get a vial that says 300? Was a pleasant surprise
He does have a batch that is 300 that has been making the rounds.

Have you checked your e2? Your test : Primo ratio seems off, wondering how the nandrolone impacts that.
He does have a batch that is 300 that has been making the rounds.

Have you checked your e2? Your test : Primo ratio seems off, wondering how the nandrolone impacts that.
I’m set for labs in two weeks. I titrated up the doses of primo and deca to asses tolerance. But no signs of low e2 and no ed. it’s my understanding that deca causes an increase in aromatization. I actually plan to add a bit more test in two weeks depending on gains, vitals and overall feeling.

I’ve ran 500 test and 250 deca with no issue and no ai but deca dick set in around week ten.. so the plan was higher deca than test this time
Did the old gypsy woman tell you this or did you come up with this one on your own?

running same doses and same compounds over enough time and your gains will slow over time. you will plateau sooner or later

you will either have to increase doses, add additional compound, or swap out something to keep making progress at the same rate

this could be myostatin or down regulation/up regulation. either way it doesn't really matter to me because the results are the same.