How is your estrogen management going with that much Test C? I started low and will titrate up on MENT given my BP or other vitals don’t go out of whack.
Really not bad. I was taking .25 Adex MWF but that was mostly because I wanted a low estrogen environment for the tren to really do it’s thing, then I upped the doses from 480test,210tren,70 Ment to the previous listed doses and had some
Estrogen spike and acne, so dosed .25 four days in a row one week, then back to MWF.
Now I am reassessing haven’t taken any adex since Monday and no sides. Getting bloods in 2 weeks.
I don’t think you understand what “shill” means. I speak good of other sources when I pay for something and receive it in an reasonable timeframe. You currently are the only domestic source on this forum with as many issues. And I have ordered from you and was extremely unhappy with the 17 day TA domestically. That screams “ME FIRST GIVE ME MONEY AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU GET WHEN I GET TO IT”. Your opsec is bad, TA is bad, your products are bad, your personality is even worse.

What I found interesting is when I emailed you asking what was taking so long you asked what forum I’m from and to PM you on meso (presumably to link my username to my personal information I gave you for shipping), That speaks volumes of your terrible opsec and true intent. I would not at all be surprised when the feds pinch you that you give all that information on forum members up in exchange for something. Especially since, By your own admission you serve most of the OGs and long time members.

You’re a piece of shit to put it lightly
you said in another post you never ordered from Stan before.

id go edit that post so you don’t look like a bigger dumbass than you already do
The mind of some meso members

Stan- I’m on life support, my house burned down, and I’m out of Doritos and Diet Dr Pepper

Meso member- did my pack get mailed yet

This thread rules
In about a week.
Was gonna say check your email please, but ok I can wait a week.

Best source on here. Have wife running your Primo, no sides but huge strength gains for her in last 3 weeks (this week is week 7).

Also no PIP whatsoever for either of us, probably my favorite part.

Hope you're well and hope to hear back from you soon.
Was gonna say check your email please, but ok I can wait a week.

Best source on here. Have wife running your Primo, no sides but huge strength gains for her in last 3 weeks (this week is week 7).

Also no PIP whatsoever for either of us, probably my favorite part.

Hope you're well and hope to hear back from you soon.

What is your wife's Primo protocol?
Got another Stan pac today
Everything good as always
Loving this Test E, NPP, Primo blast. Primo had my E2 a little low last blood work but made a minor adjustment and feeling great now couple weeks later. Getting bloods again end of the week and will post results when I get them, probably two weeks from now.
Yes open. Here is list with raised minimum



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>>>>>>>>>>> $10 shipping

HGH 191 KITS $120 PER KIT -
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1% BA
15% to 18% BB depending on product

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Filled to aprx 11.5ml

Test prop 100mg. $20
Test e 250mg. $30
Test cyp 200mg. $30
Sustanon 250mg $30
Npp 100mg. $30
EQ 250mg $35
Deca 250mg. $35
Tren e 200mg. $50
Tren a 100mg. $35
Mast e 200mg. $50
Mast p 100mg $35
Primo e 150mg. $60
Ment (trestelone acetate) 75mg . $60

50 caps at 50mg per capsule:

Winnie 50. $50
Dbol 50. $50
Anadrol 50. $50
Tbol 50. $50
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Var 10mg/ml 60ml $25
Var 30mg /ml 60ml $40
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Cialis 50ct 20mg per cap $40
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Major toms (combo of 20mg cialias/50mg viagra) 10ct $15
Nolva 20mg..... 50 caps $35
Clomid 50mg... 50 caps $35
Super Pct 20mg nolva/50mg clomid 30ct $35
Got another Stan pac today
Everything good as always
Loving this Test E, NPP, Primo blast. Primo had my E2 a little low last blood work but made a minor adjustment and feeling great now couple weeks later. Getting bloods again end of the week and will post results when I get them, probably two weeks from now.
What adjustment did you make to feel better ? I think I’m in the same boat, primo has my e2 low
What is your wife's Primo protocol?
She is taking 10mg oral oxandrolone daily and I didn't want to overload her, so we started with 50mg e7d (1/3 cc of primo E150).

No sides but no noticeable gains, so we increased dosage to 50mg e5d, not sure if it was the increased dosage or just the compounding effects of taking it, but she experienced a notable uptick in both strength and muscle endurance over the last several weeks. Still no sides, and she is happy with her progress, so I don't think we will increase dosage any further.
How was your E2 bloodwork on 300/300 and 500/300? Curious to see the difference for that 200mg Test increase.
On 300 I was taken 0.5 mg of Arimidex and I lost libido and it took forever to bust. I didn't even need to do blood work. I just gave myself the extra testosterone and in about two days I felt just fine.When I ran Bloods On 500/300 on 1mg of Arimidex twice a week my E2 was 35. I probably just could have dropped the Arimidex on the 300 but I just went ahead and gave myself more test because I was wanting more anyway.