Only if you wi

are you trying to become a buff guinea pig?
Lmao yes, which usually I use Tren Ace for that desired effect… with where I’m at with life/relationships I’d rather steer clear of that psycho bitch.
Not experienced with MENT but have all necessary ancillaries.
500 Test/Tren/Mast weekly puts me up around 250-255 10%ish give or take.

Hoping to see close to similar results , I hold water well since I’m tall so that’s not a big issue.
Who has ran Stans MENT?

Currently starting 30mg prop, 30mg Mast P, 15mg MENT
Daily pins.

6’4 235 10%
Hopefully can put some size on
I am 8 weeks in 500 test c (pharma), 100 Ment a (Stan’s) 280 tren e (stan’s)
Ment really shined the fist 4-6 weeks while the others reached peak serum concentration.
I am 8 weeks in 500 test c (pharma), 100 Ment a (Stan’s) 280 tren e (stan’s)
Ment really shined the fist 4-6 weeks while the others reached peak serum concentration.
How is your estrogen management going with that much Test C? I started low and will titrate up on MENT given my BP or other vitals don’t go out of whack.
$400 min and your TA will still be a joke. Notice how all your customers are noob first time buyers. No one with half a brain would order from you. Keep making excuses you sack of shit
Or the the vets that use him just don't waste time posting and getting involved in drama because we've used him for years and knows he will always come through.... People should relax more, communicate with Stan via DM and email directly and sort out issues.
Have Stan's ment, haven't run it yet.
Previously did 280 test, 350 Mast 400 primo with 15 mg ment Ed (different source)
Not bad, no ai needed, but didn't quite live up to the hype for me.
received my pack from 4/19. everything looks great, really happy with the products. always well worth the wait. thank you so much @Stanfordpharma1

@Footfetishguy you wanna cry for me weirdo?
Man…that is awesome bro I’m so glad you got the products you paid for 3 weeks ago. Hey quick question…do you wear that cheerleading outfit when your swallowing Stan’s nut more often than his own girlfriend? Or do you just dress casual blue jeans and white t shirt? Gym shark tank top maybe? Fucking dick riding faggot. It’s like you have stockholm syndrome. So happy to get ANYTHING in the mail you don’t care if it takes a month or has floaters or loose caps. No cares in the world
Man…that is awesome bro I’m so glad you got the products you paid for 3 weeks ago. Hey quick question…do you wear that cheerleading outfit when your swallowing Stan’s nut more often than his own girlfriend? Or do you just dress casual blue jeans and white t shirt? Gym shark tank top maybe? Fucking dick riding faggot. It’s like you have stockholm syndrome. So happy to get ANYTHING in the mail you don’t care if it takes a month or has floaters or loose caps. No cares in the world
Yup bark for me dumbass you do exactly what I say
Man…that is awesome bro I’m so glad you got the products you paid for 3 weeks ago. Hey quick question…do you wear that cheerleading outfit when your swallowing Stan’s nut more often than his own girlfriend? Or do you just dress casual blue jeans and white t shirt? Gym shark tank top maybe? Fucking dick riding faggot. It’s like you have stockholm syndrome. So happy to get ANYTHING in the mail you don’t care if it takes a month or has floaters or loose caps. No cares in the world
I think it's obvious nobody cares what you have to say. Sure, my t/a times suck for some, but it's only a fraction of my orders. A vast majority are decent t/a times and trouble free. It may seem like a lot of complaints, but that's because I do so much more business than any other domestic sources. But that being said I like how you talk good about other sources that have had plenty of issues and then come over here and with no personal experience bash me. No, you certainly don't sound like a shill at all. For your information I have a great number of the most respected vets as customers. They just don't post because they're tired of dealing with some little kids. But you keep bashing away all you want, but just know it's making you look bad, not me. I mean considering you're in the club with the members everyone laughs off and I'm in the club of the top, longest standing and most respected sources in the country. And to those that have a long t/a time or the few spinning caps or whatever they keep coming back because I do my best to make them happy. No source is without issues, but the good sources take care of those issues best they can.
I think it's obvious nobody cares what you have to say. Sure, my t/a times suck for some, but it's only a fraction of my orders. A vast majority are decent t/a times and trouble free. It may seem like a lot of complaints, but that's because I do so much more business than any other domestic sources. But that being said I like how you talk good about other sources that have had plenty of issues and then come over here and with no personal experience bash me. No, you certainly don't sound like a shill at all. For your information I have a great number of the most respected vets as customers. They just don't post because they're tired of dealing with some little kids. But you keep bashing away all you want, but just know it's making you look bad, not me. I mean considering you're in the club with the members everyone laughs off and I'm in the club of the top, longest standing and most respected sources in the country. And to those that have a long t/a time or the few spinning caps or whatever they keep coming back because I do my best to make them happy. No source is without issues, but the good sources take care of those issues best they can.
I don’t think you understand what “shill” means. I speak good of other sources when I pay for something and receive it in an reasonable timeframe. You currently are the only domestic source on this forum with as many issues. And I have ordered from you and was extremely unhappy with the 17 day TA domestically. That screams “ME FIRST GIVE ME MONEY AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU GET WHEN I GET TO IT”. Your opsec is bad, TA is bad, your products are bad, your personality is even worse.

What I found interesting is when I emailed you asking what was taking so long you asked what forum I’m from and to PM you on meso (presumably to link my username to my personal information I gave you for shipping), That speaks volumes of your terrible opsec and true intent. I would not at all be surprised when the feds pinch you that you give all that information on forum members up in exchange for something. Especially since, By your own admission you serve most of the OGs and long time members.

You’re a piece of shit to put it lightly
I don’t think you understand what “shill” means. I speak good of other sources when I pay for something and receive it in an reasonable timeframe. You currently are the only domestic source on this forum with as many issues. And I have ordered from you and was extremely unhappy with the 17 day TA domestically. That screams “ME FIRST GIVE ME MONEY AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU GET WHEN I GET TO IT”. Your opsec is bad, TA is bad, your products are bad, your personality is even worse.

What I found interesting is when I emailed you asking what was taking so long you asked what forum I’m from and to PM you on meso (presumably to link my username to my personal information I gave you for shipping), That speaks volumes of your terrible opsec and true intent. I would not at all be surprised when the feds pinch you that you give all that information on forum members up in exchange for something. Especially since, By your own admission you serve most of the OGs and long time members.

You’re a piece of shit to put it lightly
I don't answer emails usually so I have no idea why I would ask you in an email to pm me. That makes no sense at all. My products are tested and definitely good so another lie. And what does asking for email in a pm to help a customer have to do with opsec? That's retarded. Unless your using an unsecure email which shame on you for being foolish. That would have nothing to do with opsec. Just nothing you mention makes sense or rings as true. I don't think you know what opsec is or means. That or you are on the payroll and it's your job to try and bring me down. It ain't gonna happen.
I don’t think you understand what “shill” means. I speak good of other sources when I pay for something and receive it in an reasonable timeframe. You currently are the only domestic source on this forum with as many issues. And I have ordered from you and was extremely unhappy with the 17 day TA domestically. That screams “ME FIRST GIVE ME MONEY AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU GET WHEN I GET TO IT”. Your opsec is bad, TA is bad, your products are bad, your personality is even worse.

What I found interesting is when I emailed you asking what was taking so long you asked what forum I’m from and to PM you on meso (presumably to link my username to my personal information I gave you for shipping), That speaks volumes of your terrible opsec and true intent. I would not at all be surprised when the feds pinch you that you give all that information on forum members up in exchange for something. Especially since, By your own admission you serve most of the OGs and long time members.

You’re a piece of shit to put it lightly
Your the same guy praising Chinese guys who send you packages internationally with broken oils spilling out. Who you kidding man your a joke. If you need anything about LE at all by the way you would know they want nothing to do with your basement dwelling 2 bottles of test having ass. Probably got 5 inch fingernails with dirt underneath
Your the same guy praising Chinese guys who send you packages internationally with broken oils spilling out. Who you kidding man your a joke. If you need anything about LE at all by the way you would know they want nothing to do with your basement dwelling 2 bottles of test having ass. Probably got 5 inch fingernails with dirt underneath
Yet somehow he can get me a package from another country faster than Stan 3 states away. Wild right?
I don’t think you understand what “shill” means. I speak good of other sources when I pay for something and receive it in an reasonable timeframe. You currently are the only domestic source on this forum with as many issues. And I have ordered from you and was extremely unhappy with the 17 day TA domestically. That screams “ME FIRST GIVE ME MONEY AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU GET WHEN I GET TO IT”. Your opsec is bad, TA is bad, your products are bad, your personality is even worse.

What I found interesting is when I emailed you asking what was taking so long you asked what forum I’m from and to PM you on meso (presumably to link my username to my personal information I gave you for shipping), That speaks volumes of your terrible opsec and true intent. I would not at all be surprised when the feds pinch you that you give all that information on forum members up in exchange for something. Especially since, By your own admission you serve most of the OGs and long time members.

You’re a piece of shit to put it lightly
Fuck man, you’re an idiot. I grabbed from a lot of sources on here and Stan’s stuff is by far the best.
@Stanfordpharma1 are you taking orders again any time soon? Kicking myself for not grabbing more primo & some other things


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