I think it's obvious nobody cares what you have to say. Sure, my t/a times suck for some, but it's only a fraction of my orders. A vast majority are decent t/a times and trouble free. It may seem like a lot of complaints, but that's because I do so much more business than any other domestic sources. But that being said I like how you talk good about other sources that have had plenty of issues and then come over here and with no personal experience bash me. No, you certainly don't sound like a shill at all. For your information I have a great number of the most respected vets as customers. They just don't post because they're tired of dealing with some little kids. But you keep bashing away all you want, but just know it's making you look bad, not me. I mean considering you're in the club with the members everyone laughs off and I'm in the club of the top, longest standing and most respected sources in the country. And to those that have a long t/a time or the few spinning caps or whatever they keep coming back because I do my best to make them happy. No source is without issues, but the good sources take care of those issues best they can.