I'll take more orders Monday. You don't need to order at 12:00:01, lol. I'll stay open at least for the day. Just got a lot of things to take care of this weekend.
a lab from ultatest for a CBC is 13 dollars. a hematocrit alone is 19.

If we are on anabolics we should get a CMP/lipid panel. there are alot of acute changes that can happen with these AAS.

The labs can cost about 100 dollars with an online lab ordering system. it isnt as big of a deal or should be.
If that’s true, then obviously you’d be idiotic to not go for the CBC, but I’m going to let you in on a secret - they jack the hell out of the prices of the simpler labs so that you’ll not only buy the more complete lab sets, but you’ll also think you’re getting some DEAL out of it. In reality they’re just playing marketing tricks on people. Also, some facilities might use the same reagent and equipment to run a test like hematocrit that is also used to run a CBC, so they will change pricing for that reason, as well. However, if you go to a large testing facility where they have the more efficient machines that can run a hematocrit for 50 cents, then a hematocrit is all you need from the CBC.

As I said, a CMP and Lipid panel are great for baseline labs, but you DO NOT need to run these routinely and I would challenge you to show me a logical reason as to why you would need these labs more than once a year, outside of obvious and extenuating circumstances.

Additionally, I would love to know what acute problems you are referring to in which a CMP and lipid panel would be of absolute necessity and in which you wouldn’t be hospitalized already? There are very very few truly acute changes pertaining to AAS usage and for most of these you’ll need actual imaging studies and not blood work.

Then just dont get your test checked. But saying a lipid test only needs to be done once per year, is a bit lax imo.

Bloods should be taken every 8-12wks especially for 99% of the members reading this who most likely have never done a cycle before and are experimenting with compounds that will most definitely get em twisted if not monitored appropriately.

No disrespect, but please don’t offer anymore medical advice on these forums. The fact that you’d even mention forgoing a testosterone test, but still enable people to get lipid panels is just criminal and it speaks to the ignorance of medical training. If you want to get a lipid panel, then do it…YEARLY. If your lipids are changing so acutely as to cause you problems, you need a genetic panel and extensive family history, and that’s the beginning of your problems.

You’re right about a few things. Most of the members on here are first-timers or at least counted as newcomers to the area. As this forum has stated countless times, no one should endorse another person to start on AAS without proper knowledge and planning, as well as experience in the gym and baseline health screening prior to starting.

I am very curious to know which blood tests you think should be taken every 8-12 weeks, which specific lab results on those tests are of value for that frequency, and which reasonable pathology are you testing for? You realize that most cycles last between 6-16 weeks? Also, in which scenarios would I need to check my lipids that often, which lipid profile are you concerned for, what symptoms should prompt me to get this panel, and how high is “too high”?

I’m not trying to be a dick, but some of the things I see passed along and propagated on these forums is pure ludicrous and baseless. I wouldn’t recommend anyone try to manage their own health and routine labs, because you’re not going to know wtf to do with the labs once you get them. Labs pertaining to testosterone levels are understandable, but if you are doing other labs, at least have them sent to your PCP so they can interpret them for you. I assure you it is much safer that way. Thanks!
If that’s true, then obviously you’d be idiotic to not go for the CBC, but I’m going to let you in on a secret - they jack the hell out of the prices of the simpler labs so that you’ll not only buy the more complete lab sets, but you’ll also think you’re getting some DEAL out of it. In reality they’re just playing marketing tricks on people. Also, some facilities might use the same reagent and equipment to run a test like hematocrit that is also used to run a CBC, so they will change pricing for that reason, as well. However, if you go to a large testing facility where they have the more efficient machines that can run a hematocrit for 50 cents, then a hematocrit is all you need from the CBC.

As I said, a CMP and Lipid panel are great for baseline labs, but you DO NOT need to run these routinely and I would challenge you to show me a logical reason as to why you would need these labs more than once a year, outside of obvious and extenuating circumstances.

Additionally, I would love to know what acute problems you are referring to in which a CMP and lipid panel would be of absolute necessity and in which you wouldn’t be hospitalized already? There are very very few truly acute changes pertaining to AAS usage and for most of these you’ll need actual imaging studies and not blood work.

No disrespect, but please don’t offer anymore medical advice on these forums. The fact that you’d even mention forgoing a testosterone test, but still enable people to get lipid panels is just criminal and it speaks to the ignorance of medical training. If you want to get a lipid panel, then do it…YEARLY. If your lipids are changing so acutely as to cause you problems, you need a genetic panel and extensive family history, and that’s the beginning of your problems.

You’re right about a few things. Most of the members on here are first-timers or at least counted as newcomers to the area. As this forum has stated countless times, no one should endorse another person to start on AAS without proper knowledge and planning, as well as experience in the gym and baseline health screening prior to starting.

I am very curious to know which blood tests you think should be taken every 8-12 weeks, which specific lab results on those tests are of value for that frequency, and which reasonable pathology are you testing for? You realize that most cycles last between 6-16 weeks? Also, in which scenarios would I need to check my lipids that often, which lipid profile are you concerned for, what symptoms should prompt me to get this panel, and how high is “too high”?

I’m not trying to be a dick, but some of the things I see passed along and propagated on these forums is pure ludicrous and baseless. I wouldn’t recommend anyone try to manage their own health and routine labs, because you’re not going to know wtf to do with the labs once you get them. Labs pertaining to testosterone levels are understandable, but if you are doing other labs, at least have them sent to your PCP so they can interpret them for you. I assure you it is much safer that way. Thanks!
I understand where you are coming from but with AAS, especially orals. Would you not disagree that monitoring liver and kidney values would be beneficial to see how your body reacts? Especially in larger doses.

Some people like myself won't have any elevation, some others may have ast/alt in triple digits.

I believe that if we did have an abnormal liver function that many of us would abandon the cycle as the first route of action. Or atleast the orals and recheck in a few weeks.

As you would know there are some drugs that may agree with us more than others and atleast it would give us an idea if we should stay away. Markers from tren, boldenone, and the orals are the first that would come to mind.

Side note: also have a unique reaction to testosterone that results in an elevated platelets count over hemoglobin. I probably do need to get a soluble transferring receptor test but I am hesitant to drop the money for it/report it to my PCP right now.
This shit is getting old.
the past few posts of people having issues are people who literally made their account this this month and only have one post. Its a little weird. its still possible, one of my first orders here on meso was with stan but his T/A then was about 4-5 days
I recently discovered this community and definitely will be a more active member. Apologies if my first post came across as dismissive. Looking forward to talking with y'all more.
If that’s true, then obviously you’d be idiotic to not go for the CBC, but I’m going to let you in on a secret - they jack the hell out of the prices of the simpler labs so that you’ll not only buy the more complete lab sets, but you’ll also think you’re getting some DEAL out of it. In reality they’re just playing marketing tricks on people. Also, some facilities might use the same reagent and equipment to run a test like hematocrit that is also used to run a CBC, so they will change pricing for that reason, as well. However, if you go to a large testing facility where they have the more efficient machines that can run a hematocrit for 50 cents, then a hematocrit is all you need from the CBC.

As I said, a CMP and Lipid panel are great for baseline labs, but you DO NOT need to run these routinely and I would challenge you to show me a logical reason as to why you would need these labs more than once a year, outside of obvious and extenuating circumstances.

Additionally, I would love to know what acute problems you are referring to in which a CMP and lipid panel would be of absolute necessity and in which you wouldn’t be hospitalized already? There are very very few truly acute changes pertaining to AAS usage and for most of these you’ll need actual imaging studies and not blood work.

No disrespect, but please don’t offer anymore medical advice on these forums. The fact that you’d even mention forgoing a testosterone test, but still enable people to get lipid panels is just criminal and it speaks to the ignorance of medical training. If you want to get a lipid panel, then do it…YEARLY. If your lipids are changing so acutely as to cause you problems, you need a genetic panel and extensive family history, and that’s the beginning of your problems.

You’re right about a few things. Most of the members on here are first-timers or at least counted as newcomers to the area. As this forum has stated countless times, no one should endorse another person to start on AAS without proper knowledge and planning, as well as experience in the gym and baseline health screening prior to starting.

I am very curious to know which blood tests you think should be taken every 8-12 weeks, which specific lab results on those tests are of value for that frequency, and which reasonable pathology are you testing for? You realize that most cycles last between 6-16 weeks? Also, in which scenarios would I need to check my lipids that often, which lipid profile are you concerned for, what symptoms should prompt me to get this panel, and how high is “too high”?

I’m not trying to be a dick, but some of the things I see passed along and propagated on these forums is pure ludicrous and baseless. I wouldn’t recommend anyone try to manage their own health and routine labs, because you’re not going to know wtf to do with the labs once you get them. Labs pertaining to testosterone levels are understandable, but if you are doing other labs, at least have them sent to your PCP so they can interpret them for you. I assure you it is much safer that way. Thanks!
That was a typo, it meant to say then dont get just your test checked, as in get all major markers checked as regularly as economically viable.

Also you are a dick, and have a very finite scope of what people should and shouldnt do in the most general sense, which i imagine comes from those 2 letters you write after your name.

Telling people to get regular panels and lipids more than once per year is hardly medical and this is an open forum so i'll kindly post whatever the fuck i want and i encourage you to keep being a cunt.
Telling people to get regular panels and lipids more than once per year is hardly medical and this is an open forum so i'll kindly post whatever the fuck i want and i encourage you to keep being a cunt.
I guess the thing that throws me off is the fact that we are on orals that will alter cholesterol/lipids/liver function.

Doctors who prescribe therapy that is hard on kidneys/liver would monitor these values regularly... So that statement from him is a little odd to me.

We are taking things that can cause acute changes.
I guess the thing that throws me off is the fact that we are on orals that will alter cholesterol/lipids/liver function.

Doctors who prescribe therapy that is hard on kidneys/liver would monitor these values regularly... So that statement from him is a little odd to me.

We are taking things that can cause acute changes.
exactly, and then throw in the majority of members who dont follow a prescribed diet with detailed macros and micros, potentially abuse other substances or are unaware of peripheral prescription counterindications and it becomes the most detrimental practice you could recommend.

From a fucking physician.
I placed an order with confirmation on June 4th. Is there a confirmation email, and how long does it typically take to receive the items?
I received my recent order 3 weeks to the day from when I ordered. Others a few pages back on this thread were getting theirs in about 2 weeks recently.