used the halo before bjj today, most potent mg/mg feelz wise of the 4 sources I've used recently. Strength, aggression, focus through the roof. May have to lower my standard dosage because I cramped up at work after from the drying effect.
New here but after reading way more of this thread than I should have, this seems like one of the few decent US domestic sources. The occasional corrected error and all but the transparent communication is dope to see. The $400 limit isn't even bad. The clinic I get my test from would charge that for 2000mg/10ml of testc, 1000mg/5ml of nandrolone, and 10 50mg oxandrolone tablets.

I don't know much yet but this seems decent. Following to see what's up.
For all those awaiting packs. Still no pack for me from the 18th however cudos to Stan for reaching out.. I had asked someone here when they ordered to gauge deliveries etc…. And Stan pm’d me directly if I was awaiting an order and he looked into it to rectify,.. that’s pretty top notch in my book
For all those awaiting packs. Still no pack for me from the 18th however cudos to Stan for reaching out.. I had asked someone here when they ordered to gauge deliveries etc…. And Stan pm’d me directly if I was awaiting an order and he looked into it to rectify,.. that’s pretty top notch in my book
Wow how nice of him to say he’s going to mail you what you paid for a month ago. Man he seems like a stand up guy who really cares about his customers
Wow how nice of him to say he’s going to mail you what you paid for a month ago. Man he seems like a stand up guy who really cares about his customers
Wow how nice r u to reply with ur sarcastic remarks… it’s too bad we can’t have the natural resources back that were wasted on your entire existence… so many better uses for it
$400 min and your TA will still be a joke. Notice how all your customers are noob first time buyers. No one with half a brain would order from you. Keep making excuses you sack of shit

I order from Stan. I’d say a form member for less than a year makes you a noob. I’d rather pay 2,000$ and wait a month to not get infections.
Who has ran Stans MENT?

Currently starting 30mg prop, 30mg Mast P, 15mg MENT
Daily pins.

6’4 235 10%
Hopefully can put some size on
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